Beretta PX4 Full-Size/Compact Storm Questions

I'm completely happy with it and would like to have the Compact version also.

Between this specific thread, the PX4 Compact coming up in other discussions here, and watching some YouTube videos about it recently... I'm getting the itch. It's rough because as of just a week ago, I'd been perfectly content with what I already have. Darn it!

My budget for this sort of thing tends to grow slowly but Christmas is just around the corner. If I round out my collection with a PX4 compact, I'll probably go all in with the deluxe Compact Carry edition. It would save me the trouble of swapping out the levers and give me a chance to try some of the other improvements. Of course, it will give me some new challenges too. I'm not a fan of grip decals and if the compact is more slippery than the full-size, I'll be tempted to get some custom stippling done... Darn it!
Changed mine to small decockers, turned it into a "G" model, put in Beretta "D" spring. Dropped the DA trigger pull a lot. Single a bit. It was already good.
Added Talon Grips. Good gun to great gun.
I have spent time carrying a Glock 26, but carried a PX4 Compact for several years when my kids were infants because I wanted a weapon with an external safety. It took me a few magazines to get used to the DA/SA trigger, but accuracy was fine after that. The PX4 Compact has a light perceived recoil, but I am not sure if this is due more to the rotating barrel, or just the fact that it is a heavier gun than many other 9 mm pistols.

My overall impression is that the PX4 is a high-quality, reliable firearm that can be shot very accurately with adequate practice. It has a different feel than my striker-fired 9 mm's, but I always enjoyed shooting it. However, it spends most of its time in my safe now that my kids are old enough to responsibly handle firearms.