baaaaaaaad week


New member
It has indeed been a bad week. I have written about this finally at my blog, The Mind Boggles (and it does indeed after this week!) at Since this involves RKBA and tactics I would welcome your reading and commenting, here or on the blog itself.

BTW, since it is "The Mind Boggles" I chose "Boggle Mama" as my nickname over there, lol. Just so you don't get confused....

I have had it. Anything else and I'm going to go bang my head on a wall. :eek:

"I realized that even if I'd had a gun it would have just been counterproductive, that by the time the guy had drawn on me, I just needed to survive, not fight."

Words of wisdom on your son's part. Fighting a hopeless battle is not immediately the smartest thing in the world, and he recognized this, and made the best possible judgment call to ensure his survival in light of the situation.

I am very, very glad they are both okay, albeit very, very indignant that these things happened to them in the first place.

It reminds me of the quote from Taxi Driver, "Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets."

In our case, a fair amount of scum was washed away promptly from New Orleans and into the Houston area.


The crowds at some of the gun stores I frequent are changing. Infer from that what you will. And other things are changing. Crime in my girlfriend's neighborhood has gone up. She's interested in learning to shoot the Taurus PT-111 Millenium Pro she got a while back and left to sit in her safe. She's taking an interest in her own preservation as well as that of her family, and not a moment too soon.

It's not that we didn't already have our fair share of gangbangers and other such wastes of life, it's just, well... we have more of them now.

Springmom, give your kids a pat on the back for me, they have excellent heads on their shoulders. Give yourself a pat on the back too, after all, you're the one who raised 'em. :)
Let me tell you, Harris county gets worse by the year. I got mugged myself not too long ago by a gang member who was part of a group of crips in my apt complex responsible for a string a serial muggings in the area that went on for over a month, several a knife point. Luckily my only injury was a financial one. I had another encounter the other day when a large young male in typical gangsta dress yelled "HEY BOY!!!" at me as I walking at night as he ran full speed twords me, I stopped walking turned around and looked him in the eyes and he turned around laughing and walked away, dont know what that was about.

Ive debated owing my own firearm since a little before I turned 21 about a year and half ago. Every time I hear about someone getting killed by crime in a 15 block radius of me it just reinforces my belief that one day I may need a firearm "just to survive". I hope I never have to fight with one.

Your son sounds very smart. I would be proud.

better to have one and not need it.....
gac009, you gonna wait until it's too late to get yourself that gun that may save your life? I don't get it. :confused:

About a month ago I finally decided that I could if necessary take another life to protect my own. Not an easy thing to decide for me, resolving to take a life. Before that there was no point in me owning a gun if I wasnt sure that when the time came that I could use it. The decision to own a gun should not be made lightly. If you read my other post you will see that at the moment I am educating myself as much as I can in gun knowledge and deciding what kind of gun I want to start with, Im thinking a 150$ mosseberg 500 with 18 brl and a sub compact springfield xd 9 with factory nite sights.
Ofcouse with my limited knowledge of guns Id like to look around some more before commiting.

My deadline is FEB 10th.
You mentioned Katrina "refugees" in your blog. Did you get refugees in your area? If so, what else have you seen change in your surroundings since their infusion? I would imagine that most or all would be also integrated to some kind of welfare program for the duration of their visit, which will probably be forever. Are their apartment complexes or hotels they have taken over? Very interested here.
You need to move

What kind of area do you live in??? I say move far away from there. That's too many bad things happening to stay, sounds like your neighborhoods' gone to hell.
Definitly sounds like a horrible week.

In Maine, you can own a handgun and CCW when you are 18, but you cannot buy it at a store. You have to have your parents purchase it, then have the FFL transfer it to you. It seems I live in the only state where they do this?

That was indeed a well written piece.
Not an easy thing to decide for me, resolving to take a life.

I prefer to think of it as "what am I willing to do to ensure my own survival?" The answer to that is anything it takes. I have never resolved to take another life. I will, however, defend myself with lethal force if necessary. It won't be my decision to make if one day I am forced to take another's life. The other party will have made that decision for me.

Glad to hear that you at a young age are willing and capable of asking the tough questions. A huge step in the right direction of become a responsible citizen, gun owner, and CCW'er if you ask me.
I am extremely glad youself and your family are safe. We will put you in our prayers.

There were alot of decent people displaced when katrina hit. That being said, looks like you got alot of the RATS that deserted their sinking ship.

Let people say what they want. I have been to NOLA quite a few times, and hae friends and family that lived down there over the years. Certain areas had some of the absolute WORST CRIME, and WORST LEO RESPONSE, of anywhere I have been or seen. Is it my fault the majority were young blacks......or theirs.....

Seems like alot of young people, especially blacks, have been completely ruined by todays society. Its now cool to be a 'gangsta'.

Wonder why they don't try that crap on some REAL gangsters?
they will get a chance try, when they end up in Huntsville.

Thanks all; keep reading and responding and feel free to crosspost and pass it on to your friends.

FWIW this actually IS a nice neighborhood. We like all our neighbors. Our two Irish terriers have single handedly.... well, four-pawsedly...gotten a number of kids who were TERRIFIED of dogs now coming up RUNNING to pet them when we walk them. Remember it was a neighbor (one of the real neighbors) who put herself on the line at 10 pm.+ to chase the thugs away from Aaron's car earlier that week. That's a good neighborhood.

But there is an influx of not-so-nice people from east of here. The good ones already have jobs, already are contributing, and already are eligible victims for the rest of the scum. And anytime an area has an influx of new criminals, the OLD balance of criminals/turf/etc is going to get upset and you're going to see activity where it was not before, or at least that is my reasoning. LEO's chime in to clarify if this is correct.

I'm really glad they got 'em! But I imagine your son's still pretty sore. It's usually the 2nd or 3rd day before you feel the full brunt of the injuries.

A couple of things I would suggest: First, stay on the prosecutor's backside. Keep in touch with him, and ask to be kept appraised on the case. Make him see the assault as if he was the victim. Squeaky wheels get the grease ;) .

Second, it sounds like your neighborhood still has a chance. Neighborhood watches work, if done right, but there comes a point where the "cancer" has gone too far. It needs to be done now! Get together with your neighbors and get united and organized. Get local LE involved; they love neighborhood watch and will help you organize and train.

As the Book says, A house divided can't stand. Neither can neighborhoods.
I Love to read this kind of stuff. but am so sorry to hear. I just turned 21 a couple of months ago and i getting my money and mind in the right state to own a gun. It helps me to read this stuff like this to help me if I am ever in a situation like that. ( I will more than likely be in more than my fair share, I plan a becoming a police officer.) Springmom I sorry to hear all your troubbles, glad to know you and your sons are smarts and know what to do to help keep themselfs safe. Hopefully you will have a better and safer week. Thanks to everyone for your words of wisdom that I read everyday.
This filthy :barf: goes on all over America. You can't imagine what kids have to deal with on the playground now-a-days, compared to when you were their age.

America is full of breeders; parents are a minority.
Hey SpringMom,

Sorry to hear about your family's misfortunes. On the other hand, both your sons are alive due to their wise decisions and quick thinking. Give yourself a big pat on the shoulder for that. By the way you are a very articulate writer. You should tell the prosecuter to look into threating your son's attack as a hate crime and push for a stiffer penalty. Also be sure to keep up to date on the release of those scumbags so they don't come back and retaliate. Better yet, make sure your entire family is prepared to retaliate when they show up. Look up the laws in Texas. In FL it is legal for someone under 21 to own a handgun even theough they are not allowed to buy ammunition. I think it is basically allowed when "transporting" it to and from the range or to a place of employment where they are "legally" allowed to carry it. I've been carrying since I was 19. I work in the fastfood restaurant biz and refuse to simply "hand it over" after busting my chops to some scumbag who probably hasn't performed an honest day's work in his life! Besides, with the way these scumbags are today, there is no gaurantee that they won't shoot you just for kicks after you give them what they want (or what you have anyways).

It is sad to see the moral fabric of our society deteriorating to where it is today. Have you listened to the crap they play on the radio these days? Kids are stupid enough to believe this stuff rather than taking it as harmless entertainment and fiction becomes reality. Look at the role models they have. It is okay to look up to upstanding professional athletes but these kids are idolizing THUGS! It is sad to see how bad things have become.

Stay safe, stay alert, and give em' HELL when they come looking for it!
Spring Mom,

One other bit of advice I forgot to mention that may come in handy. Your son did a good thing by high tailing it away from the other vehicle but he should have called the highway patrol and given them his location. I know he was probably all shook up and was just concentrating on getting away, but the bad guy got away as well. In Miami, the highway patrol is pretty quick to respond to this kind of thing. I have heard about people calling in such threats and giving a vehicle description. The cavalry comes charging in a few minutes later and one less piece of crap on the roadways. One other possibility is driving to the nearest police station and blaring the horn.

I'm glad your son was not injured, but he could have gotten into an accident or even caused someone else to get into an accident. I suggest you share this suggestion with him in case it something like that happens again. Make sure your kids all have cell phones for such emergencies.
I am sorry to hear about your sons' troubles. Makes me want to go get my concealed carry permit right now. (I have already qualified, I just have to plunk down the cash and officially apply for it.) Gang members are not very brave when confronted with the business end of a high capacity 9mm stoked with 124gr JHP.
WoW ! Talk about lightening hitting twice in the same spot ... I shake my head. You have indeed had a week to remember. I can certainly understand your thoughts and feelings ... my son was threatened with a knife when he walked through a condominium complex next to ours and was confronted by a latino kid a year or two younger than his 17 years. Being a dumb jock, he walked up and decked the kid with a right cross to the nose. The kid took off up stairs to a 2nd storey unit and 4 bigger, and older latinos came out with the younger kid. My son is lucky he was in high school sports, for he was able to outrun them. My son has gotten wiser with age, but I still suspect his 1st impulse would to hit first, as hard as he can.

In reading your web page I can understand your thoughts and reactions. I will offer an opposite view simply to offer another view. I see Iraq much as you describe your promoted community, "They meant every able-bodied adult (not kids....neither of my sons are quite yet able to fill this role) to be armed, to be able to use those arms, and to be able to both KEEP and to BEAR them".

Unfortunately I suspect that such a community would become much like Iraq, and other middle eastern countries. Everyone would have weapons ... lots of gun fights ... and the governing body (authority) would need be as tough, strong, ruthless as a Saddam Hussein. Who else could hold together a country to rival, gun totting, groups (gangs, tribes, parties). I note here in the USA politicians we elect, or public servents hired, or appointed are routinely caught providing themselves, and their followers gratuities out of the public coffers ... some even get away with killing someone.

While maybe 50% of the folks carry a gun, the badguy has to guess and just might decide not to pick a victim, if he thinks the person might be armed. On the other hand, knowing the potential victim is armed will result in a stronger 1st assualt. Look at Iraq, those folks are armed to the teeth and they have multple deaths, kidnappings, etc. every week ... even the police and military members are not exempt.

Is that your dream community ... everyone with a gun. Do you really think that would stop everyone from criminal activity ? Instead of walking up and beating up your son, the guy could have walked up and shot him. Is that better ?

Unfortunately I think this country is spending way too much trying to do the impossible in Iraq. I personally think the money would have been better spent on police and military forces in this country, for building and funding more institutions to house more criminals, and for rebuilding our devistated areas, such as New Orleans. My big fear is that American lust for cheap goods and services, is counter to the productivity of our country. See

I think of the neighborhoods I grew up in during the 50's and then look at the neighborhoods I see today ... I too shudder. Maybe my grandson will have to carry an M16 and granades in his backpack, instead of books, just to go to school, but I certainly do not like that picture.

For these reasons I very much support it being tough to get a CCW, and do not think every Tom, Dick and Harry (or Trixie, Donna, and Harriet) ought be able to carry a concealed weapon.

I realize this is not the opinion on this board. Remember, I too carry (S&W 686), served honorably in another war, so I am not an anti. I would just like to hear other thoughts and opinions along these lines, in response to your story.
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not a matter of a dream community

In reading your web page I can understand your thoughts and reactions. I will offer an opposite view simply to offer another view. I see Iraq much as you describe your promoted community, "They meant every able-bodied adult (not kids....neither of my sons are quite yet able to fill this role) to be armed, to be able to use those arms, and to be able to both KEEP and to BEAR them".

Unfortunately I suspect that such a community would become much like Iraq, and other middle eastern countries. Everyone would have weapons ... lots of gun fights ... and the governing body (authority) would need be as tough, strong, ruthless as a Saddam Hussein. Who else could hold together a country to rival, gun totting, groups (gangs, tribes, parties). I note here in the USA politicians we elect, or public servents hired, or appointed are routinely caught providing themselves, and their followers gratuities out of the public coffers ... some even get away with killing someone.

While maybe 50% of the folks carry a gun, the badguy has to guess and just might decide not to pick a victim, if he thinks the person might be armed. On the other hand, knowing the potential victim is armed will result in a stronger 1st assualt. Look at Iraq, those folks are armed to the teeth and they have multple deaths, kidnappings, etc. every week ... even the police and military members are not exempt.

Is that your dream community ... everyone with a gun. Do you really think that would stop everyone from criminal activity ? Instead of walking up and beating up your son, the guy could have walked up and shot him. Is that better ?

Um. The scum who assaulted my son DID HAVE A GUN AND DID SHOOT AT HIM. They just didn't hit him.

How you can compare Iraq to the appropriate self defense of families and communities is beoyond me. I am not in a place to answer this, but I do not believe that the Founding Fathers meant for the U.S. to be anything but a place of freedom. Iraq is a cesspit of lawlessness and insurgency.

Others can take on your "not anti" views. I've got other things to be upset about right now.

Times sure do change fast. What happened to your family and Sons is not something that I would expect for that area. At least your kids where smart in both situations and neither one of them where hurt beyond repair. I grew up in Cypress and Magnolia and left there when I joined the Navy... My family is still there of'course. That story really hits home for me and kinda worries me well really worries I have a little brother age 22 that goes out and does what 22 year old males do when there single, and of course he won't listen to me because he knows so much more than I do :rolleyes: but guess i'll give it a shot tonight when I get off work and try to talk to him about being careful. I wish the best for you and your family and hope the problem gets undercontrol one way or another.