Barefoot shooting

fair question: answer

While NRA rule books do not demand eye protection, match directors and range operators frequently do. How do you deal with a match when you show up and they tell you that you must wear eye protection?
Just askin.

There are many various "shooting glasses", those with apetures, or specialized focusing points.

I just wear my daily progressive trifocals.
Or, on occasion, non-prescription safety glasses (to emulate losing my prescription eyewear).

I NEVER shoot without wearing eye protection. Nor should anyone; eye protection, IMO, is mandatory.
I've shot barefoot.

You should checkout Sand Socks. They're as good as being barefoot, except they give you some minor protection from rough ground, sticks, hot brass, etc.
I first discovered them at my local hunting store. I prefer the socks over wearing shoes. They're pretty much neoprene socks, similar to a wetsuit. They're intended for the beach, but I've used them in various environments.