Ban sausage!

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Here you go: :D
German police have arrested a man on suspicion of murdering a woman with a Bockwurst sausage.

Prosecutors and police said the 50-year-old was arrested after the discovery of a woman's body in an apartment in Zwickau, eastern Germany. They said she had choked on a Bockwurst, which is a popular large German sausage.

The prosecutors said the man had given a patchy account of events, acknowledging that he may have "administered" a Bockwurst to the woman. They are now working to establish exactly what happened in the run up to her death.
this thread has been perfect for me to practice think 10 times post once, as I dont want to be banned.

:cool: :D

Well, the comparisons to Firearms Bans are obvious; and hardly surreal given British Bans on Klingon Knives

Besides aren't you the author of the following:
I come here to relax and enjoy the diversity of discussion relating to many items. I think others do as well, coming here to join others with a common bond and have FUN talking about firearms and the community that we share.

With the camaraderie and fun drained away, what's left?
We'll let it go a bit...or at least until Wild just can't stop his fingers. ;)
I've been casing L&P for seven years and frankly, Cowman's link has brought out the wurst puns I've ever read.

Seriously though, this story is about an absurd murder weapon. Banning sausage is pointless, as is banning knives, golf clubs, guns, cars, rocks and any other implement that could be used as a weapon. ANYTHING can be used to inflict harm or even death.

Don't even get me started on dihydrogen monoxide. :eek:

Dave, that is one of the most useful pages I have read in ages. I was going to comment on the similar dangers of Hydrogen Hydroxide, but I see they have it covered!
so does that mean a concealed sausage liscense is next ?

Take that wurst outta the bun lay it down and back away slowly sir.....
A woman was murdered.
We don't know that for a fact. I've seen a lot of people choke on food. Littlest Meek would never be here today if I hadn't been able to do a baby Heimlich maneuver when he was a toddler, though hard candy was the culprit and not sausage.

This incident made me a firm believer in candy licensing. Maybe require it to be placed in a certified locking cabinet as well. Bluesman, don't you think that licensing and a lock requirement for food products is so much more sensible than allowing its unregulated use. We're not talking about banning here, just a little common sense protection...for the children.

We need to license icicles too! Nothing like getting stabbed with a 2 foot long ice dagger to ruin your day! Ice daggers melt without a trace so there is no way to find the murder weapon! :eek:
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Oh, it's obvious now! She painfully suffocated on a phallic object- no one has ever been brilliant enough to joke about that before this post! :barf:


What message does this post and the posters in it send to the world?

I apparently only entertained illusions that the posters on this board had a sense of humor that developed past grade school.
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