Bear Repellent vs Pepper Spray

Nope. Don't use wasp spray or hornet spray. Don't use the extinguisher or hair spray. Pepper is legal in MOST places. In a few other places it's legal with conditions. Call your local police department if not sure.

I carry around the 2 ounce bottle of Fox and since that road rage incident I now carry the Sabre Frontiersman with me in my laptop bag. Ive tested the Fox myself by dabbing a little bit on my face after spraying some into my hand. Even that little dab really did it. I jumped in the shower but that didnt help matters. If I put other chemicals on my face like the wasp spray or the extinguisher chemicals I might be blind by now. However, it was a non permanent moment for youtube.

Right tool for the job;)
Posted by Double Naught Spy: [In response to "There are a number of states that will put you in jail for using wasp spray on a human."] Only if you didn't have a justification for lethal force.
That is true.

However, state law is only a part of the problem.

There is a Federal law, which provides for vey heavy criminal and civil penalties, which prohibits the use of wasp spray or the active ingredients therein (among other things) on human beings.

The case would, of course, be tried in a Federal District Court. That has been done, in a case involving a different substance.

There is no provision for a defense of justification.

However, the law does state that criminal use would have to be knowing and willful. There are a number of Federal laws that do not include that pros ion.
Double Naught Spy said:
The problem with a lot of commercial products such as hair spray is that they are not exactly tested for effectiveness against humans. Many products may only affect the eyes and then only to a limited extent. You don't know what it may or may not do and you don't know how one product compares with another. Many have extremely short range capability at that. Additionally, the effects with some may only be very short lived and certainly far from incapacitating or dissuading.

The other side is that some of these products may be extremely toxic and cause permanent damage to a person. Basically, don't use stuff for a purpose for which it is not intended.
I think if you planned and attacked someone with wasp spray you should be harshly punished. IF you were attacked and defended yourself with the first thing you grabbed and that turned out to be wasp spray... that should be ok. But if you were walking around with a holstered can....that may be enough to show intent to use it as a weapon. That is what could be big trouble!

In my opinion, it's probably best to just get the right legal stuff for the task at hand. Less worries about will it work and will it backfire you into hot water.
Posted by cougar gt-e: IF you were attacked and defended yourself with the first thing you grabbed and that turned out to be wasp spray... that should be ok.
There is no provision in the federal law that would support a defense on that basis.

BUT...the Assistant US Attorney for the District could elect to exercise some judgment and decide to not prosecute.

Last November, SCOTUS heard arguments on an appeal of a conviction under the law; some of the Justices were said to be dubious about the scope of the law, but the issue is a very complex one, and anything could happen. Expect some kind of resolution before the summer.

In the interim, don't even think about using it except against insects.

From the standpoint of state use of force law, you would be equally served using a firearm if you can carry one lawfully, and you are less likely to blind yourself.
Admittedly, the topic is 'effectiveness,' but

has anyone mentioned that bear/wasp spray cans are very large and hard to conceal?
That might influence your decision to use those over purse-sized pepper spray.

Hey look! We're in the weeds again. Thanks, D47...
If you can legally do so, carry the same OC as your police and then your choice of defensive weapon becomes a non-issue.

I keep wasp spray near the porch, for wasps.
And a machete, for snakes and weeds.
I've practiced with both, but never intended to use them against people;
I have better tools for that.:D
This is my final post in this thread. I want to make this point clear for reasons of safety and responsible posting. It would not be responsible to let the information on wasp or hornet spray float in this thread without this clarification. The use of Wasp or Hornet spray is an internet myth and just a bad idea for the following reasons:

1. There is not much data on how wasp or hornet spray effects humans. However, there is countless data and plenty of youtube videos on pepper spray. If there is any doubt then try a little pepper on yourself. Dont try the wasp spray as that is labeled as a poison. I can guarantee the majority of people here will be thoroughly distracted after a small burst of Fox to the face.

2. Spray the Fox can in your choice of cone or stream against the wasp or hornet spray. You will see the Fox can has a vastly superior spray pattern.

3. Wasp or hornet spray is clearly labeled as a poison. Its not intended for humans.

4. The use of a poisonous substance not intended for self defense might be against the law.

5. Whats the point in carrying a can of wasp spray when you can carry a 4 ounce bottle of Fox which is more pocketable then the large wasp spray can.

Lastly, a training note. Do not get one, but two cans of spray. Dont get the inert bottle, but two bottles of pepper spray. If it blows back on you then good, you feel the real effects. Train with it shooting a target and then use just a dab on yourself. Also, all cans over 2 years old are no longer good. The aerosol leaks out slowly over time and anything above 2 years should not be placed into the trash. If I was a professional user then I would replace mine every year just to be on the safe side.