Beretta impressions/questions

My .02

I've owned Glock and I've owned Berettas
Sold the Glock

My shooting group still shows up with G17 G19 G22 G23 G35. Everyone always wants to shoot the Berettas. Even shooting Berettas they don't practice with, they still group very well. Why???? Beretta makes an excellent handgun.

People always amaze me because they get upset about shooting 3-4" groups at 25 yards, instead of 1-2" groups. An old guy at a range once told me something that has always stuck with me.

The gun is more accurate than you are.

I completely believe that.

But hey, buy the Glock: Berettas are 1950's guns, the only reason the miltary uses them is because there were no Glocks to choose from!!

I'm not a Glock slammer, but these comments were too hilarious not to repeat. How are we supposed to respond? 60 % of LEO would rather carry Plastic??? They bought them because they are cheap??

Thanks for the comic relief!!!:D Got anymore???
Much better gun. . . So simple. The 92 is a fine weapon if you go back to 1950. The Glock really is the better gun. . . Glocks shoot. All the time. Perfect in simplicity and reliability. And although not match grade, very accurate.

Boy, that is a loaded statement if I've ever heard one. Much better gun in who's opinion? Yours? Don't blather about the Glock being better and justify it by stating that 60% of police departments choose the Glock.

The statement that the Beretta has a following just because the military uses them is funny. Why? In the next breath you state that 60% of police departments use the Glock. What's the difference? I guess its OK for you to worship the Glock because of who uses them, but if anyone uses the Beretta/military rationale they are nuts?

Recently the U.S. Border Patrol conducted tests on various handguns to determine which firearm they would transition to. Guess who came out on top (by a long shot, I might add)in their reliability test? Beretta. Does that mean the Beretta is a better gun than the Glock? Not necessarily. What it does mean is anyone can use any agency as an example of "which gun is better". The DEA is now using H&K USP Compacts, the list goes on and on.

Don't use the "this agency uses this gun" to bolster your claims of superiority. It just doesn't fly.

As far as your use of the term "perfect", I won't even get started on that.

And although not match grade, very accurate.

Personally, I've never seen a Glock that was "very" accurate. I'm sure there are some out there that are, I've just never run across one. I have run across very accurate Beretta's though. In fact, I own one.

Beretta and accuracy

I picked up my Berettta 92 FS Inox yesterday and headed to the range to test my new pistol. I wanted to see what kind of accuracy it had. I bench rested and shot at 50' Making sub 1" Groups. This a NEW gun out of the box and not broke in. To say the least I was impressed.

I agree with SIG970 The gun is more accurate than you are.

Tony Z

[Edited by tonyz on 04-18-2001 at 09:54 PM]
I am consistantly amazed by the anti-glock comments. I used to be one of you till I bought one. A handgun is not a rifle. If at 25 yards, I can hit within 3 inches every time, well I am satisfied, especially when the thing carries every day without pulling my pants down. Who in the sam hill shoots at something with a pistol at less than 10 yards anyway!! I just want something light, with high reliability, high capacity, and combat accuracy.

I think you guys out there who bash the Glock do it out of the pride that metal is better.

And I can buy a Glock for less than 500 bucks, but I have never seen a 92F, SIG, or quality M1911 for for anything under the price of a Glock and all of those weapons are big and brick like in weight and have less capacity. For god sakes my G19 weighs less than my Kahr MK9.

Anyone out there who thinks that the police buy Glocks because they are "cheaper" and not effective, well you should have your heads examined.

This forum is so lame. What a bunch of pathetic red-necks.
Uncalled for comments......

Posted by: bad_dad_brad

This forum is so lame. What a bunch of pathetic red-necks.

Sir, please don't disrespect all the people who work really hard to keep this forum up and running. The administrators and moderators work their bottoms off to keep this a friendly, well mannered, and educational forum. If you don't like the fact that people don't agree with you and you feel the need to name call, please take it via personal email.

"Anyone out there who thinks that the police buy Glocks because they are "cheaper" and not effective, well you should have your heads examined."

Well, as someone who made no "anti-Glock comments," let me objectively point out that yes, glocks are cheaper (you even say so yourself), but that does not mean "cheap." And sure their pricing and police "trade-in" programs do help them get police sales. I'm sure it's not the only factor, but I'm sure it's a consideration, too....

"...out of the pride that metal is better."

Personally, I like the weight and size of my Beretta, and such other differences as the grip angle. Plastic vs Metal is not the issue (I'm planning to pick up a HK before long). And I can realize that pretty much any decent gun on the market (Glock, Beretta, Sig, HK, SW, any 1911, etc., etc.) is more accurate than I can be at longer distances.

"This forum is so lame. What a bunch of pathetic red-necks."

Calm the F* down or get out if you dont like it.
In fact, looking back through the thread, I really don't even see any Glock bashing. More the other way around...


Oh, and GunreviewWebmaster,
As for your comment about your groups being thrown off, the 9x series doesn't fit everyone, as yes it has a bigger-frame than most. It happens to fit my big mits about perfect (I even put Hogue wrap-around grips on it). It still took me awhile to find just the right grip that works for me (have I even found it yet? :)). Perhaps finding a chance to put a few hundred rounds through one to shake out whether it suits you is the only way to know for sure??
Food for thought.


I reread my remarks. Again, I am not a Glock basher. I was jesting about plastic, and cheap price in response to your inflammatory remarks about Beretta handguns. Shoot what you're happy with. It really shouldn't matter what the good people of this forum think, with regard to what you own. You are the one spending your hard earned dollars on a handgun that you should believe in.

I am still laughing though, and puzzling over, your comment about the Beretta being a 1950's handgun. Also your comment about why the military currently doesn't use Glocks was classic. My shooting group has been enjoying that one all day.

And for the record: I enjoy this forum. I like a little heated debate. If everyones gun collection was exactly like mine.

1. I wouldn't learn as much.
2. I'd get a little bored.
bad_dad_brad No Comment! Other then>

Respect other peoples Opinion, and learn to accept criticism without being so NEGATIVE!
I own a Polymer Frame pistol that is inexpesive and is more accurate also very reliable and much better looking then the Glock IMHO.

Tony Z

BTW Glock talk is always open.
I think both Glocks and Berettas are good when chambered for 9mm. Thats what they were designed for.

The Glock is a more modern design,but the Beretta is not near as ammo sensetive.

I have seen Glocks stovepipe,which the Glock people will tell you is "shooter induced"---okkkkkkkkkkk

I have never seen a 9mm Beretta stovepipe,induced or otherwise.

I have seen broken slide rails on Taurus's and lug problems on the Taurus. I dont think the quality of steel is as good as Beretta uses.

As far as acurracy goes, if you want to use a Ransom Rest,then you can get the true story of what the gun will do at 25yds. All this " I get 1" groups offhand at 25yds" is funny.

As far as price goes,the difference between the 92 and Glock 9's at the wholesale level is exactly $1.00. So,yes,I guess Berettas are more expensive.

The point of all this is the following:

If you like Glocks,buy a Glock,if you like Berettas, buy a Beretta. Both are good.

I hate to keep this thing going, but there are a few issues I'd like to address:

1. In reviewing the posts in the thread, there are no anti-Glock statements that were made prior to YOUR anit-Beretta statements. The fact is, YOU were the one who led off with the whole my gun is better than yours theme (ie. 92 is a fine weapon if you go back to 1950, Glock really is the better gun, Beretta has a following because of military). I'd suggest you get off your high horse and look at your own posts before you accuse others of "Glock bashing".

2. Most people who know anything at all about self defense with a firearm practice shooting at ranges closer than ten yards. Most confrontations occur in that range.

3. Pride because metal is better? I didn't hear anyone say that. In fact, many so called Glock bashers use the H&K USP, Kahr P-9, HS 2000, CZ Polymer, etc.

4. The last firearm I bought was a Beretta 92G Elite II NIB costing the same as most Glocks on the shelf. Less in some cases. Cost? $549.

5. 15 round mags for the 92 are plentiful.

6. I'll say it one more time, your argument that the Glock is a great weapon simply because the police use them is as valid as the argument that says the Beretta is a better firearm becasue the military uses them. Nobody mentioned the word "ineffective" except you.

7. Anyone who believes that the price of firearms is irrelevant when it comes to police department selection needs to have their head examined. Price is important. Is that the reason the police use Glocks? No. It is a factor. Police use Glocks because they work and work well. Has anyone stated otherwise?

8. This forum is not lame and you obviously don't think so or you wouldn't have posted to it 72 times in the last year that you've beeen registered. Anyone who resorts to name calling simply because people won't conform to their opinion needs to grow up.

For the uninitiated, anyone who comes into this forum claiming "this gun is better than that gun" expect to get a few jabs and maybe a few flames. The fact of the matter is, no one gun is perfect for everyone or for every application. If you do want to make claims of superiority, try some hard facts rather than just stating that "this agency uses this gun so it is the best", or "this percentage of polices officers use this gun".

One other thing, if you decide to resort to name-calling because others won't suck up whatever spews from your holy mouth, expect to never be taken seriously again.

Few years ago I got really into reloading 9mm ammo for pure accuracy and found that my Beretta 92FS was one of the most accurate pistol. It would shoot under 1 1/2" at 25 yards with several loads and was almost always the most accurate pistol with cast bullets re-loads. Now over 20,000 rounds later it will still shoot under 1 1/2" with Federal 9mm JHP (9BP). Only my H&K P7M8 and my friends Sig-210 will out shoot my Beretta but only when using jacketed ammo load and only with certain loads. As for the Glock, I have yet to see one shoot under 1 1/2" with any ammo. As for reliability, I have yet to see a pistol that will beat the Beretta.

Glocks are very good pistol but I don't think they are designed with accuracy as priority. Glocks are reliable too but IMHO Berettas are more reliable.

This does not mean I don't like Glocks as I have 4 different Glocks in 9mm in my safe while I only have 1 Beretta 92FS.

Both are great pistols.
I had a Beretta 92FS that was a fine pistol and 1.50 inch accurate at 25 yds...But....the thing was huge. A Glock 19 I picked up after MANY years of anti-Glockism made me a convert. I now have four...The Berettas in a nearby PD had a lot of little bugs. The trigger return spring was a constant problem. The Smith 4506s we had were always breaking trigger bar copper rivets ,albiet from idiots slamming cleaning rods on them. The HK USP full size we went to have had problems with the firing pin channel getting clogged up after about 1000 rounds, requiring constant tear down, particularly for the SWAT boys and girl. The compact HK carried by detectives seems not to have the problem..A fine gun there. Detectives also carry Glock 26,27. And a nearby PD carries Glcok 22s. Those things have been NO trouble at all. The Glock has EVERYBODY beat in ease of repair and training troops. I cannot tell you how many cops I've seen put cocked DA pattern autos back in their holsters, forgetting to decock....Sad but true...But yet we have a fellow in charge of the Firearms Unit who is a heck of a good guy, except for his belief that Glocks are inherently dangerous...Any more so than a COCKED DA???? Glock accuracy is enough for perfect qual scores, and even matches. Maybe not as accurate as a Sig, but it doesn't rust when you look at it like a Sig does...Anyway, enough ranting. Beretta was a fine gun in the days of Browning HPs and Smith 39s, and is still a beautiful range gun as was said before, but for combat and durability and ease of use and repair, Glock has got it down. I cannot believe back in 1986 I'd be saying this today. My 02...