BBC Article

Sweet Shooter

New member
I wanted to share this BBC article. It's an interesting take on something that I think has been happening for a long time. I am heartened that as a community we are beginning to be recognized as welcoming, besides the more traditional view that we are intolerant. Not even sure if there is a "we" but any-who it is an interesting read and after this drivel, is now not a drive by.
BBC Article.

Sorry I meant to put this in General... not in Rifle.
The only Liberal they could find was a Trans gender women.
Sorry BBC try again.

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Wait your telling me not all gun owners are racist, sexist, xynophobes who drool over cheaper than dirt catalogs? Inconceivable!!
Just thought it was funny they mention fears of a Trump administration "dismantling key constitutional rights".
What about the 2nd Amendment for the last 80 yrs?
Welcome to real world pinkos.
Maybe BBC was once a credible source but not recently !
The great big Global Warming scam was handled by the BBC by just refusing to cover any apposing viewpoints !!
Most Europeans are shocked that Americans own so many guns. And then they are offended by the State Department issuing "do not travel"warnings for Great Britain after they disarmed their citizens and violent crime surged. Of course, they were also shocked when the Islamic terrorists attacked France this year. And last year. And the year before. And to think they tried to take all the guns away so this wouldn't happen! :eek:

What they refuse to accept is that guns are not the issue. Some issues are the narcissistic nature of society today and the gradual degradation of societal standards. Or not-so-gradual, depending on your point of view. They tried to depict Americans as a bunch of hicks and backwards alarmists, but they also expected us to bail them out several times when their socialist ideals backed up the social sewers several times in the past.
Most Europeans are shocked that Americans own so many guns. And then they are offended by the State Department issuing "do not travel"warnings for Great Britain after they disarmed their citizens and violent crime surged. Of course, they were also shocked when the Islamic terrorists attacked France this year. And last year. And the year before. And to think they tried to take all the guns away so this wouldn't happen!

What they refuse to accept is that guns are not the issue. Some issues are the narcissistic nature of society today and the gradual degradation of societal standards. Or not-so-gradual, depending on your point of view. They tried to depict Americans as a bunch of hicks and backwards alarmists, but they also expected us to bail them out several times when their socialist ideals backed up the social sewers several times in the past.

That's actually not fair. And uncalled for. I grew up in the U.K. Yes the restrictions are asinine, and the government made those not the people. But that's not what this post was about. It was about the left-leaning people in the U.S. starting to soften to the idea that gun ownership might not be such a bad idea, and that those who already have guns are quite welcoming. Curb your agenda for just a minute. No one needs anyone to bail them out, any more than you need anyone. That is offensive rhetoric.

You are on a gun forum dude reading a post by a guy named "Scorch", did you really need a trigger alert?
So basically they are arming themselves to protect themselves from Im just sitting here shaking my head. Whatever keeps them busy I
So basically they are arming themselves to protect themselves from Im just sitting here shaking my head. Whatever keeps them busy I
This is the part where Wayne LaPierre steps on the stage, says, "We win.", and drops the mic....
Just wait till ISIS and the Muslims raise hell in the UK and a big war starts.

I ain't sending them any of my guns to defend their island like we did in WW2.

To heck with them. They ain't ever gonna learn.

@Deaf Smith
Just wait till ISIS and the Muslims raise hell in the UK and a big war starts.

I ain't sending them any of my guns to defend their island like we did in WW2.

To heck with them. They ain't ever gonna learn.

Again... this is not what the post is about. Why are you picking on the Brits?
In case you hadn't noticed there are terrorist problems here too. Our guys are fighting alongside your guys overseas, along with other forces from throughout Europe. And Britain fought WWII (with the rest of Europe) for years before it was brought to the U.S. via Pearl Harbor. Only then it got your attention. And for anyone old enough to have lived through WWII, you don't see how your remark is disrespectful to them? Where is your honor?

Edit: I think this should be closed now.
I don't think so. Discussion is good.
You are offended by negative comments towards a Brit who has made unfounded, biased and negative comments that basically offended the rank and file gun owner here on the forum.
Personally I am offended by both sets of comments but I do understand where the anti-Brit comments originate.

I'm not a redneck, right wing, neo-nazi, gay bashing extremist but according to the article I must be cause I am a long term firearm enthusiast and have\am prepared for unknown situations. The former due in fact that I have been seriously concerned about the future of our country and rights plus the fact that I have been through a few natural disasters that have tested my neighbors.
These same neighbors (you know, the liberals that have the same negative perceptions of gun owners as the author of the article has as well as those he interviewed) were the first ones at my door asking to borrow "items" for self protection when they were without power, potable water, food, phone and, well let's call it "security" in the face of general lawlessness.

I might feel different if the author had also interviewed a few of us for the article. He might have found out that we are the ones who openly welcome new gun owners and are willing to help them learn how to safely handle their new firearms.

It is amusing to me that the liberals are now as concerned about the future of our country and the loss of their rights as I have been for the past 8 years.
There's something to be said for Karma...
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Why are you picking on the Brits?
In case you hadn't noticed there are terrorist problems here too

Cause we are not restricting people's rights to arms as a knee jerk reaction to terrorist. Europe is. So is the UK. And if they ain't gonna learn, well to bad.

What rights have you lost over the last 8 years

Due to Obama's stupidity, none. But not for the left's lack of trying.

So only gun owners want to take away the rights of others? Now what are we to think of the "liberal" newspaper editor who used HIS First Amendment to write that "... anyone who owns a gun should be arrested and executed without the nonsense of a trial... that is the only way we can have a free society without fear... "

... he might have found out that we are the ones who openly welcome new gun owners and are willing to help them learn how to safely handle their new firearms.

Bingo. He did. Look again. That's what I thought was interesting.

It is amusing to me that the liberals are now as concerned about the future of our country and the loss of their rights as I have been for the past 8 years.
There's something to be said for Karma...

Agreed. But some here are spouting that being British = Liberal. That is short-sighted (and actually dumb). That was my objection.

And further it is foolish to beat our chess and consider a nation weak, that it [disarmament] can't happen here. It happened in Germany, Turkey, China, Russia, Cambodia, Britain, Guatemala, Uganda. It has happened all over the world. The Brit's were taken advantage of by their government while they were busy enjoying not having our cities reduced to rubble, nightly. Walk a mile in those shoes.

Sweet Shooter, sorry to have ruffled your feathers, but the article was written by a British writer working for BBC (which, unless I am mistaken, is a British entity), judging us by their standards and trying to generally vilify conservative gun-owners in the USA. Most people world-wide are pretty good at judging others who are not of their cultural group and pointing out how different they are. From our perspective, many of their cultural norms are abhorrent (trials in absentia, confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens, censorship, police keeping records on all citizens, etc) and they feel the need to point out that liberals in the USA are "feeling threatened". Well, waah! Babies feel threatened when the bogey man scares them, mature people do not feel threatened by imaginary fiends.

But after all, I suppose I might have been a bit off-target, so please overlook my back-woods, hillbilly-ish attitudes regarding those who judge us and want us to become just like them.:rolleyes:
Yes the restrictions are asinine, and the government made those not the people.
Governments are made up of people, they are not some soul-less protoplasm that was and is and ever shall be. They are made up of people. Look around yourself, and ask yourself "is that one of "them"?"

And in the FWIW slot regarding my post, you might also make a note that I too grew up in Europe.