Badly Wounded Attacker

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Remember these words, "He was reaching for something while he was laying on the ground and said,'I'm going to kill you MFer' so I shot again".

My little sister shot a carjacker in New Orleans twice in the chest with a 9mm. She called 911 right away and the paramedics arrived before ths cops did. By the time the cops got there he was on his way to the hospital and the crime scene was completely compromised. He spent about 2 years in the hospital and local jail before his case came to court. During that time my sister's name, place of business, and address were published in the court documents and newspapers.

It turned out that the car jacker had AIDS too, thank God she didn't try to give him first aid. He went to court and got a high dollar lawyer who worked his case pro bono (giving back to the community) and the prosecuter was a ditsy airhead that just graduated from lawschool. She may not have even passed the bar yet because there was another lawyer that was there for every hearing but didn't do anything.

The pro bono lawyer set the case up that since my sister was married to a cop (reserve in a different parrish), carried a gun, and was alone in a bad neighborhood (She worked in the federal building in N.O.) that she must have been a "Dirty Harriet" (he used that term) out trying to kill a poor homeless man who just wanted a little change.

The cops at the crime scene confiscated her gun, and when he was acquitted 2 years later she tried to reclaim it only to discover that it was destroyed in a "paperwork mistake".

After he got out of jail he started driving by her house and her daughter described him to her saying that he talked to her one time while she was playing in her front yard.

Her prompt call saved his life due to the paramedics rapid response. The time he spent in the hospital extended his life by years because he got detoxified (drug adict) and recieved thousands of dollars of taxpayer funded AIDS drugs.

She still has flashbacks and has never been the same.

Make sure he's dead, and forgive yourself if you are "too shocked and traumatized to think clearly and call 911 until you are sure he's dead.

Also, remember that if 1 is good, 2 is better, and half a magazine is even better than that.
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If I'm put in a situation where I have to use deadly force to defend myself, I can't imagine showing any dignity or humanity to the BG. Prior to being shot, they were intent on causing me harm or death. No deathbed repentance from a dying attacker is enough for me to forget that it could have been me where he is.
ISC said,
Remember these words, "He was reaching for something while he was laying on the ground and said,'I'm going to kill you MFer' so I shot again".

Surely you are not suggesting that folks lie to the police to cover up their actions of trying to attempt murder by shooting a person who is not longer an active known threat, are you?

The only reason to use those words are if that is actually what happened.
That shooting mentioned in the second post occurred in Brazil.

And that stack of criminal chordwood was one of the factors that motivated me to move from 9mm to .40 S&W for my home defense guns.

Do you have a legal or moral obligation to help them?

I would think not and If someone had been so threatening to me that I had to resort to a firearm to stop them then I'm most certainly not going to close with them to provide aid even though (and I'm not making a joke here) I am sure that I would feel very badly about it later.
ISC you can do what you want and accept whatever consequences are coming your way, but to hand out foolish advice to kill the BG after he is down to avoid later troubles, is a ridiculous thing to post. "Advice" like that could lead somebody to do something to cause himself far more trouble than a shot and not properly prosecuted BG.

Some better advice might be to elect appropriate prosecutors and legislators.

Would I help the guy I shot? Perhaps. I am certainly not going to dismiss the notion out of hand. My thought processes have not become so ossified as to preclude basic humanity. That being said, my first obligation is my safety and my families. If he remains a viable danger then no. If in my training and experience I could do something without compromising my position, then yes. Certainly.
Well, take my story for what it's worth, my little sister still has nightmares, not from the shooting, but from the crap she had to go through after the shooting.

I'm not saying that anyone should do anything, I'm just saying that if a piece of civiliazation's detritus is killed cleanly and humanely instead of living and suing you, that is a good thing. Fortunately, I live in a state with a strong castle doctrine and my right to defend myself and my family is more secure than alot of others who can EXPECT to get sued if their attacker lives.

I DO advise that if you ever have to shoot someone, unload on them and take your time to call an ambulance until you are completely certain that there is no longer a threat.

I also say that if there is any doubt that an armed attacker might be reaching for a weapon, shoot again. and again. and again. until you are certain that your live is no longer in any way in danger.

Ya'll can pussyfoot around it any way you want, but the final answer is that if you were justified shooting someone, he deserves to die. If he lives you'll wish he had.
I've been a Paramedic for many years and I have never intensionally put myself in an unsafe situation. We do not enter an unsafe scene, we have to think about our families. I'm thinking that a BG just being shot is not a safe scene.
You leave the area, get the family (if they are in the area), Call 911, lay your gun down in a safe location and let god and the law handle from that point.
No, in a non-military context, which is what we are talking about, if I am justified in shooting someone, it does not follow that he deserves to die. I have used my weapon because I deserve to live. There is the difference and the salient point. I am not the judge, jury and executioner. I am the guy who will use force if needed to go home safe, or to protect others. I am not adverse to stopping someone real good and with decisive action. Probably a good idea. I am also not adverse to giving aid if I can safely do it. I think locking oneself into a particular paradigm is a short sighted and foolish thing to do let alone advocate to others.

We also have a very good castle doctrine statute here. Always use the vote well, it does make a difference.
Remember these words, "He was reaching for something while he was laying on the ground and said,'I'm going to kill you MFer' so I shot again".

I really don't care for the direction this thread is beginning to take, and there are too many replies to the above comment to simply delete it.

What it DOES do is get this one closed, which is a shame as this subject had potential :mad:.

Re-start this if you wish, but do so with my sig line in mind, please!
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