Backup knife: fixed blade, double edged, horizontal sheath. Any suggestions?

Para Bellum,
The early Guardian's had accessory sheaths(made of leather) that allowed a number of different carry modes, including the method you want. I had one and it did have its uses, but I never really liked the Guardian as its too small for my liking. I like my MK1 better and my MKII's the best. Maybe check EBay if your interested in the Guardians accessory sheath, you never know, it may turn up there. Another place you may find what your looking for sheath wise is here:

Yes, you do have a lock that you can deploy to ensure that the blade doesn't open but it's really not needed. The button to deploy the blade is even with the metal of the handle so it's hard to press it with normal everyday pocket carry (keys, lighter, etc..).

If you're in the state of Oregon, you cannot carry a fixed blade or an auto that is concealed. You may if the fixed blade is less than 4 inches but anything else must be in the open. That is why I just clip the knife to my pocket and not my waist or inside of the pocket (loose).

As with any knife that you use, either for offense or defense (offense as in normal everyday cutting ropes, boxes, etc..), you should be up on the state and federal laws (like I can't carry my knife into Florida, either by driving or by flying, due to the federal laws about carrying auto's across state lines, even though the knife is legal in Oregon, and in Florida).

As for not being able to have a gun in certain places, in Oregon that is true only on federal land and federal courthouses (but some in the legislature wish to change that to include schools, state court houses, and let the counties have their own regulations). But also again, the places right now that are "gun free" are also "weapons free" which includes knives, auto's or not. But let's say that I lived in Florida with more restrictions on places and if I can't have the gun then I have the auto.

As with guns, you have to practice with whatever knife of choice. I can put my hand on the knife, place thumb on button, pull, and then flick the blade as soon as it clears.

Auto blades are illegal in North Carolina and you are lucky to be able to carry a blade 4 inches long. Most states make it illegal for it to be over 3 to 3 1/2 inches. They are banned not only around federal buildings and land here, but also within 1000 feet of schools, most banks and so on, courthouses and many other places and the same is true in many states, regardless of concealed weapons licenses. Its just unlikely that if you do use a fixed blade on anyone that you won't be up for a murder or attempted murder charge. They seem to be alot harsher with knives than they do firearms and you have to be really careful not to put yourself in trouble.
ParaBellum is in Europe so the gun issue may be moot therefore mags and back-up guns could be out of the question.

Blackhawk 6 is spot on.

You can fumble opening a folder under stress.
You can be limited in your movements if in contact with your opponent that can prevent a "flick of the wrist".
A fixed blade can not fail it's lock and close on your fingers or collapse on impact with your attacker.
A good IWB sheath can allow you to carry a much larger blade knife (7+ in) than you can practically carry in a folder.
Some laws allow carry of larger fixed blades than allowed on folders.
Civilian "gunfights" in the U.S. almost always involve 3-5 rounds fired so the 2 spare mags you carry can be reduced to 1 spare and a good knife without loosing anything and gaining much.
A knife is part of the force continuum that never jams and never "runs out of ammunition" and should never be negleted in your self-defense training.

The Buck pictured is not double-edge, but can be easily sharpened to be (as can the CRKT Kasper Polkowski).
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I look at the situation most likely requiring me to use a knife:

Most likely it will be:

1) very close ( probably body to body )
2) unable to use my firearm ( right hand )
3) no room to move/manouver/etc

At this point, I will need to be able to draw, and use in a stabbing motion to the chest region.

I have carried a ProTech godfather automatic knife for years. I carry it horizontally on my left side. I can grab it, and deploy the blade and thrust in a single motion quickly.
ParaBellum is in Europe so the gun issue may be moot therefore mags and back-up guns could be out of the question.
I do legally carry two semi-autos 24/7.
The kinfe should be a substitute on a journey to Boston/MA, actually...
If size isn't an issue check out the Cold Steel OSS. I have one and love it to death.

MA knife laws....


Unfortunately, most all knives in this discussion are illegal. Chapter 269 Section 10 will be pasted below. Can't have fixed blades, or double edged, or assisted open. Sucks. I carry a fairly large full size folder tho. As near as I can tell, it's totally legal.

I carry a Smith and Wesson Millenium Swat that I love. Use it all the time for random tasks. Real solid. Although, I do have to keep after the blade.

below is the ma general law I stated above:

Whoever, except as provided by law, carries on his person, or carries on his person or under his control in a vehicle, any stiletto, dagger or a device or case which enables a knife with a locking blade to be drawn at a locked position, any ballistic knife, or any knife with a detachable blade capable of being propelled by any mechanism, dirk knife, any knife having a double-edged blade, or a switch knife, or any knife having an automatic spring release device by which the blade is released from the handle, having a blade of over one and one-half inches, or a slung shot, blowgun, blackjack, metallic knuckles or knuckles of any substance which could be put to the same use with the same or similar effect as metallic knuckles, nunchaku, zoobow, also known as klackers or kung fu sticks, or any similar weapon consisting of two sticks of wood, plastic or metal connected at one end by a length of rope, chain, wire or leather, a shuriken or any similar pointed starlike object intended to injure a person when thrown, or any armband, made with leather which has metallic spikes, points or studs or any similar device made from any other substance or a cestus or similar material weighted with metal or other substance and worn on the hand, or a manrikigusari or similar length of chain having weighted ends; or whoever, when arrested upon a warrant for an alleged crime, or when arrested while committing a breach or disturbance of the public peace, is armed with or has on his person, or has on his person or under his control in a vehicle, a billy or other dangerous weapon other than those herein mentioned and those mentioned in paragraph (a), shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two and one-half years nor more than five years in the state prison, or for not less than six months nor more than two and one-half years in a jail or house of correction, except that, if the court finds that the defendant has not been previously convicted of a felony, he may be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two and one-half years in a jail or house of correction.
.38 2" hammerless in RH front pocket, 22 D-100 double action in ankle holster and Buck folder as a last resort if things really get serious.
You're legally limited to 2.5 inches (6.25 cm)blade length in Boston.

Boston Municipal Code of Ordinances


16-45.1 Carrying of Weapons Prohibited.
No person, except as provided by law, shall carry on his person, or carry under his control in a vehicle, any knife having any type of blade in excess of two and one-half inches

If you've got the time and money get one of FrontSight's HideAway knives. They're quite a nasty little package.

If you're limited on time and money, you can get the CRKT Fixed Falcon, Bear Claw at 6.0 cm, Camillus Mini Talon at 5.6 cm, Emerson LaGriffe at 4.4 cm, or Outdoor Edge Wedge at 5.6 cm