I don't know what my transfer dealer put in his book, but when I got a lower with a pre-installed pistol buffer transferred in two months ago, the dealer told me that because it's pistol it would be illegal if I ever put a long barrel on it.Second, you can't buy a new receiver as a handgun or a rifle (or anything else for that matter); it's simply a "receiver". A dealer doesn't get to put whatever he wants on the 4473 as far as the firearm type, and he can't base it on the buyer's future plans for the firearm build. No, the dealer has to sell the firearm as it actually is. A new receiver is simply a receiver. It can't be sold as a pistol or a rifle, even if the receiver has a stock on it. So if you're buying the receiver and the dealer puts anything other than "receiver" on the 4473, he's wrong and he somehow missed the open ATF letter from 2009:
I decided to not even argue with that logic.