AZ Shooter

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There was too much planning and premeditation I believe to get off with insanity in the current system. Proving he didnt know what he was doing was wrong in this society is going to be a real uphill battle.
I think he'll get life in prison without the possibility of parole(if they have the right to give life without parole depending on the state law). I think it is safe to say that there very well might be a seperate conviction for federal crimes, and that conviction if and when he is found guilty will not be a concurrent sentence. I think it is interesting that the trial will be in san diego and not AZ. I plan on researching if it will be AZ, CA, or a mix of their laws because I have never thought of that before? I understand the exact reason why trials are moved in big publicity cases; I just thought it was interesting.
Planning and premeditation aren't the crucial variables - it will depend on AZ and Federal statutes. Then who has custody of him for actual sentence or insanity provisions will be important

Also, if he is found insane or guilty and insane, he will go to involuntary psychiatric treatment and be forced to take neuroleptic meds, most likely. These can be very, very unpleasant with all kinds of permanent and nasty side effects.

No who is thinking rationally would set themselves up for that life.

This is a very technical issue, so surface analyses are really worth too much, yet.
The insanity plea is the same as a guilty plea to me. I know that's not how it works, but it's heavily abused and the definition and considerations for insanity have been, well, insanely blurred.

I never got the argument....

"Listen, I only went out and shot 20 people because I'm insane."

REALLY!? You DON'T say!! Seems pretty obvious to me, seeing how sane people don't go shoot 20 people....

Anyway, I digress.

I say death penalty. Simply because it's the governments job to protect the people. There's no rehabilitating this guy. There's no reasoning with him. There's no reason to keep him in jail for 70 years.
If he is "insane", would he realize that he was about to get shot himself?

He's probally insane and won't realize what's happening.

Shoot him.
The actual number of insanity pleas is very small and the success among that small number is very small.

It is also a philosophical issue. Execution will not deter the mentally ill person of this suspected caliber. Also, the costs of execution are not proven to be cheaper than imprisonment. Last, if we know that someone did not act in a rational manner and was driven by what are probably physiological processes beyond the control of supposed free will - besides vengenance - what purpose is execution?

It's nice to chest pound and we are starting to do so. Thus, I said in the beginning, I'll close it if we go that way.

And we did and so I shall.

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