Bad sign...McCain already on the defensive

Not much more of a shapeshifter than Obama.

Really? One of the big complaints on this board is that he is far too consistent in his beliefs (that people don't like)

Obama doesn't have changing opinions on things (who doesn't?), but that isn't the problem. It is the actual denial of ever having taken an opposing position. Maybe you can find me such a denial for Obama. It is pretty trivial to do so for McCain.

McCain certainly should be on the defensive. However, Obama hasn't begun to attack, yet.
I'm curious - is he an intentional shapeshifter or does he just forget what he actually did in the past?

Which is worse?

I honestly think he is pretty much shooting from the hip when answering questions, trying to appeal with the best answer at the time without a good memory of what he previously said (or even how he voted!)

Yes, one would think at his age and experience he would have a firm convictions. He has, however, firmly repressed the Abramoff documents. They would lead to a few more convictions ;)
All it will take is for his famous temper to flare up and him to lose his cool in a debate and he's done. I just hope he takes the remains of the diseased and corrupt Republican party down with him. Maybe then we can get some traction for one of the parties that actually understands and supports the Constitution. If it takes 4 years of Obama messing things up for that to happen then so be it. McCain has nothing compelling to say and is not trustworthy. My hope is that he is the last candidate the Republicans ever get to run.
with so many americans driving their Yukons and F-350s and Expeditions and ... ahem... Hummers, some would love the thought of cheaper gas.

We all know the average american is embarassingly stupid. But even a monkey can put together, "more oil = more gas = cheaper gas"

Obama went on the defensive after McCain talked about drilling (Don't you just love it how the media frames the drilling as only in ANWR and no place else) and said something like, "drilling won't lower gas prices, and at best, won't start lowering them for another five years."

huh. It got me to thinking,
1. you don't know jack about the oil industry.
2. you don't know jack about oil trading.
3. you are apparently only interested in short term solutions.

I say, it'll be back and forth. My predictions are that Iraq will matter less and less towards November; it'll all be about the economy. We got Dems in bed with Nationwide, we got Obama gasp! rasing taxes....

It'll be back and forth. Drudge Report, which was decidedly anti-Clinton and mum on Obama, posted about 5 anti-Obama links today.
I just hope he takes the remains of the diseased and corrupt Republican party down with him.

Me too. This has been the most screwed up 7 years that I have seen in 70 years on this planet. We were told that Republicans had lock on something they called "family values." What values: Dirty Duke Cunningham went to jail for demanding bribes, Freedom Fries Ney went to jail for taking money from Jack Abramoff, Renzi was found guilty of fraud. The poster boy of the evangelicals, Foley, quit congress after he was found to be chasing after little boys. The US congress cut 7 million dollars from troop brain injury research after doling out 17 billion dollars of pork.
McCain isn't exactly overflowing with charisma. I keep waiting for him to start his campaign. I'm amazed McCain was so quiet during the messy Obama/Clinton primaries. McCain should of been using that time to loudly and boldly define the issues of the election. He should of been using that time to set the tone and pace of the general election...but he was very quiet and his commentary was subdued - and at times even reactionary. There's a lot more media excitement about who will be Obama's running mate than there is about McCain's. That's not a good sign for McCain.

The more I look at McCain, the more I am reminded that he is 72yrs.old. He comes across as out of touch - maybe, because he is in fact out of touch? In a Prius world, he's still driving a Hummer. Obama's free pass and Obama's sense of being a historic president - because of race - are things I find annoyingly distracting...but McCain's sense of entitlement is even worse.
McCain is like Bob Dole on Viagra - improved but not much improved, ready
but still worn out... If I were Obama, I'd reject McCain's challenges to debate and do so with the remark that McCain is unworthy of extensive debate.

I can envision McCain, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush hunting quail together on some lavish Texas Ranch. I can't envision McCain <he'll then be over 80yrs.old>completing a 2nd term as president. I can't envision McCain
coming to America's rescue inasmuch exacerbating its current problems.
The Obama camp should replay over and over and over and over and over again McCain's joking rant about bombing Iran, the one where he hums the old Beach Boy's song Barbara Ann as Bomb Iran. Maybe he is a warmonger?
Yeah, I can see how and why he seems so defensive. He's out of touch, and
he doesn't know it.
McCain = Dole 96. They are both old war veterans who were the Republican sacrificial lambs led to the slaughter. I don't see it any other way. I would even say McCain is a worse candidate than Dole because a pro-war candidate just can not win in the current political environment.
Really? One of the big complaints on this board is that he is far too consistent in his beliefs (that people don't like) [this is about Obama]

I remember hearing some of his speeches at some of the primaries and he said basically whatever it was the crowd wanted to hear. Said pro gun stuff in pro gun states and anti in anti states.
If he stays with the Bushies on Iraq and the richies on the economy he is sunk. It's just that easy.

In 100 years we will still be in Iraq and no one will be able to afford gas in about 5 years. Our money will be shipped overseas to our bankers and masters in China and the Middle East.

If that's what he offers - bye, bye.
If he stays with the Bushies on Iraq and the richies on the economy he is sunk. It's just that easy.

In 100 years we will still be in Iraq and no one will be able to afford gas in about 5 years. Our money will be shipped overseas to our bankers and masters in China and the Middle East.

If that's what he offers - bye, bye.

Hyperbolize much??

Don't be so frightened. Fear is a crippling force. The boogey man isn't John McCain. There IS NO BOOGEY MAN.
What aspect of the energy issue is he going to be able to run on where his own record does not haunt him?

I always thought we should be drilling ANWR and off the coast but a change of position by McCain on this to pro drilling can easily be justified as not pandering. Simply put there is a big difference between opposing expansion of drilling when oil is at $30 - $35 a barrel and supporting it at $140 - $145 a barrel. The situation justifies the response.

Not adjusting and changing to the situation as it is warranted is something the Dems have hammered Bush on for his entire time in office. Now it is the Dems who seem to think no price is high enough to justify expanding drilling. They are on the loosing side of this and energy prices WILL be the #1 issue come November. This will really hit home when fall home heating oil is delivered...
The sad fact of the matter is that McCains positions are meaningless.

The Mainstream media is on the side of Obama, (que the Obama Girls song here). Every time they mention the candidates Obama gets the better camera angle, the 5 minutes of positive attention, and The I am not Bush sound bite.

McCain gets the downward camera angle and 10 secons designed to make him look, old and bad.

All Obama has to say is I will end the war (not true but who cares?) I am not Bush (true enough), and I will bring change. And he has to avoid any meaningful debate on the issues with McCain which he has done so far.
The Mainstream media is on the side of Obama, (que the Obama Girls song here). Every time they mention the candidates Obama gets the better camera angle, the 5 minutes of positive attention, and The I am not Bush sound bite.

McCain gets the downward camera angle and 10 secons designed to make him look, old and bad.

Replace "Obama" with any Democrat and "Bush" with any Republican running for President in the last 30 years. All this has happened before, all this will happen again.

Iraq and Afghanistan will not matter one damn bit by November. You will have the same crowd from Move On shouting to get out of Iraq and opposing all expansion of drilling and nuclear power while advocating ethanol. You will also have Americans dealing with skyrocketing gas and food (which we are inefficiently burning as fuel) prices. Nothing sways the American voter like the wallet and frankly not many people who are voting are going to care what is going on in Iraq if they cannot fill their gas tanks or refrigerators while the Dems do nothing but talk about long range plans for hybrid vehicles and conservation while quotes continue to leak out about their support for higher gas prices to force change "in the name of the environment."