beaver hunting?

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What's wrong, Nate, all the fish already shot out of your rainbarrel? :D

I'm sure the law on taking beavers varies state to state. Don't know as I've ever heard of anyone going after them with a rifle. I know a lot get trapped.
Hunting beaver will vary from state to state. They are not normally considered a game animal, but a fur bearer. In addition many states actually allow killing of what may otherwise be game animals if they are destroying your property. For example in Louisisana, beaver will "bark" pine trees, worth anywhere from $50-200 a tree. At one or two trees a week, this begins to add up to money. Check your game laws and then tallk to game warden and/or sheriff about your particular situation.
I recommend 12 gage with buckshot or deer rifle. If your shooting over water, the shotgun is a safer bet due to the possibility of bullet skipping.
Nate, scott got it right. Here in SC we have a season for the trappers or if you get a permit, you can take'em anyway you want.

Safety is a big issue..
The beaver is shy
At one hundred yards hes ok
my what a large hole

Smell the beaver now
hidden beneath water deep
where is the fish market?

I think i kind of cheated on the last line. If you ever want to drive people nuts, just keep making up hiku's over and over. Loads of fun.:p The less sense they make, the better the hiku ;)
Your not allowed to kill beavers in BC. Only the "authorities" can issue a nuisance permit or a licenced trapper can take them.

Sometimes they trap themselves.


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Legal here. Used to shoot them all the time for extra cash. Now the prices they'll being don't make 'em worth skinning.

So no one takes 'em and the ranchers all whine that there are too many and damaging thier canels and etc. Seen a few starting to get open sores an infections up at the lake the other day. Over population causes disease and starvation...

PETA sux!
Thanks for the compliment!

I'd have to say that I cheated a bit, having married and imported a fine example of Canadian "beaver"...:D

A cousin of her's traps them in Saskatchewan (sp?) for the pelt money.
i just need to take care of a beaver den, at my grandfathers house. he has a large pond in his back yard, and he lives in a semi rural are outside of arlington, texas. since they are destroying my grandpas trees and bushes that line his yard, i dont hink i need to a permit or anything. winter is here, and the little buggers hole up in there dens near the pond for a couple of days at a time. im thinking of taking them out SWAT style- breach, bang, clear :D. my grandpa's 1187 would do nicely. im just afraid that if i surprise one of the little buggers in a place where he's cornered he might just strike back...those teeth and tails look pretty dangerous.....:D
When cornered they are extremely dangerous! You've seen what those teeth do to lumber. Like many rodents they can leap large distances unexpectedly. Quite funny to watch, actually. A couple of beavers recently chopped down some memorial trees in town. Town decided to remove them. Cops were goin to shoot them, but local PETA wanna bees convinced them to let them trap them. They trapped them successfully, but the caged beavers were so viciously enraged no-one could carry the cage. They ended up releasing them and having the cops shoot them. I guess it wasn't sporting to shoot them in the cage.
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