awful deer far

At this stage in my life, anytime I make it out hunting and back, it's a success. Coming home empty handed means nuttin', if it means I get to spend time with my boys doin' something we love. If the boys aren't along, if it's deer instead of small game or Turkey, I give most a pass.
Keg said:
Brian..I always enjoy keeping up with your hunts....

Then you've been mighty bored this year!:D

We completely gave up on ML season. Didn't even bother to go once. :(

We still have a glimmer of hope, though. This is the second year of "Deer Management Focus Areas", which includes a second season in the second half of January wherein each hunter can shoot 2 antlerless deer a day, every day, in those limited zones.

We have a spot that we only go to for the DMFA. Last year we got 4 deer in 2 trips, total of probably 5 hours of hunting and I missed two and wounded one. (Don't ask.:o) We should have had 7 deer for 2 guys in 5 hours.
butcher shop

Deer processing shop in a neighboring county usually has handled about 300 some odd deer by this point in the year. The count this year is just over 100.

Gun hunt on the local WMA Fri-Sat, and I will hunt a bit, but bad weather predicted.

Ya can't kill one in your living room.....I'll keep climbing trees.

Re: F86's, the ones my dad worked on were armed w/ 6-.50's, I've got one of his duffle bags somewhere with his name and the unit data on it. He got posted to Iceland....that was it for travel and dad. Was a homebody after that.
At least you've gotten to go, Ranger.

Between work and Drill, all I've managed to do is angrily yell at some geese that landed in the pond at work.

I can't decided who looked more sad between my dog and little sister last Friday when I had to bail on a schedule duck hunt due to a work emergency.

Growing up it was an article of faith in my house that the National League played the best ball, that Leslie Coffelt was the finest revovler shooter since Mr. Ed, and that the F-86 Saber was the best of all the early fighter jets.
Deer hunting in Western Oregon has gotten so bad that I've pretty much given up on it. I may go next year since my grandsons are getting jazzed up about it but the only place I see deer any more is in my yard when they're eating my garden.

Get used to it. The predators are taking over. I was hunting a mountain this year and cut bobcat tracks. First I saw in about 40 years of hunting on that mountain. Big enough to snag a fawn, I would think. Supposedly bear are getting to be hell on fawns too. We got plenty of them. (I am in PA.) Don't even start on coyotes. Some State Reps want to pass a bounty bill on them right now.
58 minutes

I hunted a total of 58 minutes and killed one deer. This included travel time from the camp to my stand and back. I may have been in the stand 10 minutes. Going back next week to see if my luck holds up.
Bamaranger I fell ya buddy, the north Missouri section was low on deer population. I shot one opener morn, the only saw two more that day with no shot at either.
My son got one medium sized doe during antlerless season.. I usually put two or three in freezer for my family, didn't happen this year. maybe next year.:rolleyes:
still at it

Still at it, but pushing hard to stay sharp. Slept in today, and bamaboy and I scouted a bit and ran pre Christmas errands. One set of really promising scrapes I'd been on, belonging to a absolutely dandy buck I'd seen in Sept, have gone very cold and I fear the worst. We did pick 4 new trees, including 2 that pertain to this monster, and so I have some motivation to hunt a bit more.

RE the recent WMA hunt. I was in place in good time, and at about 0800 a pair of deer blew by about 75 yds out, apparently being run by something. I never could ID them, but suspect a doe and yearling due to size. Then it rained.

Next I get to hunt will be 26 Dec AM.
Its rained so much here I haven't been able to go. I had to sell my Jeep and 4 wheeler. I sure do miss them now.
still huntin'.....saw some

Finally. Cold for here, so I slept in and hunted mid morning. Often see deer feed late in cold (for us) weather.

Good plan.

No kill, but I saw more deer in about an hour and a half (had to go to work) as I've seen all season, including a 3-pt that I would have shot, had it not been 400 yds and back and forth across a property line. Saw 6 for sure, maybe 8-10, including the 3-pt and a dorky little spike.

The 3-pt was worrying a doe, and she was largely ignoring him. I will slide down the ROW next chance, and be closer to the draw and fencerow they seem to be favoring as they move to a food plot on adjacent property.

Hmm! That's a topic for another post.

The worst season ever experienced a greatly appreciated up beat on Tues. when a 3-1/2 year old 8-point made the mistake of wandering within 55-60 yds of my .308 while I was in a favorite "rut" stand on public land, and I dropped him.


It does not look like I will take a deer with a bow this season, first time in 25 years, but at least I have not been skunked.

The rut came on strong, and had more deer sightings in 2-3 weeks than I'd had in 2-3 months prior.

Ya can't kill one at the house.
This was an Ok season for me. Being retired and living on the land that I hunt let's me hunt whenever I want. It's great and I know how lucky I am. I put pig and venison in the freezer this year. I didn't get the big buck, but he showed up at cameras during the day. He's still out there. I've been blasting coyotes and pigs regularly, but I'll never get them all.

Hunting never changes, in that you have some good years and some bad years, but any year that I get to hunt is a good one.

Got a coyote in the front pasture this morning. Wife was screaming that a coyote was after our big housecat. I dropped the yote. Weighed 27 pounds. Cat weighs 20. Not sure the coyote would have won that one.