Bars on your windows?


New member
Has anyone installed bars on your home's windows in an attempt to make forced entry a little more difficult.

I'm building a house this upcoming spring and have spoken with my lady about having this done. She doesn't care as long as it's "decorative"....

I live in one of those areas where it's not "necessary" :rolleyes: ... But I think I'd feel a bit more comfortable this way.

Just curious if any board members have considered this at all... or maybe even have them installed on their home.
Rarher than bars, look into steel shutters.

It depends on the general construction of the house, brick and or stone being best. But if the windows are set in steel frames, or the shutter hinges can be anchored in brick or stone they can be made to be very difficult to force or cut. As a bonus they will protect the windows during a storm or hurricane.

For cosmetic appeal they can be faced with wood or painted.
My grandparents have bars. I'm terrified of them. Too many people have died in fires because they can't get out of the prison they turned their home into in the disorientation of smoke and heat in the middle of the night. No thanks... I've always said if I lived somewhere that bars were necessary - I'd rather pack my bags and move elsewhere.

On the other hand we have hurricane blinds on our house on the coast. Granted, ours are the el-cheapo type that aren't real attractive, but then, considering the condition of the house that we put them on and the neighborhood in general and our reason for having them, looks weren't a major priority and finances were. However, very attractive hurricane blinds can be installed in lieu of bars while providing a great deal of protection from home invasion with much less risk of becoming trapped in your home.

Hurricane blinds are almost impossible to remove from the outside without making so much noise it would wake your neighbors three houses down. That's kind of the point, so they don't get pulled off in a storm. But here's the catch - unlike bars, they can be easily released from inside the house. Even a young child can be taught to pull the emergency release cord and kick the blinds out for an easy escape from the house.

Granted, blinds don't provide as much security as bars in preventing a person from entering your home. But, in my opinion, the safety trade-off of being able to get out of the home should the need arise is well worth it.

Just my two cents, I'm sure others will have other opinions. I guess it comes down to doing what you think is best for your family situation. :)
I work as a residential window cleaner. IMO one of the better things you can do if you have standard wood windows is simply drill a hole in the corner for an eyebolt. It prevents someone from 'silently' trying to lift up the window while still allowing you to easily escape if a fire breaks out. Just pull the eyebolt out and lift the window.

Too many times I've seen these threaded bolts or locks on windows and heard about a family that simply couldn't get out due to not having the key. :eek:
If you want to live in a jail more power to you, I prefer to die just one death, not a thousand. There has to be a happy medium where fear and paranoia take a back seat to living and enjoying life, it seems so sad to be afraid of life.
If you're bulding a house, why make windows at all? You can get some plasma TVs in the walls and have them play outdoorsy scenes... and you can even change the views to whatever you feel like. ;)
If I want bars on my windows or reduced size windows high up the wall, I will just go to that ad in shotgun news for an autosear, buy it and have fun for a little while. Then, when I get my room and new clothes I will enjoy my new accomodations courtesy of all of you taxpayers. Just like those men with cardboard signs on the streetcorners.

No really. If someone wants uninvited access to my house that bad, they may enter. Now how they think I will just let them just leave (with stuff) is another story. ;)
One of Ayoob's books gives a brand of burglar bars with a quick release for fire escape. The Truth About Self Protection, I think.
No bars here. Refuse to admit that the BG's influence the way I live. If someone gets in, the only way out is in a bag.
Thanks, Jim Watson, for the suggestion.

And thanks everyone else for pointing out the fire-hazard...etc.

To all who feel I'm compromising my lifestyle, or similar comment about giving up some of life's enjoyment:

C'mon. I'm a heavy sleeper, I like to leave the windows open on the cool summer nights, and I'm looking for a way to get a little piece of mind. I'm not trying to build a bunker.

Some of the comments were funny though... and that's definitely appreciated.
I plan on putting bars on my three basement windows. Too easy to get in right now. I'm not too afraid of a huge fire starting so quickly that my exit to the upstairs is blocked.

To those of you who said you will "greet" anyone who breaks into your house, what happens if someone breaks in while you are not home, hmmmm?

I'm more worried about someone burglarizing my home when I'm not there. ;)

I don't live scared. I sleep very well, thank you. What's wrong with being prepared, or feeling secure?
Window Bars

Our hearts go out to you who live where BGs roam at will and Window Bars are a consideration. Being way out in the sticks in the Cross Timbers of our State has its rewards but having lived in Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Grand Prairie we know the insecurity in those like places.

We are 100 yds. from a major highway where all manners of BGs might pass. A Model 1897 12 guage by the door, barking dogs (house dogs) and Texas laws "after dark" provide peace of mind as well as other shootin' irons around and handy. Paranoia doesn't even enter the picture.
Push Button Release

I build schools here in California. All of the windows that we install bars onto are required to have a "Push Button Release" that opens from the inside.The bars install in 2 or 3 sections and one side is hinged.Hit the "PBR" and the bars open wide. Great for any emergency.Thanks
You said that bars were not "necessary" in your neighborhood. Then why do it? You have a gun, be happy with that.

Not trying to be mean, but it must suck to be scared of the entire world.

If you aren't sure if you need to go so far as bars on the windows, here's an alternative plan.

Make sure the parimeter of your house is clear of obstruction against the exterior walls (bushes, hedges, anything big enough to hide in or behind that would provide instant concealment to a would-be BG.) If you want parimeter decore, choose something that has dual-purpose (looks good and protects too--rose bushes are great! Anything thorny, especially under windows.) Then install motion-sensor lights. Then make sure everything is locked (windows, doors, etc). An unlocked window can be opened, entered, and closed in seconds and no one would know the better. A broken window draws quick attention. The whole idea here is overlapping deterrance without living in a fortified dungeon.
south african

here in south africa we have 15 foot walls with electric wiring on top.gates with electric motors so we dont have to get out the car. lights with motion sensors arround the perimeter of the house and bars on all windows (covering entire window not just the opening part). this is all neccessary to keep out BG's. but still they find a way in. hope u find wht youre lookin for. could come here for a week to find it all.
7.62 said:
You said that bars were not "necessary" in your neighborhood. Then why do it? You have a gun, be happy with that.
Well, I haven't done it yet. It was something I've been considering and was looking for opinions here at TFL. Thank you for yours.

I don't want to have a false sense of security because I happen to live in an area where supposedly bad things shouldn't occur. And realistically, the town I live in isn't that small... it's in a direct path between Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis/St. Paul. Believe it or not a lot of drugs run through this town.

Correct, I do have a gun... the "be happy with that" part doesn't sit well with me. The gun only does me good if I am able to use it. All the training and marksmanship in the world will not do much good if you can't wake up and be alert in time to impliment your training. Maybe you sleep standing up, one eye open, in a ninja suite, with the trigger barely out of the trigger guard... I don't.

As previously stated, I am a heavy sleeper, I like to leave the windows open during the spring/summer and do not like the thought of any would-be BG being able to easily slip into my home. I don't know if this sounds freakishly paranoid as some seem to imply. I seems to happen every day all across America - so is it that hard to understand where I'm coming from?

A few months back, there were over 50 B&E's in this area. Some while people were home sleeping, some during the day while people were at work. They caught'em, but still...

7.62 said:
Not trying to be mean, but it must suck to be scared of the entire world.

Can someone please explain how we get from what I just said above, to being scared of the "entire world"?

7.62... I'm not scared of many things - and no it's not because I'm a tough guy.

I do worry from time to time, however, of falling victim to a home invasion. I couldn't bare to look into my loved ones eyes and see the fear that I may have been able to prevent with something as simple as security bars on the windows.

What am I sacrificing if I were to choose to use them? About .05% of my view? Or maybe my neighbors will think I'm nuts (that ain't so bad sometimes)?

Anyway, thanks again for the tips (especially you John_W_L).