Background checks vs Census compliance

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On an associated note, when my wife and I had to file all the paperwork involved in having a baby....Yes, many pages asking all kinds of stuff that was none of their biz.

We decided to use the 'Other' option as much as possible, when asked about family descent - we hand wrote in 'American'.

I have no reason not to use the same methodology when filling out a census.
Not lying, just not giving them their 'In the Box' answers.
Wouldn't the 5th hold up if they ask incriminating questions?

I mean for instance if you or a member of your family lied on your taxes and a question would expose it and incriminate you or a family member who went along with it would that not be a violation of the 5th?
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"Street names change, even house numbers on houses on streets can change over time. But GPS coordinates are static."

Not quite, remember the tectonic plates are moving. Hard to tell how many millimeters off one's GPS coordinates might be by the time of the next census.
I'm with teeroux. A lot of the questions could probably be circumvented by pleeding the fifth. The beauty of the fifth is you do not need to explain why your evoking that right, because an explaination could expose information that could be used criminaly against you.

The census, as far as I'm concerned, need only know how many people are in my house. Other than that my answeres may include, but not limited to, N/A, 4th or 5th ammendment, private info not public.

I'm 55 and have been through 3 censuses as head of a household and have never answered any questions beyond 'how many people live here?' . No forms, no signatures, none of the stuff mentioned above. I'm puzzled.

Is all this a new type of census?
Is this going anywhere beyond vague Black Heliocopters using GPS to land in your backyard and take you to Area 51?

Let's see if we can make it a legit L and CR or else the evil forces will force us to close it.
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