baaaaaaaad week

How in the hell did this thread turn into a debate about Iraq??? Hook686, this is a thread about Springmom and her family, not a political situation that is taking place 4,000 miles away. If you have a problem with Iraq, post it in the Politics section, not on this thread. I'm new to this forum, please don't tell me this is just another one of those "Bush is f****** up Iraq" forums. Leave it out.
My 1st thought is to tell you to go pound sand xjmox14x. I am not offering debate. I am curious why do you think that ? I simply ask for anyone's introspective thoughts on the thoughts presented in this thread. No debate. My thoughts and feelings are mine. Ought I fear expressing them on this board. Can you express yours along the thoughts presented in this thread ? No "Right, or wrong" here. Simply anyone thoughts, ideas, opinions, feelings on a community where everyone was armed.
Hook686, . . . I would like to address your question and your statement:

"Is that your dream community ... everyone with a gun. Do you really think that would stop everyone from criminal activity ? Instead of walking up and beating up your son, the guy could have walked up and shot him. Is that better ?"

Yes, . . . I have no fear whatsoever from the 45,000+ CCW holders here in the state of Ohio. Not one of them has ever been convicted of a major crime, . . . not one of them is a convicted spousal abuser, . . . none of them has ever spent time in the "big house" for crimes against humanity or their fellow citizens. Other than other like-checked out groups in other states, . . . there is no group their size with so clean a background. The same cannot be said for the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, or the National Teachers Whatever just for starters. Don't even get me started on Kalifornia politicians.

"For these reasons I very much support it being tough to get a CCW, and do not think every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Trixie, Donna, and Harriet) ought be able to carry a concealed weapon."

And just how would your high and mighty criteria read for obtaining a CCW? I suppose those in a wheel chair or on other mobility assistants would be opted out. Heart patients, . . . excessive arthritis, . . . cancer patients, . . . folks who used to be in the military, . . . would you deny these also??? How about Springmom here, . . . probably deny her because she is just an emotional woman, . . . you know, . . . got all them kids and probably too high strung to safely be entrusted with a firearm.:barf:

There has to be some criteria, . . . and being an adult with no skeletons in the background, . . . I think that is plenty enough. The CCW should also be recognized in all 50 states and WDC too.

You need to do some thinking, . . . you've sounded a lot more like Teddy Kennedy than Ronald Reagan.

May God bless,
And just how would your high and mighty criteria read for obtaining a CCW? I suppose those in a wheel chair or on other mobility assistants would be opted out. Heart patients, . . . excessive arthritis, . . . cancer patients, . . . folks who used to be in the military, . . . would you deny these also???

Dwight ... I am a disabled American veteran. I was not excluded. I am in California ... perhaps not the toughest, but certainy not the easiest place to get a CCW. Perhaps this group, as a group (those with CCW licenses), has a pretty good group record simply because of the strict standards that are applied ... not everyone can get a CCW and every applicant here in California is open to a psychological evaluation, in addition to having their full record checked.

How about Springmom here, . . . probably deny her because she is just an emotional woman, . . . you know, . . . got all them kids and probably too high strung to safely be entrusted with a firearm.

Personally I do not like the references you make to Springmom as an emotional woman, with lots of kids that cause her to be high strung. Geeesh ! I view her as an adult citizen, with all the rights, privilages, duties and obligations that go along with that staus. Other than what I read on her web page, and here, I know nothing else about her. Be nice.

There has to be some criteria, . . . and being an adult with no skeletons in the background, . . . I think that is plenty enough. The CCW should also be recognized in all 50 states and WDC too.

Yes I can understand that you believe that some criteria is needed in order to decide who can carry a weapon, and who cannot. Once it is decided that a criteria is required, the next step is, "What is the criteria " ? You suggest, "No skeletons in the background." What are "Sketons in the background" ? A DUI on ones record ? Any sort of record at all ? skipping school ? Unpaid parking tickets ? An ex who filed a complaint against you in domestic court, and had a restraining order lodged agaist you (that applies here in California) ?

I find once it is decided that a criteria is required, I find myself right in the very situation that exists today, some get a license, some do not. As I expressed, I don't have a problem with that. In fact it is this very thinking that led to my questions, not an unjust, or unempathetic response to Springmom's post.

I really have no "High and mighty criteria". I'm just wondering what folks think the criteria, if any, ought be .... or does everybody get to carry ?

I was just thinking. Please don't let my thoughts aggrivate you ... just the silly thoughts of an old disabled veteran, who thinks he has trouble with everybody carrying a weapon, or coming up with a list of criteria to sort out the eligible applicants. Dwight it was not me that would exclude the disabled, it was Springmom who indicated she would limit carry to the abled bodied, not me.

You need to do some thinking, . . . you've sounded a lot more like Teddy Kennedy than Ronald Reagan.

I do some thinking, maybe too much thinking. No I'm not a supporter of Teddy Kennedy ... but then I do not support "Reaganomics" either, nor many of his other ideas.

If you can breathe, . . . thank God!
If you can read, . . . thank a teacher!
If you are reading this in English, . . . thank a Veteran!

You are most welcome Dwight.
I'll keep this short and to the point. Capt Charlie is right on target. Springmom, you cannot let them win. Take a stand in your neighborhood, get organized. Go door to door. I'll bet most of the people in your neighborhood are waiting for someone like you to get the ball rolling! TAKE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BACK.
Ok, I've pounded some sand........moving on, I agree with bigautomatic, get a neighborhood watch thing going. Let the local PD know that you're doing this and that you're concerned. If this sort of thing happens again, make sure EVERYONE knows about it and the intruders are met by not only the PD but 20 pissed off neighbors as well. It's your property and neighborhood, make sure it stays that way.
neigborhood watching

RIght. We talked to the constable about that idea that night in the ER as we were finishing up getting Aaron's statement written/signed. It will, interestingly, take a multi-neighborhood watch to make this work.

The reason (those of you who know the Houston suburbs may now take a nap) is that each neighborhood is actually its own little quasi-legal entity. Each neighborhood contracts with either the constables OR the sheriff's office for police protection. This is because the two overlap, I suppose.

At any rate, there are about as many neighborhoods within, say, two miles of here, as my dog has fleas in July. Each one has to do their own neighborhood watch thing, or else there will be "holes" in the security net that the BG's will slip through. (Can you tell I'm trying to figure out how to make this work?) ;)

What we will need is some sort of interface that will enable, say, the Fairfax Neighborhood Watch patrol (who should have been near enough to have heard this going on) to contact the Postwood and Birnamwood and other Neighborhood Watches (all of whom need to have civilians on patrol armed with two way radios that the sheriffs and or constables will hear) and the LEO of their jurisdiction.

In other words, we need a comprehensive system, and what we HAVE is a patchwork quilt.

Our little neighborhood is really quite good (evidenced by the lady who jumped out of her car to chase off the car thieves in action!) But we are a neighborhood with only one entrance/exit and maybe 40-50 houses total on that loop. We are really set up for taking care of ourselves. We have a constable who lives right across the street (although he's not assigned here, of course). We have people who know each other, our neighborhood is always active and out on the streets or our front yards when the weather is nice... you can't get much better. What we don't have is any control at all over what happens 3/4 of a mile away in Fairfax.

I wonder if life was ever as uncomplicated as I thought it was when I was a child....?

Thanks so much for the support, guys (and Hook, Dwight was making a point, not putting me down. I know he would never do that, but thanks for being concerned) ;)

It may or may not help, but you and your sons need to come to Brian Hoffners lecture on SuperBowl Sunday. Forget football, you have other priorities. It's going to be at Jim Pruett's Guns and Ammo, 11101 Huffmeister. You can call the store to register, and it's FREE. 832-237-GUNS. It's from noon to 4pm.
I have no affiliation with Pruett's or Hoffners, except that I listen to Jim on 97.5, and Hoffner is a guest every Monday around 4 or 4:30pm. See you there!

By the way, Harris County DOES suck. I hate the traffic, the crime, etc. I want to move out of here asap.
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Hook686 said:
Is that your dream community ... everyone with a gun. Do you really think that would stop everyone from criminal activity ? Instead of walking up and beating up your son, the guy could have walked up and shot him. Is that better ?
Well, my dream community would be every law-abiding citizen with a gun. Regarding felons, I don't quite feel the same way. But someone who would go through the obvious hassle (especially in some states) to acquire a CCW clearly has a measure of respect for the law. I don't know about you, but the idea of a murderer breaking a sweat over carrying a concealed handgun without a permit seems like a pretty ridiculous notion.

Hook686 said:
For these reasons I very much support it being tough to get a CCW, and do not think every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Trixie, Donna, and Harriet) ought be able to carry a concealed weapon.

Could you be more specific? What are the qualifiers for people being able to carry a concealed handgun? Is screening for convicted felons not enough?

I don't want to put words in your mouth, so I won't. But I will say that without further clarification on your part, your statement lingers on rather thin ice in terms of the Constitution.

If you'd care to start a thread in the Legal and Political section about this, I will certainly contribute, as, I imagine, will others.
Springmom, contact your TX Homeland Security office. Explain the entire situation to them and ask about grants for block patrols. Contact your PCT 4 Constable and discuss your options. Contact the HCDA and DO light a fire under them and keep it lit. Contact DC Bloomfield and ask him about a victims advocate and request written advisory notices concerning the case. I decided to purchase a HK91. HINT, HINT.
Tough way to live, unfortunately too many places are getting to be like that.
You need to be aware at all times, a lot of it has to do with the courts, the punks know there will probably be no punishment other than probation.
We need to take back our streets one block at a time.
Best of luck Springmom!! Stay after em.
Too many lock their doors, and hide under the bed hoping things will get better, it doesn't work that way. Stand up and be counted!!!!
Well gee, golly, Pythonguy...

....I wonder why you are the ONLY one who find this thread irrelevant?

Let's see: there was Sir William's post on setting up a Neighborhood Watch, which was in my response to a post talking about the difficulty of doing so in a patchwork of jurisdictions that are literally several blocks wide at most; there is the question of when/whether a person should carry and what training is involved....and of course there is the original article that I wrote ON MY BLOG, not reproduced here, in which I call for the arming of every eligible citizen to stop the rampant crime that is eating our society alive.

Oh, but that's only talking about my week. Doesn't measure up to your standards. So we should all just drop the thread posthaste. :barf: :barf: :barf:

... not everyone can get a CCW and every applicant here in California is open to a psychological evaluation, in addition to having their full record checked.
The state of California giving people psychological evaluations? :eek: I don't know whether to laugh or to weep Hook686,( If I do either I am sure I would be disqualified by the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia for being to emotional.)
Hey SpringMom:

Sorry to hear about your sons' misfortune, but very glad that everybody is alive and breathing.

Best of luck and all support and prayers possible for you and your neighborhood watch program if you decide to pursue it.

I hope your thugs meet up with a darker shadow in a darker alley and leave your neighborhood in peace.

Not to be monday morning QB, but hopefully this raises the situational awareness of your sons. The martial artist may have benefitted from paying a little more attention to the idea of "the best way to block a punch is not to be there when it comes", but he was probably blinded by the pretty lady friend he was with.

About your Oprah rant on your blog... She has since recanted her support for Frey and claimed she was duped by the publisher. I still have all the respect in the world for that woman and she has helped a countless number of people.

I know this doesn't have anything to do with your bad week but it was on your blog. Sorry to go off topic.
Damn it i cant read the story.the links wont work for me.I believe that if a person is a law abiding citizen they should not be refused a CCW in any state.
damn i wish i could have read springmoms story so i could comment on it.
I dont know if i would give the right to a 18 year old though.Generally speaking i think people that age are to impulsive.I myself would be worried having a number of people that age walking around legally armed.However there are always going to be the people that age and younger who have illegal guns.The world is a different place from when I and most of you grew up.If there was ever a time ,in my opion for legally armed citizens its now.
Springmom i kind of got the jist of what happened to your son.Glad all are ok.