Automated Depriming Prior to Wet Tumbling??

I decap before wet tumbling. Why are you avoiding the progressive press? The very fastest way to decap on my progressive press is to install a universal decapping die, dump the fired cases into the casefeeder bin (unless it’s holding cases ready to load in which case I leave it off and drop the dirty cases into the feed tube) then run the press.

I would like to add that technique can make a significant difference in the time it takes to deprime using a single stage press and a universal decapping die. Having been a punch-press operator in my misspent youth, I leaned to employ techniques to make the process faster. For instance, after depriming the first case, leave it in the shell holder as you pick up another case to be deprimed. Holding the spent case in the palm of your hand with your little finger, use the thumb and index finger to take the deprimed case from the shell holder and slip the case with the spent primer into the shell holder in its place. That, opposed to removing the deprimed case, putting it into a bin and then picking up another case to be deprimed...which takes longer.

I actually tried this over the weekend. I had 1000 pieces of 9mm to resize/decap. I actually used my thumb and forefinger on the case to be resized, and my thumb and middle finger on the next case. It took a couple of tries to get the process down, but I could complete the same number of cases in about two/thirds of the time. Thanks for the suggestion.