Ban on high speed cars

Do I "need" my AK with ten 30-rd. mags when my old Mosin will pop a hole in something just as effectively? Do I "need" a 1000# cruiser with a 1800cc motor that can effectively propell me down the highway at 150mph+ when a put-put scooter will effectively get me from point A to B? Who's business is it other than my own what I "need" vs what will get the job done? If I let someone else (especially the government or their lobbying string-pullers) determine what I need and could do without, my transportation would come down to a pair of boots and plenty of padding so I don't accidentally hurt myself if I trip on something. Too many people have too much time on their hands and spend it worrying way too much about everyone elses business but their own. Wish I had that kind of free time. Just think of all the extra range time I'd be able to get in or road trips on my bike! :D
Please read Post #2 for my genius explanation why the 'tool' argument is one that the choir postulates but has little traction outside of the choir. The intentionality of the instrument is paramount in the public mind.
So, do sports car drivers arguments gain any traction with environmentalist or overbearing safety groups? The vehicles are designed for high risk high fuel consumption driving. Why is it the moderates side with sports car drivers?
'They can take my tires, but they are getting them hood ornament first.'
We could go on like this for a day or more, but then the monitors would close the thread. Which would have the positive effect of permanently burying an argument in which I took a bludgeoning...

Bring on the Gear head Molon Labe talk.
Banning cars will get you no where, Now a ban on Football, Baseball bats and various other sports that can be linked directly to combat training......:D
baseball bats or baseball.
If baseball how do you link it to combat training. Although as i kid I can remember thinking a home run hitter would be a good grenadier, i am not sure I follow.
If not baseball, then the bat has a... well... innocent original design intention.

I see what you are saying about football and soccer. I read a paper somewhere about how Americans love of football v. other countries love of soccer affected battlefield tactics.

I think their is a Taiwanese movie which plays along these lines also.
All of the debate so far is moot. We all *know* it's about [grating,bloodcurdlingvoice]the chiiiiillllldrrrrrrennnnnn[/grating,bloodcurdlingvoice], mainly the 10's of 1,000's that are killed daily as a result of misuse of sportscars. But, before we ban sportscars outright, we need to hold their owners responsible for leaving their dangerous sportscars where "children" (the innocent 18-28 year old ones) can "gain access to" them (read: prowl the streets at 3am with specialized tools to break into, hotwire and steal cars). Yeah, if lunatic sportscar owners were banned from possessing them, well, wouldn't the children finally be safe from themselves?

sixgun67 has the best handle on everything discussed. We just need to cut everyone's hands off :D
How about this.

Encouraging the individual to not act like an idiot behind the wheel of such a car.

Legislating common sense is always a losing proposition.

We live in the United States of America.

Freedom and Justice For All.

We have the Freedon to do as we please as long as we don't act like total idiots and when we do,there is supposed to be Justice for All of Those who had to put up with our stupidity.

To think that a gun ban would stop killings is sadly mistaken.

What it would do is make the physically strongest and quickest people,rulers in their neighborhoods.

The gun banners show no common sense or care for the plight of old people and women that have used firearms to save their own lives from the dirtbags that has mistakenly assumed they were easy prey.

I am truly amazed at how devious the gun takers have become lately and I have been reawakened to the fact that who I vote for matters and who I support matters as well.

Without Gun Rights There will be no Freedom in the United States.

And let's get something straight right now.

We are unlike any other nation on this planet.

For all the jobs we have bled overseas,we are still the holder of the torch of Freedom across this Planet.

So don't compare the United States to ANY other nation.

We are the Standard Bearer for Freedom.

Get Used to It,Gun Grabbers.
For all the jobs we have bled overseas,we are still the holder of the torch of Freedom across this Planet.
Interesting point there...
As an economist I would like to know your connection between employment levels and freedom. Many Communist countries have run at "100%" employment while maintaining very tyrannical governments, with for instance no gun rights whatsoever.

Lets find an actual real gun that is extremely obviously not designed to kill.
I haven't found anything worth posting yet.
There's a corrolary to the whole gun/car argument that reads, "if you need a license to drive a car, you should need a license to use a gun."

Of course, the argument misses the point that, unlike cars, guns are explicitly protected by the Bill of Rights.
Cars are much more dangerous than guns. In rough comparison the total deaths are pretty equal, for 2006 all deaths from automobiles was 45,509 and from guns 30,896. However of the car deaths 45,334 were due to accident and 175 from deliberate violence, in the case of guns only 858 were accidents and 30,034 from deliberate violence. Therefore it appears cars are much more difficult to handle than guns.

The problem with a suggested ban of sports car is that they would take you up on it and ban both sports cars and guns.
Once you normalize for the time spent using each those stats do fall apart. Wish they didn't, but they do. Americans average a 20 minute commute each way. Mix in a short trip at lunch, errands in the evening. You end up with an hour a day in the car easily. Very few of us handle a gun for an hour a day. most police officers and others who handle firearms also patrol in a vehicle. Many sales people drive all day and do not carry firearms.
Sports cars are highly regulated. There is a top speed allowable for a sports car and they also have to have fairly stringent environmental standards.

If you asked for a ban on high speed sports cars you'd probably get a lot of support. The vast majority are foreign made and it'd help out Detroit a tiny bit.