Autos JAMMED by fine dust and dirt!

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I at first thought this was an old timer just bashing on autos, but I see it is much deeper than that. I think any gun will jam, (wheelguns too!), if overly abused. The SIG due to its limited use was not subjected to the same tests as the M9. But since we all know what a crappy piece the M9's are not being real Berrettas, but the GOVT. M9's suck eggs.
I agree with longhair, I have a NORINCO 1911 with over 100,000 rounds through it, and it is loose as hell and can't put multiple rounds through the same hole, it will hit center mass from 15 yards EVERY time, and the only thing it doesn't like are full wadcutters. Its not the make or the model, its just the luck, and if you have an open holster design, and you waller in the dirt, then jams are part of life. HK's too! Just keep em clean and very lightly oiled and you have done all you can. You can only OVERANALYZE this so much.

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"

Auto's are prone to "jamming?!?" First, I think we ought to define a jam. Are we talking about a type 1, 2, 3 or 4 stoppage as opposed to a true jam. Both revolvers and autos are subject to stoppages as are both to jams.

Get enough fine dirt in your trusty Smith and Wesson and soon you'll find you can't pull trigger all the way back (a true jam). Revolvers also are acutely affected by high primers rubbing against the recoil plate (a stoppage).

I believe these terms ought to be defined before we attack a particular design for something that can affect ANY weapon.

Jam: 1. (n)Preserved Mashed Fruit.
2. (v) to prevent a semi-auto's slide from operating properly.
3.(n) the result of dirt and grit preventing a semi-auto's slide from operating properly.

Nobody mentioned stoppages........

nor was anyone trying to point out weaknesses of any design beyond in particular....
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