"Banned site" Anti-gun hysteria.

Several years ago a major defense contractor installed one of those filters. Problem was they were on the list of prohibited weapons makers and it disabled the company website for all the employees. Evidently they didn't think to test their own website before the launch.

I was able to get around a filter at one place I worked by clicking on forum reply notifications in my email. Since the Show Thread originated out of Hotmail it ignored the rest of the address, I guess.
It's like that at most peoples work and schools too I imagine. I think it's less a political statement or safety issue and more a matter of trimming liability
FITASC said:
The first does not apply to the private sector; their house, their rules........
While this is true, they do get a huge chunk of their revenue from government (taxpayer) sources. I'd love to see Congress withhold funds from any entity that receives taxpayer dollars and restricts legal internet content, but that will happen the minute I win the lotto...
My wife was just in having wrist surgery at an outpatient place. The only gun-oriented site I could access was The High Road, and I suspect that was true because nothing gun-related is in the name so it made it past the filters.

Maybe some future gun sites will do something similar to fool the filters.
If you don't like the free wifi, don't use it, plain and simple.

It ain't free. True pubic wi-fi like the kind that's available at the airport, sure. However, if one is a patient in a hospital, it ain't free. Not the wi-fi, that $10 chunk of jello, or that $15 capsule of Tylenol.
Onward Allusion said:
It ain't free.

Unless it requires verification and is billed, it's free. Now sure, somewhere down the line, that bill is getting paid by people who are paying hospital bills, so it's not "free"... but the same can be said about literally every single item in every single business/organization in the world. That chair you sit in at a restaurant isn't "free" either, it's part of the overhead... but that's being a tad pedantic.
My children’s doctors office had a questionnaire that asked if there are firearms in the home with my kids living there. Long story short, I upset the calmliness of that office when I asked very loudly what in the blue hell does that have to do with their healthcare. We don’t use that doctor now!