Best cheap range ammo 9mm

I like Blazer Brass 124 grain FMJ. Ive shot many thousands of this stuff in 9mm and 45, and I have never had a problem
If you're not into boycotting Walmart(some are, and I don't blame them) they have federal and Winchester brass 100 round boxes for under $20, federal aluminum case for a little less than the brass, and Winchester USA forged (steel case) for $22.50/150 rounds. They have the best non bulk 9mm target ammo prices anywhere around me.
I don't stockpile or buy in bulk. So, the Walmart options work for me.
rpenmanparker said:
MandolinMan said:
Provided your pistol functions reliably with it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with modern steel or aluminum case ammo. In fact, I can't recall experiencing a single malfunction with it. I'm finding Tula 9mm at my local Wally World for $7.76 for 50.
Except most indoor ranges forbid it.
I've heard of ranges prohibiting steel core ammo, but I don't think I've ever heard of one prohibiting steel or aluminum cased ammo.
+1 what rpenmanparker said.
Except most indoor ranges forbid it.

ALL of the ranges by me (South Florida) do not allow for steel cased ammo.
I'm not quit sure why that is exactly and I never asked.
However they (gun ranges) always ask me, "What are you shooting today?"
I tell them Brass and they say good.
If that is not what they are talking about they would say, No, we don't care about the casing just if it's ...steel core ammo.
Trust me down here it's ALL about what ends up on the floor not down the range.
I could take a picture of their sign next time i'm there.

Maybe they pick up all of the old Brass casings to sell or reload and don't want to pick out the steel casings.

Also look out for ammo sales!
You just missed a BIG one from Federal for their "American Eagle"
25% off per box or bulk sale.
I bought 2,500 rounds of American Eagle 124g FMJ $500.00 (free shipping)
I received $125.00 in rebate checks.
So, do the math, that's 2,500 rounds for $375.00
That comes out to $7.50 per box of 50 / 15 cents per round.
That's the numbers I like going to the range on.
If I shoot 300 rounds that's $45.00 + Range cost: $15.00 = $60.00 day!
That's my hobby and Enjoyment!
Less than Golf and more than Bowling (depending on how much you eat & drink..LOL)
And neither one Could Save your Life..Well maybe a Golf Club or you could throw a bowling ball at your assailant!
LOL / ROFL Sometimes I knock myself out!

Before that Remington "Green" box was on sale.
What big ammo sale will it be for this year I don't know.
The Federal Ammo promotion ran from July to December 31st. of last year!
I'm good to go for awhile but I always keep my eyes open.
Lastly when a sale occurs it is usually shouted from the rooftops, somewhere in here!

Mackie244 / Bud
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+1 what rpenmanparker said.

ALL of the ranges by me (South Florida) do not allow for steel cased ammo.
I'm not quit sure why that is exactly and I never asked.
However they (gun ranges) always ask me, "What are you shooting today?"
I tell them Brass and they say good.
If that is not what they are talking about they would say, No, we don't care about the casing just if it's ...steel core ammo.
Trust me down here it's ALL about what ends up on the floor not down the range.
I could take a picture of their sign next time i'm there.

Maybe they pick up all of the old Brass casings to sell or reload and don't want to pick out the steel casings.

Also look out for ammo sales!
You just missed a BIG one from Federal for their "American Eagle"
25% off per box or bulk sale.
I bought 2,500 rounds of American Eagle 124g FMJ $500.00 (free shipping)
I received $125.00 in rebate checks.
So, do the math, that's 2,500 rounds for $375.00
That comes out to $7.50 per box of 50 / 15 cents per round.
That's the numbers I like going to the range on.
If I shoot 300 rounds that's $45.00 + Range cost: $15.00 = $60.00 day!
That's my hobby and Enjoyment!
Less than Golf and more than Bowling (depending on how much you eat & drink..LOL)
And neither one Could Save your Life..Well maybe a Golf Club or you could throw a bowling ball at your assailant!
LOL / ROFL Sometimes I knock myself out!

Before that Remington "Green" box was on sale.
What big ammo sale will it be for this year I don't know.
The Federal Ammo promotion ran from July to December 31st. of last year!
I'm good to go for awhile but I always keep my eyes open.
Lastly when a sale occurs it is usually shouted from the rooftops, somewhere in here!

Mackie244 / Bud
I usually go to Gun World over in Deerfield Beach and a range up here in Delray. Do you know of any south east Florida outdoor ranges? They were talking about building something in the Loxahatchee area. Not sure what happened to that project.
I've heard of ranges prohibiting steel core ammo, but I don't think I've ever heard of one prohibiting steel or aluminum cased ammo.
No, in Houston essentially all the indoor ranges forbid steel and aluminum cased ammo. I can't say much about the outdoor ranges. I'm pretty sure they want to maximize the amount of brass they collect and minimize their labor separating it from steel and aluminum. If it were only steel as the contaminant, then a magnetic separator would do the trick. With aluminum also, things are a little stickier.
KLCane said,
I usually go to Gun World over in Deerfield Beach

I was on Powerline heading South yesterday and I drove by Gun World..
I made a quick U turn and stopped in.
Small place and in the back guys were sitting on a couch talking and looking through a big window into the range.
I asked if they had a P365 and they said No but that they are asked that all the time.
I live South of Gun World close to Nexus, (where I bought my P320 Compact RX) Shoot Straight and Weston Arms off SR 84.

Markham Park is a outdoor range where BSO and most of the local LE go.

Next Southern Outdoor range is Trail Glades Range in Miami

Palm Beach County Shooting Sports Park
Near the entrance of JW Corbett Wildlife Management Area
This IS the latest and Greatest Outdoor Range that will be located in West Palm Beach.
It should be really nice!
Here is their Website:

Small world.

Mackie244 / Bud
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Well, then I stand corrected, and I thank you both. All I can guess is that the ranges near you folks want to restrict firing to brass for resale purposes, or something along those lines. Around here, nobody has ever asked what I'm shooting.
Blazer brass, federal aluminum, and Remington green box (a little more expensive but still reasonable) have all worked great for me.
I've been told by several range owners that steel core ammo reduces the lifespan of their backstops, and they need to recycle (or whatever the right term is) the material more frequently.

I have heard of ranges prohibiting steel CASED ammo but I don't know the reason...perhaps they associate steel cases with steel core bullets and figure the people buying the ammo don't know the difference, so they just ban all of it.

If your preferred range has no rule against it, it's usually the cheapest thing going.

I've run Winchester's steel cased ammo...probably 300 rounds through my CZ and 100 through my Walther. I had 4 or 5 FTE malfunctions in the Walther, the only such malfunctions I've ever had in nearly 1000 rounds. I attribute it to the steel cases. The delta between steel and aluminum in price is so slight that I usually just run aluminum if I'm not buying bulk.

I've run at least 1000 rounds over the last 2 years of Aluminum in 4 different guns and have never had a single issue. Walmart near me is selling boxes of 100 rounds of Federal Aluminum for about $17.50. By the time you factor in shipping from most online retailers, that's down in the range (or lower) of factory reloads.
I often get bulk ammo through Outdoor Limited. Their shipping is fast and not too expensive, and their service is good. They nearly always have a sale on something.

If you can get it, try out the remanufactured "Blue Coat" ammo from a brand called Minuteman Munitions. It worked out to around 16 cents/round after shipping when I ordered 2K rounds. I'm about 3/4 through without a single issue in any gun I've used. It uses polymer coated blue bullets.
Winchester 200 round range / value pack 115gr fmj brass cased $37 at WALMART

FEDERAL 100 round value pack 115gr fmj brass cased $18.96 a box

I prefer brass cased, but I sometimes buy aluminum

no use to shoot the steel cased ammo unless you want to test your gun to see how well it shoots steel cased, I only used a hundred rds to test function, my G19 functioned with anything I tried

If your going to try steel cased buy some Winchester Forged 9mm ammo for testing

the bullets are copper jacketed