Best concealed-hammer .38 special revolvers

Yes S&W makes the best ones.

All versions of the Centennial in either .38 or .357 magnum.

I have the 642, 640, and 640-1 (.357 magnum.)

Best snubs on the market (but I admit my Ruger SP101 DAO isn't bad either.)

Find ye a...

...S&W 342, because it's very light (10.9 oz.). .38 +P rated is adequate, because I can't imagine using .357 loads in such a gun, even in one rated for it, so why carry the extra weight...? The Centennial concealed hammer is better than the Bodyguard shrouded one, because it's a belly-gun and I don't think you'll need SA in real life with it. All alloy, so no rust issues. The trade off is that it's a gun meant to be carried a lot, fired very little, because it is punishing to shoot.

All in all, a very specialized little pistol that slips right into a pocket holster, and gives you five shots of Gold-Dot...
With the correct grips, the 642 is not an awful gun to shoot. The rubber factory grips handle much of the recoil, but are a bit 'sticky' for pocket carry. The Hogue mono grip probably makes it feel like a full sized gun, but mostly eliminates the ability to pocket carry. The best solution I have found is a set of magna grips (still being sold by s&w) and a t-grip (still being sold at gives you reasonable shooting comfort, good recoil management, and decent control. This is my pocket carry solution, which is the whole point of this gun.

The Smith Centennial series are all great guns. The Airweights and even lighter versions are not fun for most people to shoot much with .38 Special +P. Many experienced shooters say that .357 Magnum in a 14 ounce gun is quite painful.

I have severely arthritic hands, so my EDC for over twelve years has been an all-steel .38 Special +P Model 640 no-dash. Only weighs 21 ounces, not burdensome to carry, easy to conceal and comfortable to shoot. I don't feel under-protected with it loaded with +P ammo.

Many people suggest practicing with a steel gun and carrying the Airweight. Nice idea, but not one I can afford in my old age. It does make a lot of sense.
My favorites are the D-frame Colt snubbies (Detective Special, Cobra and Agent) equipped with the removeable hammer shroud accessory.
Old Standard

I like the S&W Model 40-1 -it has no Hillary Hole and is +P rated-I ahd an old Model 40 decades ago and liked that one also