barrel with offset bore ???

RX-79G said:
Pardon me, Theo. It's just that every time I've suggested anything on this thread, your immediate or eventual reaction is that I must be wrong.
To be fair, several of the assertions you've made in this thread have been wrong. I apologize if you take offense at that, but you started an argument on a subject (silencers) about which you apparently know very little.

However, post #56 was hardly a blanket declaration that you were wrong. I simply pointed out that threading the barrel was probably a cheaper and easier way to mount a silencer. I don't think examining and critiquing ideas is the same as just declaring them wrong. But again, I apologize if that offended you.

RX-79G said:
And really, I have a hard time seeing how a silencer, which is a huge expansion chamber, could possibly create more back pressure than in a revolver with an extra long barrel. In other words, an 8 inch revolver likely produces more back pressure than a 3 inch revolver with a suppressor because the pressure remains closer to peak for the first 8 inches of bullet travel, while it drops considerably in the suppressor. Suppressors create some back pressure, but not more than a sealed bore - just more than an open muzzle.
That's a very good point: A revolver with a longer barrel almost certainly allows more gas to escape the cylinder gap than the same length of suppressor would. But I have no idea how much; if I tried James K's idea using a longer-barreled revolver I might come closer to simulating the extra back-pressure of a silencer, but it might still be way off in one direction or another. Also, a longer barrel tends to produce less muzzle blast, so it tends to be quieter at the muzzle than a shorter barrel. So I'd worry that using a longer barrel to simulate the extra back-pressure would introduce too many extra variables.
Uhhh... Hate to spoil the party, but to do the above is to manufacture an un-registered silencer and is a NO-NO

Strickly speaking to do the above experiment requires a Form 1 and a $200 tax paid to manufacture the suppressor. Stupid but true
The ATF doesn't consider it a silencer if it's a separate structure that's not attached to the gun. I don't know the exact details of how they make that distinction, but I'm almost certain that what James K described in post #50 doesn't require any registration.
I thought any device that reduced the report of the shot qualified for the "tax"

You know more about this then i do though. So, if i make a box to shoot thru at the gunclub thats ok?
Sharkbite, gunsmiths have testing barrels that allow them to fire the gun indoors. No tax stamp for that, either.

I'm sure any highly portable, handheld device would not be tolerated, but that's not what we're talking about.
A bullet trap is used to stop the bullet. It doesnt make the gun any quieter. Ive used a bunch of them (snail-traps). Still gotta wear ears

We are talking about a device specifically designed to reduce the sound of the report... Not stop the bullet. Two different things
I've witnessed ones that enclose the gun, muffling it. That's all a silencer or a box does - muffle the shot a bit.

Look, the way you're talking about this, an indoor gun range needs a tax stamp because it muffles gun shots. It doesn't, nor does any device that doesn't attach to the gun, like a big box. Or a swimming pool. Or a pillow.

As a general observation, people on these forums seem to love creating these legal gotchas all the time. The current laws are a pain, but they really aren't as dangerous to gun owners as the conspiracy theorists make them out.
Gun Control Act Definitions
18 U.S.C., § 921(A)(24)

The term “Firearm Silencer” or “Firearm Muffler” means any device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for the use in assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication.

The above does not say ANYTHING about the device being attached

Your comment about an indoor range being a suppressor is ludicrous

Im not even going to address your insulting comment about "conspiracy theorists"

Making a box to shoot thru with the express intent of "quieting the shot" falls into this category. Period.
"Portable firearm". What do you think that means?

If you showed an ATF agent a big box designed to sit on the floor and both muffle and trap a bullet, then ask him if it was a silencer, he would also use the word "ludicrous".

Sometimes these regulations aren't written in a way that encompasses every possibility, but the intention of the law is pretty clear. And no one is going to seek arrest or prosecution on a reductio ad absurdum argument that a piece of furniture is a "silencer designed for a portable firearm".
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It means the FIREARM IS PORTABLE.... Just as its written

"ANY" means, ANY
"PORTABLE" means

portable[ pawr-tuh-buhl, pohr- ]
1. capable of being transported or conveyed: a portable stage.
2. easily carried or conveyed by hand: a portable typewriter.
3. (of data sets, software, etc.) capable of being used on different computer systems.

Hardly bears discussing....
Actually the CIA ordered a group of Dan Wessons from the Monson plant that were modified to take supressors, they were 357's and were to be used with jacketed bullets only,
Yeah, because we all know that everything the government spends our money on is an unqualified success...right? :rolleyes:
As far as the .22LR and the pop my understanding, that would be quite illegal.
I don't think it is TFL policy to encourage or condone illegal behavior. So please tread lightly.
All the rules, regs, and attempts to prove they can be silenced aside, the one glaring thing I still see that stands out is, a lack of any suppressed "mass produced" revolvers, other than the Nagants.

The fact we dont see ANY (beyond the movies), to me is quite telling, and a pretty good indicator of whether or not they work.

If it was in fact feasible, Im sure we would be seeing them all over the place, and with the way the markets are with all the "tactical and cool" stuff, they should sell like hot cakes. I know Id buy me a couple. :)

For pretty much any other type of gun out there, we have a plethora of examples of working combos of weapon and suppressor. The one thats is obviouly lacking in that respect, is the revolver.
WOW, is all i can say to that
Explain to me why I'm a fool for thinking a big, heavy box isn't a silencer, and you're well informed for thinking an even bigger box is not?

When does a not-very-portable box go from being a silencer to not, in your scholarly opinion? 2'x2', 4'x4', 10'x10'?
As far as the .22LR and the pop my understanding, that would be quite illegal.
I don't think it is TFL policy to encourage or condone illegal behavior. So please tread lightly.
Well then, you could always get a "solvent trap adapter", and clear the barrel and chambers before cleaning, with a fouling round. :D
If there was a suppressor that would work on my 357, id get it!! Have or am waiting on cans for 22, 223, 300blk, 308win and a .45.

As much as i HATE paying the tax and waiting on em... Id be all in on a can for my 686.

Sadly, no such beast is offered. I think is it was doable somebody would do it and market such. Look at all the crap that dosent really work but still gets made. Walmart is full of marketing genius/poor design

If it worked, even a little bit, it would be sold
Call the police:


Fits snuggly around muzzle. Check.
Muffles shot due to rubble baffles. Check.
Works with portable firearms. Check.


Must be a silencer, since that's exactly what we've been talking about and Sharkbite says they are.

Thats a bullet trap. Has NOTHING to do with quieting the report.

1. Dont put words in my mouth
2. Get some experience with your subject matter
3. Grow up

Im outta this one. You cant win a battle of wits with the willfully ignorant.
It doesn't matter what label you put on it. If it muffles the report of the bullet it is a silencer, and the rubber baffles do just that. This is almost exactly what we've been talking about when James brought it up!!!

What sort of world do you live in where words are absolute, but only when you use them?