Be careful what you wish for 300 win mag:

Forgive me if this sounds snarky, but what I get from your sad tale of woe is that most of your troubles are of your own making.

First off,
You had ejection trouble with your Sako and your choice of scope. Sako told you what the fix was (use a different scope), you choose not to. You said Sako refused to "fix the problem". There's NO PROBLEM for them to fix.

Second, you took a rifle that was effectively a single shot, and shot a running buck at long range, and then couldn't get another shot off fast enough to make you happy. This is entirely your fault.

Your answer was to sell the rifle, and advise us to "buy American".

Then you buy a rifle from a "boutique" maker, and it shoots like crap. Not your fault. Problems with the maker's response time (or even getting a response), not your fault. But the choice to buy their rifle, and deal with them is your "fault".

It doesn’t take 3 plus months to work on a gun.

It shouldn't, but unless you work in their shop, and know what their situation is, you can't be sure. And fixing an accuracy issue can take much longer than fixing something simply like a damaged finish or a broken part. Timing matters, in the shop workload. Everyone wants their gun fixed before deer season, and unless there's something that puts yours at the front of the line, it may take some time just to get to it. Some places shut down for a couple weeks over Christmas.. When your gun get to the shop, and their seasonal workload (and their shop resources) all make a difference in how long it could take. Small shops don't have as many resources (gunsmiths, for one), so things can take longer than if you rifle went to Remington, or Ruger...

As to not responding to your attempts to get in touch with them, for that, I see no excuse. Definitely their fault, on that...

Good Luck

You might try the BBB, see what they say. A registered letter to the maker might work. A registered letter from a lawyer might work even better...Companies who want to stay in business tend to respond to things like that, but one never knows.
I dont think its snarky. Just your opinion. Everyone has one but if you think buying a $1600 Sako and being limited to a certain kind of scope is a fix thats not a fix. They said use high mounts and a one inch scope disregarding proper eye relief just make sure it ejects. (Doesnt matter if you cant see or if it hits your face when u fire.)

So there mounts are $85 bucks plus now I have a used 30mm scope that I bought for a long range rifle. I think if you make a rifle it should be able to correctly load and fire and reload a round with out failure. When you redesign a bolt to save money and don't advertise that you can only use a one inch scope when your a European gun maker thats sad. Almost all guns made in Europe use a 30 mm tube. They don't usually even have a one inch tube anywhere except the USA.

As for the LAW rifle well I took a chance only newly founded American company and lost more money. Thats life.
if you think buying a $1600 Sako and being limited to a certain kind of scope is a fix thats not a fix.

It's a point of view thing, I suppose. The problem isn't with the rifle, its with your (and most of our) expectations. We expect it to work with EVERYTHING and if/when it doesn't we think its a problem the rifle maker has to fix.

But it isn't.

Anymore than it is the scope maker's problem to fix. If the rifle functioned properly with a different scope, or with no scope at all, the problem isn't the rifle, and there's nothing for the maker to "fix".

Unless the maker specifically states a given combination will work (and it doesn't) they aren't obligated to "fix" anything. Rifle or scope, or anything else.

We are so used to so much from different makers fitting together and working well that when a specific combination doesn't, we get very frustrated. I get that. I DO that myself sometimes (computers drove me nuts in the early days, until I realized that "fully compatible" actually meant "probably will work, sometimes..."

Today they drive me nuts for different reasons...;)
I have seen the same issue with Sako A7 rifles in my shop several times. The solution is higher rings. Very simple fix.
Legendary Arms Works - I feel your pain!

I purchased a LAW-704 "Professional" a few months ago. In short the accuracy was terrible. I tried many factory loads including Federal Gold Medal match as well as many handloads with Berger VLD's and loads that have proven accuracy in other rifles of the same caliber. The rifle is about a 2-3 M.O.A. rifle. My son's $329.00 Ruger American shot much better. I used a variety of scopes, checked screws, did barrel break in, bullets key holed at 200 yards.

I tried numerous times to call Legendary for help. No replies, voice mail box full. I sent several e-mails, no replies. So I called the accounts receivable number and the gal that collects the money picked up right away. I politely explained my problem and LAW's lack of responsiveness. She gave me the phone number to Walt Hasser, their sales manager. He said I needed a new barrel and would send out an RMA and a call tag to the Gun Store I bought the rifle from that day. A week went by, no RMA/Call Tag.

Once again, calls not returned, hard to speak to someone, I finally got to speak to Walt Hasser again and he said he was on it and I heard him tell on of his workers to get on it. Ball dropped again, they said they did not have the gun store info after I gave it to them at least 3 times, once by email. Finally the RMA/Call tag arrived.

My gun store verified my rifle went out FedEx and that LAW has it. Now the waiting game. I certainly hope Legendary Arms Works gets their act together and fixes my rifle. I have a South Africa hunt booked and I will need the rifle!

If you want more specifics or phone numbers feel free to email me.

Best of luck on your Legendary Arms! Hope it gets fixed and you get decent service.
I have a South Africa hunt booked and I will need the rifle!

If I were you, I would buy another rifle, someone else's rifle that meets your needs for the African hunt, and buy it NOW.

I wouldn't count on people who don't answer their phones or reply to correspondence as reliable to fix an accuracy problem with a rifle AND get it back to you in a set time frame.

Murphy being the kind of guy he is, you might get the rifle back in plenty of time, and it still sucks. Or you might get it back in just the nick of time, and not know if it sucks, until you get to Africa. OR it may not come back in time to make the trip.

Everything MIGHT work out fine, you might get it back in plenty of time and it might shoot like a dream. BUT, are you gonna count on that, considering how they have been dealing with you, so far???

I wouldn't.

Good Luck!
I finally got thru to LAW rifles. I did it thru the accounts payable trick on phone to finally speak to a real person. Which is sad but it worked. Walt is one of the guys that has yet to call or email me back.

I ended up talking to the "CEO" who personally went to check on my gun. I explained that the voice mail boxes are full and no one calls or emails anyone back as I had been trying to contact someone for 3 weeks.

After going and checking in person on my gun it seems like it has not had a new barrel put on it like I was told. The new barrel is just sitting there waiting to be put on. Its been over 3 months they have had the gun.

I explain that I was told it was all fixed waiting to be shot. It was explained to me that I had received incorrect information. It seems they recently let some people go that were not performing in customer service appropriately. So the CEO said my gun will be a top priority to be finished and shot this week. I will reportedly have my gun by Thanksgiving. Time will tell. I wont be able to use the gun for hunting this year. Even though I started with this rifle in June.

I guess I will hold off in judgement until I get my rifle and shoot it. A couple bad apples can ruin a company and its reputation undeservingly. Although I am disappointed atleast it will be fixed soon.
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Sounds like you have as much luck with 300 Mags as I have with 7mm Mags. My first big 7 would not even chamber a round, chamber was defective. Second one kicked worse then anything I have ever shot before or since and would not group any better then 8" at 50 yards. My friend who was a 300 mag fan laughed at my black and blue shoulder until he shot my rifle, left him visibly bruised for several weeks afterward. My third 7mm Rem Mag was one of the SPS synthetics that came out after CCM bought Remington and it was HORRID. Worst rifle of all time bar none. No amount of cleaning and oil could keep that thing from rusting into a solid chunk of iron oxide. Finally I am on my fourth (and final) 7mm Rem Mag, this one just has accuracy issues, which in comparison to the rest of them is a dream gun. 1.5 MOA is not all that bad I guess but when I have handlaods that have all my other rifles dialed in under 1/2 MOA it seems sloppy.
Now on the rare occasion I need a magnum I have a 270 WSM that makes up for all my problems with the 7mms, shoots 0.3MOA on a regular basis, never had an issue of any sort and is not hard on the shoulder at all, but even that sees rare use as I have grown out of my magnum phase and my 6.5x55, 30-06, or 7mm-08 go hunting with me most of the time.
I received my gun back on November 21st. It was at Legendary Arms works for over three months.

I called the CEO a week prior to receiving it for an update on its status as in an earlier conversation I was told if I didnt hear anything in a week or so to call back. I was told someone had reportedly notified me the week before on its status by the CEO, but no one did. Then I was later told they left me a voicemail, no voicemail was ever received. I never pressed the issue about not receiving a call or voicemail.

I was then told my gun was fixed and it was going to be fed ex'd back to me in a few days. I was told I would receive a call with shipping information. Never received a call. My Fed Ex app let me know that my gun was on the way back to me. I was able to sign for it and receive it with no problems due to the Fed Ex app.

SO one thing I can say is they still have a customer service problem.

Now onto the rifle. It came back to me with a slightly heavier barrel as far as I could tell a few ounces maybe. It was in flawless condition. Included with the rifle were some targets that were shot by "Mark Bansner". Several different kinds of factory ammo (4 different ammo brands total from 168 grain to 180 grain) were tried. I could see by the targets that the more the rifle was fired the tighter the groups were getting. On the last target there was a sub MOA group (measured .775) with Barnes bullets. There was a note written on the target that said "Shot # 19, 20 , 21 another 10 to 20 and it will be broke in" Signed "Mark Bansner" the gunsmith who started Legendary Arms Works.

So I took the rifle and mounted my Leupold VX-6 30mm Scope back on it. I made sure it was tightened to specs and level. I used talley one piece low rings. I went to the range the next day. I took a blue box of federal 180 grain "cheaper" 300 win mag, a box of Vortex with Barnes Bullets 168 grain, and a Box of Hornady 200 Grain ELD precison hunter.

I fired the rifle using three shot rapid fire groups allowing the rifle to cool at least ten minutes in between groups. The results were impressive to say the least. The rifle with its 704 action ejected the spent casing flawlessly. Never hitting the scope. It shot all three types of bullets under an inch MOA. The best was Hornady 200 grain ELD with a group of .625 with three other groups under .700

I have not seen that kind of grouping from factory ammo in a 300 win mag in a long time. With handloads that LAW rifle should group atleast in the .5 range I would guess. My Sako grouped .785 at its best group with handloads. It was about .850 average with factory ammo.

I have tried to be fair in my review. The customer service absolutely sucks. The rifle however is well in my opinion Legendary.

I look forward to the 2017 hunting season to try it out. As for this year, I tagged out with my old 30.06 that I had tossed in the gunsafe and forsaken once I got bit by the 300 win mag bug.
folsoh, Thank you for the update and I am really happy that your rifle has turned out right. Sounds like you have a tack driver there, hope my new X bolt comes in as well in the near future.
Tight groups to ya..