Belly weapons

I'm not as aghast at the idea a NAA mini as some of the others are here. Personally I would lean towards the heaviest solid bullet I could find and accept that I am getting as much penetration as possible while disregarding expansion. Your already discussing being in contact range with your attacker so you have already accepted that some form of contact defense is going to be required. A small pistol simply gives you a better chance here.
My soon to be EDC is going to be a High Standard .22 magnum. Ask anyone who knows ballistics and they will cringe when you ask what they think about someone getting shot with a .22 magnum up close.
I,m afraid the little .22 may give you a sense of being armed, if you don,t put the first bullet into a dead now area, the perp will be able to shoot you if armed and you both may well die, but that will not help you. its your life do as you wish, I own two of the little .22 mini revolvers and they would be my very last resort if I could not run.
It is a complete mystery to me why someone wants to handicap themselves when it comes to self defense. with the very small, light semi-auto pistols, chambered in a more reliable (centerfire) round available today. Other than an ego, and false since of macho. There is no reason to bet your life on a hard to hold, single action, 5 shot rimfire pistol. Or an equally self restricting sense of nostalgia with a 35+ year old two shot rimfire derringer that is larger, and heavier than many 380 autos.
...Since several respondents have questioned my choice of CCW’s, I want to once again note that my weapon of choice is not the debate here, but rather I wish for help in determining the best ammo for the job in the gun in the gun I have chosen as my EDC.

Despite your asking for folks to respect your decision regarding gun and caliber and not debate that, most here seem to have ignored your request.

I'll honor it best as I can.

Take a look here as Brass Fetcher has tested the 22 Mag from the NAA Mini with a 1 1/8" barrel in ballistic gel. They recommend the Hornady 45 gr. FTX Critical Defense load.

Their write up on the 22 mag is useful to read especially on the use of pistol propellants in handguns used for self defense vs the 22 mag in loads intended for use in rifles. So read that as well. Magnum/22 Magnum.html

They generally test handguns at 10 feet and you have asked about closer belly gun distances. I would expect penetration to be about the same but, personally I don't know about the effects of expansion from what is basically a touch the person shot. I'm also not sure if the bullet at that close range is stabilized enough for best performance. There are variables there in all conditions.

They also include at the bottom of the page considerations with other 22 mag ammo. Note that Brassfetcher tests mostly in the denser 20% ballistic gel rather than in clear gel.

Note that penetration is better than some loads of the 380 acp. This is likely due to the smaller diameter of the round which makes for less resistance to penetration. Coupled with the energy available to the 22 mag for expansion, it makes for a viable choice for last ditch self defense work IMHO.

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I appreciate all of the advice given here, especially since I’m much less knowledgeable and experienced as many of you. I began this thread with questions about ammo selection, specifically about a gun that I already own and practiced with. With my knowledge of hands on self defense, I recognize armed self defense as a HUGE step in efficiency, but only if the weapon can be accessed when needed. Let me share an amusing true story. My new house was under construction, and my previously shared dwelling was no longer available to me. Tom, the generous close friend that worked with me as rough and tumble phone men, offered to take me in, no charge. After hot days of climbing poles and digging holes, many of the guys would gather at a local pub, shooting pool and shooting the bull. Tom was a Vietnam combat vet whose job as a helicopter door gunner required him to kill and kill some more. He confessed to me once that he had committed atrocities in free fire zones, and that tale i will not share here, as it would ruin your day. Sitting to my right on a bar stool, he began to loudly berate me for wasting time many evenings training in martial arts. “Karate! Why ya need that ——ing karate! I got Big Bertha!” That was his name for the Dan Wesson .44 magmum with the 10” barrel, kept beneath the seat of his truck. Swiveling around with my left hand, I put thumb and forefinger under his chin, near his throat, and this 150 lb guy lifted his 240 lb frame right up on his feet, as he had no choice but to comply. “Where’s Big Bertha now Tom!” “It’s in my ———-ing truck!” “Well my fingers are with me, and they’re on your ——-ing throat!” After his few select words, I bought us another round, and my roomie calmed down. My point is that you must practice with your chosen weapon, and carry it. I want to thank PSANTOS for suggesting the Ruger .380, and I’m looking into it. I already own a J frame. But even if I change my EDC, there will always be a place for the .22. Think of the hours of the day when you are not carrying. I have almost none of those. Getting back on topic, guys, I’m still looking for the best self defense ammo for .22 magnum from the
1 1/8” barrel. When I whip this thing out of my bathing suit, I want it to hurt.
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Here's an interesting read. Pointing out that the 22 Magnum in a NAA mini isn't all that much more than a 22 long rifle. Or even a 22 short in some circumstances.

As for your question, as almost all the tests, and research seem to point out, it really doesn't matter what brand of a woefully poor choice for a self defense round you choose.
Another detrimental factor with the 22's a rimfire. Where the inherent reliability question due to the way a rimfire cartridge is made may be mitigated greatly with higher quality ammo, it still exists. I can not feel confident with any rimfire in a self defense situation. Thinking that one round that didn't get the priming mixture spun all the way around the case at the rim is in the chamber, and that part of the case that didn't get any primer compound is sitting under the firing pin.
My thanks to Tipoc & Cheapshooter for steering me to those informative websites! That’s the sort of data that I’ve been searching for. I’m being constantly amazed at my ignorance of the science behind firearms. One example is the difference between the powder mixes intended for rifle or handgun use. That alone tells me that I’m making a mistake choosing the smaller projectiles, intended as varmit rounds fired from a rifle. One of the websites explains that rifle cartridges are loaded with intentionally slower burning propellant. I’ll finish the 30gr Hornady V Max shells on my home range, and go to a self defense round, assuming that they are loaded for the handgun. This community is a great find for me! Oh, BTW, my daughter, for whom I recently purchased the same NAA 22MS that I carry, is about to complete her requirements fo a concealed permit, and her instructor in an advanced class is going to put the Ruger LCP 380 in her hand on the range today! It turns out that she was already interested in that pistol before I mentioned it to her. Thanks again gentlemen.
When it comes down to it , even a 22 lr. would be enough . Practice with the handgun your carrying is more important . LCP's in 380 are easy to conceal but how many enjoy practicing with it ? Find a carry gun you can enjoy shooting every week , that's the gun you should be carrying .
LCP's in 380 are easy to conceal but how many enjoy practicing with it ?
A lot of people who shoot regularly. Particularly those who have been shooting a long time. Complaints of the "snappy" recoil of the LCP are both mystifying, and humorous to long time shooters used to much bigger "hammers".
I guess it the whole young generation "new shooter" thing.
My LCP gets 50 or more rounds of fmj range ammo, and a few mags of Speer Gold Dot on most range trips. Fun little popper, and so easy to hit what I point it at.
It's my every day, any day, everywhere, anywhere pocket carry, and BUG when I have my Sig P320 Carry IWB.
The LCP in .38 are what old fudds think will save their lives.
I'd like to find something like a Ruger LCP chambered in 38 (Super). Otherwise I'll be just fine with my LCP in 380 acp, or my LCR in 38 Special!:D
A lot of people who shoot regularly. Particularly those who have been shooting a long time. Complaints of the "snappy" recoil of the LCP are both mystifying, and humorous to long time shooters used to much bigger "hammers".
I guess it the whole young generation "new shooter" thing.
My LCP gets 50 or more rounds of fmj range ammo, and a few mags of Speer Gold Dot on most range trips. Fun little popper, and so easy to hit what I point it at.
It's my every day, any day, everywhere, anywhere pocket carry, and BUG when I have my Sig P320 Carry IWB.

^^^ This, except mine is a P3AT and my carry weapon is a G26. The P3AT stays in my pocket all the time, especially when at home. My full size home defense gun is in a quick access safe mounted to my bed frame right next to my pillow.
A gun I think I might like to have for CC would be a 38 Super in a S&W shield loaded with 148gr wad cutter's. Now I carry 99.9% of the time the S&W Shield in 9mm and even though I have some 124gr JHP bullet's, I like my 124gr cast semi wad cutter's. Probably getting a full wadcutter to work in a semi auto would be troublesome at best. I'd carry a DA revolver but never saw one I liked shooting that was light enough and small enough for concealed carry! Year's ago a carried a Trooper MK III 357 loaded with 148gr wad cutters and hid away nicely under a heavy coat. Not worth diddly under a light shirt. Loved that gun but the coat was a bit much during the summer! in 38 spec case's. Had a 4" barrel. Carried a Diamond back in 22 RF just a bit. Beautiful gun but not confidence inspiring!
More or less why I "upgraded" my LCP (my EDC) to a SIG 938.
38 Super?
Actually I was being sarcastic about the post that was quickly delearted about the LCP in 38, and old fudds ( whatever that means)
While my LCP is my mostly every day carry, it is at times replaced with a Kahr CM9. Clothing permitting. Some jeans pockets are a bit tight at the opening to quickly draw the larger Kahr. Then also, often the Elsie Pea is a BUG to my Sig P320 Carry 9MM.