Best 12gague with a pistol grip for home defence.

Find the local gun shop that handles police tradeins and get a used 870 with 18" bbl. Most cruiser guns get shot very little, they do get dinged up which affect the value a bit.

There's tons of old threads here about why PGs on shotguns are egregious, I suggest you read up on them before you make a possibly tragic mistake.
If you don't mind jumping through a couple of hoops...

Best with a pistol grip?

From what I have been read & told, there aren't any - meaning your better off with a full length synthetic stock, especially in a 12 gauge. I guess in a 410 & maybe a 20 gauge the pistol grip might not be a bad alternative, but recoil of a 12 is said to be vicious when set up this way.
I fired hundreds/thousands of rounds of 00 from PG shotguns because I had to.As an instructor, I had to teach hundreds of rookies to shoot, and MD DOC, in its infinite wisdom, decreed that they had to be able to shoot from the hip like John Wayne.

As an instructor,I had to qualify and score over 90% to keep my certification. I did,but it took more work to get the hits.Many rookies had trouble qualifying with the shotgun, and scores from the hip were much lower even with troops used to shotgunning.

After all that training and practice, if I ever have to use my shotgun in a crisis, it will be fired from the shoulder and have a standard stock.
The sights will be used at anything over contact distance.

OTOH, if some enemy is coming after me with a shotgun, I fervently hope his has a PG.

Nuff said....
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Many folks think that in a home defence situation, a shotgun is best because it doesn't require precise aiming.

Wrong.......think of a 12 ga shotgun as a .73 cal rifle. Even shooting from the hip, which takes a lot of practice to do well, a full stock is quicker and more accurate for most people.

The neophyte would do well to heed Dave's words. When one with his long experience with pistol grip shotguns says they are difficult to use effectively, take that as sage advice.

The advantage of a shotgun for close up defence is the very high probability of gettin the job done with one well placed shot. And a low probability of takin out a neighbor or two with that shot. can't stop em with a cannon if you can't hit em.
Dave McC: Great advice. I picked up a PD trade-in today at a local shop. It is a Rem 870 with an 18" barrel and a mag extension. It isn't real pretty, but it was $119. Awesome! Unfortunately the NICS was down. Hope to pick it up tomorrow.

Don't get a PG. I know it looks really "badass" but you're not going to hit much if the SHTF.

In practical usage, firing a shotgun with a shoulder stock takes up the same (or less) forward space than one fired using a PG. After trying to shoot it off your hip & one handed, you're going to start holding that "sucker" as far out as possible to absorb recoil.
Now hang on....

Are we talking about a PG-only configuration or a PG-and-full-stock? If its the latter, fine. My PD is about to go to that. I'm not really thrilled (I prefer standard stock only), but I'll make do.

PG-only weapons are best left to the actors and special effects guys. If you don't believe me, try it yourself:

Take one short little bad-ass PG shotgun and a few boxes of 00 buck out to the range.

Shoot all the ammo.

When you are able to type again, tell us how it felt. ;)

Don't have a coronary,Coroneach(G). Full stocks with PGs work, PGs only do not,IMO. While I see little advantage to a full stock w/ PG, I see little wrong. Personal choice, or in this case, dept fiat.

Atticus, is that shop anyplace close to Md? For $119, I'd be there waving plastic in a heartbeat.

PD tradeins are golden opportunities. Most have been carried a lot and shot little. The Arlington, Va cruiser gun that's now my Deer 870 looked brand new inside, and my smith buddy stated it might never have been fired. I picked up a rifle sighted slug bbl for ,IIRC,$10 more than I sold the old bead sighted riot bbl.

An acquaintance picked up a tradein recently with Remchokes, rifle sights, sling studs and a Flextab conversion for $ 200. Wood's ugly but who cares?
Heh, in other times and other places when I used this name, my nickname was 'Coronary.' I could be a bit, uhm, strident about some things. :D

Dave McC: Central Ohio (but distance is relative I guess) I picked mine up over lunch today and can't wait to do a little "exploring".
I've never owned a Remington SG - do you really need a removal tool to remove the forend?
My Mossenberger has a pistol grip and a folding stock, which is still a compromise for the sake of handy carry & storage. I know that I'd never use it without the folding stock out and locked, can't hit beans with a pistol-gripped shotgun. The stock is folded when the shotgun is stored, but it gets extended as soon as I pick the Mossberg up.

I do like pistol grips, as they enhance the handling of a long gun for me, but I'd never go with a "PG only" configuration on a shotgun.
I have a PG only Wichester 1300 Defender. The 1300 is a very smooth operating weapon. The PG only configuration is very close to silly. I prefer PG with stock, ala M16.
Atticus, to separate the forearm wood from the metal,I use needlenose pliers, not some overpriced special tool. Insert the points in the notches and unscrew.

I wouldn't say "Strident", Mike. Just committed...
I shot my PG SG for the first time today. Four shots of 2.75" high brass was too much, but after a short brake, I shot two more, and so-on. Low brass was easy to handle though. I didn't do too bad, I was able to hit a pepsi can at 25 paces, which is further than I could shoot in my house.
Scouter, shoot that PG shotgun and one with a full stock side by side on any course of fire you like.Shoot for both time and score. A flagon of mead says that shortly thereafter, you'll be getting a full stock.

One thing about PG only shotguns. I know SWAT & HRT team members,Drug raid cops,military guys with berets,some very fit looking govt employees who do not talk about their jobs, and a whole messa folks who have seen the elephant one way or another. Darn few of them have PG only shotguns.
You can buy a police trade in at Potomac Arms Zero Prince Street, Alexandria, VA for cheap. At least you used to be able to when I lived in the area. Lotsa Ithaca pumps, 870s, etc. The stock allows the option for buttstroke, also. :D

I used to be partial to a Browning Automatic 5 with a short bbl.:cool:

Also, consider an old but well cared for double. Shorter by 6 inches for equivalent bbl length than any repeater. Commands big time respect when Mr. BG is confronted with those twin BIG holes! :eek: