Bars on your windows?

Wendi5000's post is great. The fire hazard should be the greatest concern. I happen to think they look ugly as heck as well. Here are a few soultions that may or may not work for you.

Get a good alarm that has the following:
- central monitoring (otherwise its just noise)
- the ability to set the alarm while at home (motion sensors not active)
- the ability to set the alarm to instant-on (no delay)
- battery back up in case the power is cut
- cell phone back up in case phone lines are cut
- properly zoned out so you can tell what zone is tripped
- motion sensors over possible entry points (criss crossing)
- shock sensors and/or glass break sensors on the windows
- alarmed screen panels if you like to open your windows.

Sound a little extreme? Thats what I set up for me previous house after I got broken into (while not at home unfortuately).

Other option that may or may not work:
Fence in your property and get a guard dog. You can use an electronic collar to contain the dog when you open the gate to drive your car into your drive way. I know dogs can be shot or poisoned but it will probably bark and warn you before it get taken out. Besides, a dog is a great deterrent and only someone who is seriously after you will mess with a mean dog. The flip side is dogs require time and attention as well as food and vet visits. They are great companions when properly trained. My dog covers my whole back yard 24/7. My alarm covers the rest since no one has their house completely fenced in in my neighborhood. The police response time is incredible here.

Good luck!
7.62 - Some of us leave our houses from time to time. Good passive security means you have more chance of your stuff still being there when you get back.
If you plan, design and have fabricated and installed your own steel shutters, escaping a fire shouldn't be a problem. They can be made to open from the inside, and this need not include a lock and key.
Hurricane Windows

There is a company down here in Florida that manufactures windows that will withstand a impact of a 6 foot 2x4 shot out of a air cannon at 30 mph. Do a Google internet search on it. They are expensive and custom made to the house. They are also advertised for home security.
Trip 20

I understand. I am just used to my country area with not much crime. If I were in your situation, I would install motion detecting lights in your home. One aimed at your bed, with the sensor aimed at the hallway would be a good idea.

I do have to leave my home a lot, but I don't worry about it. I do love my community and am thankful for the location I was brought up in. Give the motion sensor thing a try. I would.

Good luck.
No hard feelings meant ;)
trapped in fire

consider that bars can trap you inside your hous e.g. if
- you want to run from an intruder (which is better than confrontation),
- you need to escape from fire.
Yep, the fire thing has been pointed out by the other posters. Apparently there are ways around this worry.

I'm not running from anyone in my house. 99% of the time I have one or all of 2 children and a woman I love in that house. Can't really ditch the family just to avoid a confrontation.

Most motion sensing lights are designed for outside use. They have the motion sensor built in right over the lights. I don't see the point of putting one over the bed. If you have kids, their getting up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water will set off the lights and wake you up. Another thing is you will be lit up while the intruder is in the dark. You will be temporarily blinded while the intruder has a great sight picture of you from his dark hallway.

Try the alarm approach with an instant on function which will wake you up as soon as the alarmed are is breached. Sleep with your door locked and make sure you have a good solid door to give your sleepy head a few seconds to clear up.
I dont like the bars on window thing,seen to may instances where good people die in fires...better to have a good trained dog in house..
Most burgler bars today, by code, have quick release mechanism easy enough for a child to operate.

My cousins had some that were activated by a foot pedal
I just read through and am a little surprised at the number of people making comments about be paranoid for installing burgler bars.
How many times have we heard this about carrying a gun for security?

As far as not needed them in good neighborhoods.
Mickey Thompson and Nicole Simpson lived in good neighborhoods.
A lot child abductions are from good neighborhoods. How many times have we heard of a child being stolen from their bed at night?
Didn't Elizabeth Smart live in a good neighborhood
Many murders are committed in good neighborhoods and if I was gonna rob someone's house I would go to a good neighborhood over the projects.

As long as you are not seeking a taxpayer paid grant to do it, why not
A little intimidation, anyone?

We are 100 yds. from a major highway where all manners of BGs might pass. A Model 1897 12 guage by the door, barking dogs (house dogs) and Texas laws "after dark" provide peace of mind as well as other shootin' irons around and handy. Paranoia doesn't even enter the picture.

How about a sign, small enough so as to not be obnoxious, yet large enough to not be missed - maybe 4"x6" posted on the inside of each window facing outwards, stating simply:

Home invaders and looters will be killed without mercy.

Perhaps with the "Jolly Roger" skull and crossbones illustration as an added touch. :D
It is my personal opinion,im not telling you to do it or not...but if you like living behind bars,go for it....I'll trust my place to my dogs and guns....many of each....
If you're building the house and still have options, check into higher security windows. Somebody mentioned some ultra high security windows, but there are many windows that do a good job of keeping people out.

Also look into ways to lock them while open (slide blocks or whatever) because I think the biggest danger is windows left open to catch the breeze at night.

And then ... get either a burglar alarm system or a dog. Either will do a good job of both keeping somebody out/waking you up if they decide to ignore it and keep coming.

I recently lost my dog to old age, and like yourself I'm a little concerned because I'm a deep sleeper and don't have an alarm.

But when I think about taking extreme steps like bars, it just occurs to me that a fire is as likely -- or more likely -- to happen than a true home invasion.

As long as I'm awakened before they're on top of me ... well ... as SWmike said ...

If someone gets in, the only way out is in a bag.
I understand your post but our self defense actions can be taken to various levels. I'm sure none of us are at the level where we barricade ourselves in our homes and never leave for fear of having someone break in while we are away or risking getting mugged, raped, or murdered while out on the streets. Everybody is entitled to respond to threats and possible threats in the manner they want. Some of us are only trying to show the possible down side of installing bars

I hope you are joking about the sign. If someone does come on to you property and you are forced to shoot him, I think you boost your chances of prosecution or a civil law suit exponentially. Our legal system doesn't always make sense. :rolleyes:

Garand Illusion,
Have you looked into the price of high security windows? Those things are EXPENSIVE!!! I live in Miami and considered them to getting shutters. Let me tell you. They cost a pretty penny, especially if you like a lot of windows.

For me, I would get a good alarm system first. Make sure the alarm is connected to a central monitoring service. Otherwise it is just noise. You can also start a neighborhood watch if you see the neighborhood heading down hill. That way someone will always keep an eye and ear out for you and yours. I would then consider getting bars if I lived in a higher crime area, especially if police response times are poor. I live in a gated community in a very good area (yes I know people still get broken into) and the police response time is incredible. Property taxes are outrageous but its worth it. If you do get bars on the windows, make sure it is the quick release type. Good luck.
I don't worry about someone coming in to my house because my dogs live there too. I bring them into my room at night so even though I leave the window open, the only thing I fear is mosquitos coming in to make a meal outta me. I h8 bugs.
I'm sure none of us are at the level where we barricade ourselves in our homes and never leave for fear of having someone break in while we are away or risking getting mugged, raped, or murdered while out on the streets.
Not sure that that is what Trip or I were advocating.

Installing security bars on windows are a far cry from being a shut in.
I have a feeling that it is the image of being in a cage that is most offensive to some, more than the idea of overboard security measures
Not sure that that is what Trip or I were advocating.

Installing security bars on windows are a far cry from being a shut in.
I have a feeling that it is the image of being in a cage that is most offensive to some, more than the idea of overboard security measures


I'm far from a shut in (unless you consider REALLY loving my recliner, and not wanting to leave it for extended periods of time, a shut in). I do not wear a tin-foil hat (I look better in gold). And, I sleep very well at night (too well, hence the original post).

I didn't know you would construe that I was a shut in or a fear monger, from the fact that I was considering security bars for windows.

I have a dog, and like the idea of the alarms... but sometimes those things do not deter BG's determined to do something wrong. Also, I hate to rely on electronics.

And, personally, I think if a BG broke into my home and had a bag of dog biscuits, my dog would probably help him carry my 36" TV out to the van. :D

You all have given me a lot to think about. Thanks for the alternative suggestions, I'll look into each of them.
As an alternative to bars, thorn bushes below your windows are also a fairly good deterrent for BGs while still allowing you and your family to escape incase of an emergency. Sure landing in a thorn bush sucks, but it sure beats dying in a fire because you couldnt get out.