Back from the dead

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New member
Long time old user.. just decided to revive my account..

Old user who remembers when ken (wild Alaska), Rich lucibela, and othere like Krieger were frequent members..

Decided to abstain when the Obama ara non gun owning sheeple joined and dumbed down the site….

Just kicking the can as I see it tfl is worth revisiting…
UniversalFrost said:
Decided to abstain when the Obama ara non gun owning sheeple joined and dumbed down the site….

I've been a member here almost as long as you. Considering that the rules of this site don't allow political discussions, I am having some difficulty understanding your references to "non gun owning sheeple" and dumbing down the site. I haven't seen any of either, and I haven't been on an extended sabbatical from the site.

I continue to learn from this site, if not every day certainly at least every week. For example, right now in the Reloading discussion area there's a lively discussion regarding .223 Remington vs. 5.56x45 NATO. I carried an M16 in Vietnam. I've read -- a lot -- about the similarities and differences between .223 Remington and 5.56x45. There have been points raised in this current discussion that I haven't encountered before.

This site is here to discuss firearms and (perhaps to a lesser extent, although not lesser in importance) civil rights. It is not a place to discuss or to raise politics. I haven't seen a change in that orientation during however long you have been absent.

Welcome back. Think of all the good information you may have missed by staying away.
Wow..."Wild Alaska"...long time since I've seen that name!
Hope you like it here better than last time around.
"It’s a lot slower around here now."

I'm inclined to agree. I signed on back in 1999 and things were a bit more lively. I can remember when Rich dropped out because of IIRC, health problems but kept the site up as a reference sort. I disappeared for was while until someone on another site told me this one was functional again. So, I came back. My problem is most people are talking about stuff I have no interest in. I come in and mostly lurk. I post when it's something I can help someone with a problem.
Paul B.
One thing you should note is that the Legal & Political forum was closed some time ago (it is maintained for reference, only).

The replacement is Law & Civil Rights forum, and it has VERY specific rules about topics and content. This was done to keep the forum from dissolving into endless political rants, and has resulted in some members getting the boot for unwillingness to follow the rules.

We have lost some good people, and sadly with them their experience and wisdom. but I feel there are still enough good folks here to make the site more than worthwhile.

Welcome back.
There is a lot less participation on this site than previously, but the occasional anti gun troll doesn't seem to stay very long and haven't seen any for quite some time. Imo, bout 10 yrs ago the participation started seriously diminishing.
There is a lot less participation in virtually all Internet discussion forums than there was ten or fifteen years ago. One of the reasons is Facebook and Twitter. The younger generations are "sound bite" people. They're not interested in doing a deep dive into anything, they want to make a quick post, and maybe get a quick answer (that probably doesn't even scratch the surface of the question), and they'll take that and they're off to the next 5 nanosecond distraction.

I'm a member of an international desktop publishing forum that is seriously discussing shutting down, mostly due to lack of participation. It's the same story I see everywhere -- the "old" (meaning "long time," but by implication probably also meaning "old") members are dying off or dropping out, and there aren't enough new members coming on board to even make a dent in refilling the ranks. I've been a member of that forum for 2-1/2 years, and I'm the newest member.
Yes, the early years of the forum were quite lively. As stated above, social media has taken its toll on thinking for yourself.
TFL is the only "social media" I pay attention to, or participate in.

too bad there's aren't more folks with that attitude, :rolleyes:
Hey, welcome back. While I google everything to get my research started on most topics if it relates to firearms I come here first. Often, I don't even have to Post a question just use the Search Function and find the answer. Although I've had my hand slapped once or twice, I do very much appreciate the mature professional moderation of this site. If you want to yell at people and tell, then "what you think" there are other places for that.
I think forums are one of the original forms of social media.
I lurked and read for several years before joining.
I had my hands slapped a few times too here, lol. But I appreciate the moderation here. I feel the moderation is pretty fair. I had a more obnoxious trollish tendency in years past, I strived in recent years to tone it down a bit. I still read more threads than I participate in.
I feel confident in the information many of the members provide.
Does TFL qualify as social media? Never really considered forums to be social media.

I like the definition from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

social media
plural in form but singular or plural in construction
: forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

Use groups anyone? Remember <just about any topic>?
I think it most definitely is social media.

We're here (being mostly sociable :rolleyes:) and the Internet is definitely electronic media, so, how could it not be?? It's not Twitter, Redditt, X, Facebook, or (pick one) but it IS social media.

Motorcycles and Mack trucks, quite different, but both motor vehicles and both use the same highways.
UniversalFrost said:
Decided to abstain when the Obama ara non gun owning sheeple joined and dumbed down the site….

Just kicking the can as I see it tfl is worth revisiting…

Not sure what you mean by "dumbed down". We're one of the most aggressive moderators around on not allowing party politics. If you mean allowing someone to become a member with an anti-gun stance and participates in a manner in which to earnestly understand the pro-gun community, then you're missing the whole point of TFL. Granted, instances are few and far between. If you're talking about those that voted for Obama yet think in their heads they aren't anti-gun, then you still miss the reason for TFL's existence. If we shut doors on everyone that doesn't fit the exact same mold, there would be about 12 members. On top of that, discussions wouldn't happen to learn the errors of our ways.

You speak of TFL's hey-days. I get it. It was really fun bantering back & forth with Ken, playboypenguin, Creature, etc. Maybe it's just me. But I don't have that kind of time anymore to type up that much content on a given day. The noise/signal ratio was pretty high, to be honest. Since moving to Montana, my time spent in front of a monitor has drastically decreased. I quickly found out how much I was missing. Not to say others' stories are the same. I think others have similar stories/reasons why they don't spend much time at a computer anymore and participate in full-length discussions.
Remember, your old pal 9mm vs .45 ACP?

I've been here since 07. it's always been an ok forum but not a really good one. Too many rules and restrictions and most of the topics aren't anything I care anything about. I check in every few days to see if there's anything new in black powder. Now that one has really gone downhill. Used to be there were new topics there every day. I will scroll down the page and see if there's any topics that interest me but I'm not going to specific areas looking for anything. I suppose one day I'll just wander off and not come back.
.. just decided to revive my account..

I see from your posts you were active through 2013.

Then there's nothing till a single post in 2017 and you said, "Howdy, I'm back. Sort of."

And you disappeared until 2020 when you popped in for two "Want to buy" ads.

And now, this one.

Your fingers must be sore with all your posting activity.

Just kidding. Welcome back. But I definitely know what you're saying re "dumbing down." TFL has had some doozies.
Too many rules and restrictions and most of the topics aren't anything I care anything about.

There are a number of topics that don't interest me, either. We all have different interests, and differing degrees of interest.

As to "too many rules and restrictions", I follow the "my house, my rules" concept. When you're on TFL, you're not in your house.

If that doesn't suit you, there a lots and lots of places on the web you may find more to your liking.
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