BATF says no private sales at Austin show

Closing the "gun show loop hole" has been on the national agenda for some time. I hope it can be held off, but feel it is just a matter of time.

In Iowa you are supposed to have a permit to acquire, even for private hand gun sales. On a private level it dose give some piece of mind when dealing with strangers. Looking at the big picture, see my signature line.
Just to clarify. You are talking about Texas?! Not California or some other gun hating state?
Austin is being increasingly overrun by carpetbaggers from CA due to its high-tech industry. :rolleyes:

I'm definitely going to try and attend this show, and I might even sell a gun without a NICS check! :cool:

On a more serious note, I would like to point out to fellow Texans that we are in the midst of a very high-profile Republican gubernatorial primary race. Every TX resident who reads this- please write the Perry, Hutchison and Medina campaigns to publicize this unreasonable intimidation!
The police also made a big scene at the gun show to intimidate people. A vendor was placed in handcuffs by APD and lead through the crowd for everyone to see. He was taken outside but was later released and not arrested.

That sort of thing really opens up the police to a law suit. If police place you in cuffs and lead you away, ask very clearly if you are under arrest and if so under what charge.
One should wait a touch. If there was a pattern of folks getting tables and consistently selling 'private collections' or FFLs skirting the NICS or CHL checks AND the show management knew this (wink, wink) - then the show has trouble.

There was a report of such with hidden video.

The TSRA is a fine organization and I'm sure they will figure out the real deal. Cotton is very good.

Before you threaten lawsuits (as always done on the Internet), find out the facts.

Cynical old me!
"Just to clarify. You are talking about Texas?! Not California or some other gun hating state? Unbelievable, should not be allowed to happen any place. If I can manage to be in Austin for the next show, count me in. Might even have a few guns to sale, unless the property owner is forbidding it, that would be his right. Mine would be not to support it with my $."

Yes this is Austin, TEXAS, otherwise known as "Moscow on the Colorado." Austin is the most left-wing town in Texas. In Travis county, if you shoot in self-defense, you can count on our DA not letting up until the lawyer fees have bankrupted you, even if they can't get a conviction. Also, the new chief of APD is an import from California, CHP, to be specific. Now, do you understand how this can happen here?
TexasFats, I'm also an "import from California". Please take care not to include me in the same vein as the new APD Chief. I grew up around CHP officers and all were very pro gun, as were the L.A.P.D. and other LEO's that impressed me as a youngster. Perhaps the difference in generation is to blame. Perhaps, it's simply the individual. Blankets aren't one size fits all.
Where is the ACLU when you need them!
But seriously, has the NRA or any other national pro 2nd Amendment group commented on this in a public forum? This does seem like an invitation to a lawsuit against the city and its law enforcement agencies.
The Texas Gun Show in Austin has now been PERMANENTLY canceled by HEB, the lease holder at the Crockett Center. They told Darwin Boedekker today that he may no longer hold the Texas Gun Show at the facility.

The HEB Phone number where you can call and give them a piece of your mind is 800-432-3113.
The KVUE Channel 24 phone number where you can tell them about their "news" story (below) is 512-459-6521.
Austin Mayor Leffingwell's phone number: 512-974-2250
Austin Police Department: 512-974-5000

KVUE (ABC) News ran this story as their opening shot tonight. It's excretory.


First, if the police detective observed questionable or illegal activity, why were no arrests made? The police detective lied when he said that they did not shut down the gun show. He coerced HEB to shut down the gun show and admitted that he asked them for help. ~90% of illegal Mexican firearms do NOT come from the USA! Personal firearms sales are not illegal in Austin! Using intimidation, fabrication and fear-mongering to shut down a business man's livelihood because of suspicion is not rule of law in a constitutional republic. It's tyranny at the hand of thugs.
I keep a gunshow list current for another website where I moderate. I can tell you that Boedeker has only recently started holding gunshows in Austin--this MAY have been his third show in Austin but I think it was probably only his first or second.

There may have been a problem with Saxet Gunshows who just vacated the Austin area--leaving the void that Boedeker filled--but I seriously doubt that there's been time for Austin PD to demonstrate a history of violations at Boedeker's shows since he literally just got there.

Regardless, this comes down to one very simple issue. If laws have been broken the lawbreakers need to be prosecuted. If laws have not been broken the police need to stop harassing/intimidating those not breaking the laws. In either case, the police need to be reminded that they are there to enforce the laws, not to make their own rules by intimidating/harrassing people into cooperating with them.
And this may be why Saxet Gunshows rolled out of town too.

Be interesting to see if any of this happens in Houston. The Reliant Center show is this weekend. Since Houston has a new liberal mayor, who knows.
It will be fascinating to view the number of individuals who are charged with committing any crime at all, even a petty crime, where sufficient evidence exists to convict anyone.

Its also fascinating that this type of assault on gun owners is occurring in Texas. I would have expected this level of broke-dickery in Massachusetts or California, perhaps, but not Texas.

Let us see who is charged with what crimes.

If no one is charged at all, I guess that speaks volumes for the rest of the Republic as well.
There are places where this is the law. For example Colorado is pretty good on most gun laws but dose not allow private sales at gun shows.
There are places where this is the law. For example Colorado is pretty good on most gun laws but dose not allow private sales at gun shows.
If it ever becomes the law in TX then I would expect the police to enforce it. Until then they need to enforce the laws we have and not the laws they want us to have.
Whilst I am in Australia, I listened with interest to the radio interview of Mr Darwin B on the Alex Jones Show yesterday ... suffice to say I am not surprised by what I heard given the International U.N treaty for Total Disarmament of Small Arms.

This is what happened in Australia ... it is harassment and so begins the further downward slide to kill off your 2A right by limiting private sales. This is so they can get everything under registration. You guys have to fight these encroachments because when it gets to the point where I can't even own a bolt action here, I'm moving to Oregon!

Watch your back boys ...

The Texas Gun Show in Austin has now been PERMANENTLY canceled by HEB, the lease holder at the Crockett Center. They told Darwin Boedekker today that he may no longer hold the Texas Gun Show at the facility.

OK, so APD or BATFE or some other entity has convinced HEB to stop its tenant from allowing private sales of firearms on their property. And as a result has somehow terminated the lease agreement for the facility.
Shame on HEB for knuckling under to pressure from whom ever to prevent citizens from exercising their rights.

So, the legal questions may be:
1. Did HEB terminate the lease properly and within the guidelines of the contract?
2. By terminating the lease, have they (HEB) violated any of their own corporate/public policies that could expose them to civil litigation?
3. By making the "suggestions" to HEB, have the APD/BATFE/Whomever, exposed themselves to any civil or criminal action?

Remember, I ain't no lawyer or legal scholar. I'm just trying to see where the law goes with this.
So you're taking on the Austin PD, the BAFTE and Walmart at the same time. I grew up with "Viel Feind viel Ehr", but that seems to be a rather formidable list of foes.