Best .30-06 Factory Load for Deer?

When (about 20 yrs ago) before I started reloading the 30-06 it was Remington 150 grain Core Loks were my choice. Rifle liked them and they flat out worked. Now I shoot 165 grain Hornady SSTs (Handloads).
Federal premium 165 Sierra BT Game King is a great round, but really the 30-06 is such a popular caliber that you can't really go wrong with most factory rounds. The 165's work well in the 7600 and model 70.
Its really hard to find a 06 load that wont perform well on deer. My pick of factory loads? Winchester Supreme 168 ballistic silvertip.
150 grain expanding will do. Your choice. Unless things have changed recently, deer are not armored. I don't shoot factory ammo because I reload, but I really don't see why you need to spend a lot of $$ on special ammo when some Remington core-lok't will do. I wonder how many deer have been harvested with the core-lok't and the old silvertips over the years? Sometimes, it it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Any top tier 150 gr is an ideal load for whitetail in that caliber, although I learned to favor Nosler ballistic tips after having great experiences with them for my 8mm (180 gr). :D
For factory yep I don't think you beat a 150 core lok. I used to use them and they're great for the money. Last 20 years been reloading for 30-06 and load the 165 grain Hornady SSTs. Awesome plus you can tweak till you get a ragged hole instead if 3/4".