Bad sign...McCain already on the defensive

I just saw an ad by McCain where he is very clearly on the defensive against his being portrayed as a "war monger" and trying to do damage control because of his remarks about Iraq and his support of the war.

This is not a good sign so early in the process to see him having to try and redefine himself.
And he is also the candidate coming out in support of drilling where everyone else can already do so (50 miles off the coast).

His shot at Obama on a Pre 9/11 mentality also seemed to be a good one today.
And he is also the candidate coming out in support of drilling where everyone else can already do so (50 miles off the coast).

His shot at Obama on a Pre 9/11 mentality also seemed to be a good one today.
Actually those can both easily be seen as negatives also.

Polls show that the vast majority of Americans support funding alternative power sources over trying to obtain more finite amounts of oil. This sudden change of opinion on his part is most likely going to be seen as bowing down to the big oil contributors.

Polls also show that the majority of Americans are tired of 9/11 references. In fact I saw one recently in a local paper (reprinted from a national paper) that said close to 75% of americans said it made them less likely to vote for a candidate when they play the 9/11 card.
Disregard the 9-11 card? Why, did the bad guys finally swear off trying to do that sort of thing again? As for alternatives, my car will not run on wesson oil, I can't afford another one with upcoming for sure layoffs or pay cuts on the near horizon, and I can't afford to put in a 300 foot windmill. Go ahead and get more oil. Remember half of the country is made up of plastic and that is a petroleum product too. Want your PC made out of rare rainforest wood? Recycled cardboard? Glocks made of hemp? McCain better get some aggresive campaign managers and start listening to them. I am about to maybe be going to the beans and macaroni diet, worst case, and I sure don't want it coupled to another damned Carter era like disaster.
It does not look good for McCain, if he is already on the defense with this stuff but the DNC machine as even started yet. Once they get going he won't be able to be elected Dog catcher in Podunk Texas.
His shot at Obama on a Pre 9/11 mentality also seemed to be a good one today.

This harkens back to Bush's fear tactics. I think the citizens of the US have finally moved beyond Bush's fear mongering of 9-11 and gay marriage and whatever else Bush used to win the last election. If McCain isn't running for Bush's 3rd term, perhaps he needs to distance himself from Bush's tactics.
This will be the nastiest, dirtiest, most mud slinging Presidential campaign we've ever seen. The 'quality' of some of the T.V. ads already being run certainly indicates that - and the parties haven't even officially selected their candidates.
Agree long and nasty

and it will become extremely nasty once McCain realise he has nothing to loose by making it even nastier. Sadly there have been a few sites already playing the Veterans against McCain and the anti-Muslim president sites. Both do nothing to promote the country and only make the mud throwing more readily noticeable,
No worse than the mud slinging that goes on in here.
I have no idea what you are talking about. It is not like people are pointing out the fact that Hawg Haggen eats puppies. We would never stoop to saying that...even if it is true. :D ;)
far worse than TFL commentary

THe kind of nasty crap you are going to see on a national level is not just an opinion, comment or belief that you read here on TFL. Those comments are made on a very small scale and read by a minute number of people in comparison to 1 minute ads broadcast twice an hour over the entire country for 60 days.

Yes there are some nasty comments hear. But generally most of those comments are written to make a point with another poster or two. None of the comments hear are making the way to the uninformed misguided sole who believe every commercial they hear. Here we only have to deal with those who read it on the Internet and then posted it in a thread. :D

Here at least you have the opportunity to respond directly by posting a reply. National ads do not provide the same opportunity they just allow you to run your own add. I believe the two are very vaguely similar.
McCain doesn't want it enough; he lacks fire. Obama can cripple this nation, perhaps terminally. I don't get any sense of that from McCain. He is flat, measured, "respectful." At his age he should know who he is, what he believes, and project that unapologetically, with vigor. WHERE IS THE ANGER?
McCain doesn't want it enough; he lacks fire. Obama can cripple this nation, perhaps terminally. I don't get any sense of that from McCain. He is flat, measured, "respectful." At his age he should know who he is, what he believes, and project that unapologetically, with vigor. WHERE IS THE ANGER?

Shhhhh Shhhhh SHhhhhh.. he's taking a nap.

Fact is he is a shapeshifter. He changes positions every couple weeks and doesn't even know how to use a computer to realize that things that he says are recorded.

Defeating McCain will be a YouTube war. Democrats don't have to mudsling, just keep the camera rolling, and make sure people see what he has to say and then deny, then say the opposite, then say the first thing again. (social security, the war, the economy, etc are already on record as unstable positions by McCain)
Fact is he is a shapeshifter. He changes positions every couple weeks and doesn't even know how to use a computer to realize that things that he says are recorded.

Good analysis. Methinks that McCain will get mad and unravel when faced with tough questions during the debates.
Not much more of a shapeshifter than Obama. Firearms issue is one example. I hear Ron Paul is still sticking it to em. so maybe we have a better alternative than these two. Ron Paul is not my first choice but he is a sight better than these bickering kindergarteners in suits.
The Incumbent Party's chosen themes (change and status quo) is not working out here in flyover country, at least while Joe and Martha are paying just south of $5 / gallon and being frightened by investment firms (who profit from a suitably frightened populace) of $200 / barrel oil. The Incumbent Party may have wanted to stick to soft and fuzzy theme. Joe and Martha want hard answers and real solutions. Hence the adjustment to drilling.

I will predict we will see a bidding war erupt between the Incumbent Party's wings over how much and how fast the appearance of drilling can be accomplished. Later the discussion will shift to the appearance of bringing additional refining on line. Energy policy is just the first adjustment in campaign themes.
Fact is he is a shapeshifter.

Good description. I'm curious - is he an intentional shapeshifter or does he just forget what he actually did in the past?

Example, on one of his many stops to New Orleans since he began his run for President (just one visit prior to his campaign), he was confronted with a reporter who asked him why he is showing support for the city now when he voted against extending health care, unemployment benefits and an investigation into why the levies failed in the aftermath. McCain then denied voting against those measures. The vote record shows otherwise.

Cunning shapeshifter or early signs of senility?