Best Competition 9mm under $2K

Thanks to everyone for all your inputs, I have taken a look at everything recommended, read aticles and watched more videos then I can count. Based on everything, my plan is to purchase the CZ TSO, I think it is the best fit for what I am looking for. Thanks again!
A DA/SA from Tanfoglio or CZ will work for most any dicpline. Add a .40 cal to it and expand your competitive advantage IMO. A coned bbl I think is not allowed in IDPA.
so paraphrasing - whats the "best < 2K 9mm competition pistol.. I'm thinking about the TSO, and I may compete, but afraid it may ruin the fun"

let me answer this from a few different approaches -

USPSA is a hoot - you meet people, socialize and shoot. If done properly you find a group, make new friends, carpool some, and shoot as a group - helping each other, pushing each other, maybe go grab some tacos afterwards while waiting on the scores to come in. Its the people you shoot with and against that makes it fun.. and keeps it fun.

There is a app and website called practiscore that most IDPA, Steel Challenge and USPSA match directors use to post and advertise their events, allow shooters to register, squad together, and later post scores.. as a prospective gun buyer who is interested in competition I would suggest registering on the website, search for scores for recent matches in your area, and see what is popular in recent history. Then search for upcoming matches in your area... (note - many matches are only posted a week ahead of time - so the real picture of whats happening is in the scores of past matches) - as an example there are amazing single stack 9mm, 40 and 45 pistols that are fun to shoot, but very few single stack shooters that compete in uspsa - and nearly 0 that are near entry level.

Once you start competing the stand and shoot groups thing seems like a waste of ammo - apart from dialing in springs / powder load. Go to practiscore and pull up some older events and look for trends.. example being many uspsa shooters are moving to carry optics - which if appealing would impact what gun (future host) you pick.. Each type of competition has its favorites for good reasons. From there do some homework. Also look for ranges that host that format in driving range.. pull scores and notice how many names repeat at different ranges in your area. These guys and gals shoot every weekend - rain or shine - all year - every year.

If you are competitive there is nothing like adding a clock, 80 competitors, 20 spectators, lots of shooting on the move, and very challenging stages to get the physical and mental juices going.. it is SO addictive.

Back to the 9mm question..

The shadow 2 is an incredible gun for the money.. very durable, great capacity, good for lots of divisions, and a great carry-optics host.

The TSO 9mm is a bit better for limited minor - and convertible to limited major (40sw). If you compete you will end up reloading your own, and the 40 vs 9 thing becomes trivial.. but the host pistol being convertible matters. But the TSO is not carry optics or production legal. If you really love iron sights and hosing like a mad man this is a great choice. I own 2 and run them hard every weekend. probably the most reliable 40sw ever made. Save the 9mm upper for steel matches / outlaw. The TSO is drilled for a frame mounted optic.. suitable for outlaw, and steel matches.

I don't think anyone mentioned the CZ Bull Shadow.. granted it is not all the popular and a bit $$ .. but I does things the shadow 2 does but IMO in a bit more refined way. The conical bull barrel really helps me keep track of the front sight sight.

And then the Sig X-five legion.. One my my teammates just bought 3 for carry optics - after retiring 3 of his Atlas Nemesis 2011s - and absolutely loves his. It is definitely the hot kid on the block for carry optics.

And production is stupid for new competitors. It adds significant complexity to a game that already has a very steep learning curve. I wouldn't worry about it. By the time you are ready for adding more challenge to the game your first gun purchase wont matter much.

hope this helps.. PS: just jump it - thank me later.
after retiring 3 of his Atlas Nemesis 2011s - and absolutely loves his. It is definitely the hot kid on the block for carry optics.

Why did he stop using the Nemesis? (Pl: Nemesi?)
For that sort of coin, I’d shoot the snot out of them? Any issues or reason?
the darkside overcame him as he turned to the dot.. first a chaos, then he tried the sig x-five legion with 3XL optic.. and fell in love. easier to shoot than irons, cheaper to shoot than 40, inexpensive guns to have 3 of.. (and he is right - u need 3) and fun.