To meet all of the requirements ("most traditional, best-made, all-American production 1911 on the market today") in a PRODUCTION 1911, the gun has to:
1. Be series 70 (traditional)
2. Have fixed sights (traditional)
3. Have a barrel bushing (traditional)
4. Not have an extended beaver tail (traditional)
5. Spur hammer. (traditional)
6. Have a steel frame / slide with a blued finish (traditional)
7. Be .45 caliber (traditional)
8. Have a 5-inch barrel / slide (traditional)
9. Single left-side safety lever. (traditional)
10. Standard grip safety without bump. (traditional)
It seems rather obvious that the most traditional production 1911 from an American manufacturer would be the Colt Series 70 Model O1970A1CS. It has all of the traditional features listed, and is made by the original 1911 manufacturer.
Colt's current quality is the best they've made in years - but, is that good enough for your idea of what is encompassed within the word "best"?
So the real question you need to answer is - what exactly does "best" mean within the context of your question?