Bear in mts of Pennsylvania

We've even been getting a few wandering through Ohio. Not even the rolling hills parts.

If I were a smart bear and saw a hunter in a tree stand...

I bet he gut that deer double fast with a glance over his shoulder every 15 seconds.
We've even been getting a few wandering through Ohio.

Yes we do. And have for many years.

There have been some spotted here close to the house. One cut through the bottom here at the house just about 25yds outside the yard a couple years ago leaving tracks leading to a spring fed watering hole that is mere feet outside the yard. Followed them straight over the hill into neighbors corn field.
Many also spotted just South, South-East of here.
PA Rifle deer and bear overlap the last few seasons. This year I have the bear permit. Im sure this guarantees I wont see a bear this year. But im prepared either way.
I have been out west and hunted Tioga cnty PA for the last 25 years. Compared to CO the mntns in PA are hills. Seeing as im a flatlander from S. NJ the mntns in PA are plenty steep and tall enough IMO. I love Tioga cnty.
Regarding bears in Ohio...
I work at a redwing boot store east of Cleveland. It is an urban area for miles around.
Last summer, a black bear made news roaming within blocks of my store. There was security cam footage of him hopping a fence onto a factory property a block from work. Since we have a restaurant next to us with a particularly smelly open dumpster, and I am often there solo at 5am, I considered tossing the Mossberg and some slugs in the trunk.
He seemed to just disappear, though. No news about him since the factory grounds incursion.
Well, I live in W. Ohio and B. Bears showing up in my area is relatively new. I think the first one in living memory was about 5 years ago. Now we get one or two almost every year.

I heard on the radio one state expanded hunting from four counties to 16 today.
The funny thing in Ohio...our ODNR always reacts to bear sightings by saying "oh, there aren't any bears living in Ohio...they just visit from Pennsylvania..."
As if a bear might not look around and say " hmmm...plenty of food around here...".

Sorry, extra size 14's laying around...
The funny thing in Ohio...our ODNR always reacts to bear sightings by saying "oh, there aren't any bears living in Ohio...they just visit from Pennsylvania..."

Yes, ODNR likes to keep the fact that there are bear in Ohio 'on the down low' hoping to keep the poaching down. They have been saying the same thing for the last thirty years. :rolleyes:
Last summer, a black bear made news roaming within blocks of my store. There was security cam footage of him hopping a fence onto a factory property a block from wo

I live on the outskirts of a city of 11,000 folks. There is generally a article in the local paper every coupla weeks about bears being sighted in town. I have had them sitting in my raspberry patch or under the plum/apple trees eating fruit. The scent they leave drives the bird dog nuts. Like deer, they are more and more relating humans to food. Because of this, like deer, the smell/sight of humans does not frighten bears like it used to.
I have to agree with the last post. Thirty years ago there were plenty of bears around here, but it was unusual to see one. Most of the bears did not want to be seen. They can really run through the woods and make almost no noise. Not hard to see how they outrun a dog when they are in high gear. Now they will often stand up against a tree to get a better look at you. They seem to be a lot bolder than they used to be.