Bedside tools

Posted by mike killian
three 85 lb. greyhounds

Are yours actually useful for anything in that regard? Mine is completely worthless for either protection or alerting. (Of course, I didn't get him for that purpose, so it's ok.) He sleeps 95% of the time, he never barks, and when strangers enter the house he barely even notices. And he's a wimp! If he does notice a stranger in the house he runs away.
greyhound watchdogs


Yes all 3 of mine jump to their feet and run to the door barking. I'm not sure if they would attack an intruder or not but they sure would get someones attention. I know they can do damage because I've seem them attack small animals (squirrels, possums, cats, rabbits etc. and tear them apart... being as fast as they are not much gets away.

I think that one of them lived with a dog that barked and tought the greyhound. That greyhound has tought my other two now.

Like you say I didn't get them to be watchdogs but it turned out to be an extra benefit. They are the greatest!:D
Not allowed to keep guns beside the bed (Australian law).


Cell phone
and 11 years of martial arts

oh yeah, and a feisty jack russel terrier :p