Auto Ordinance 1911A1

Yes, Polyphemus, I was talking about new-production pistols. I'm both happy for you and envious with regards to your having a Remington Rand. I wish I had one, too. And I'm terribly sorry to hear that your Auto-Ordnance was not up to your expectations.

I also see that I should have emphasized the obvious in my post. I forget that there are those who are either intentionally disingenuous or just honestly thick.
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I've got one. I picked it up in 2008. 98% sure it was made by kahr. I haven't put a whole lot of rounds down range (maybe 600), but I haven't had any problems.

Edit: I paid under 500$
".Not at all,your problem is that you don't know what you are talking about."

Absolutely right, Poly old boy. And I do appreciate a scholar of your stature reminding me of that.
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Pre Kahr

Stay away from Pre-Kahr. I had a 38 Super and it was terrible. It would shoot powder back on me and sometimes go off out of magazine it seemed.
Absolutely right, Joe. Things did a 180 when Kahr took over.

I was reading somewhere(?) that Numrich had managed to secure a bunch of surplus 1911A1 parts and decided to start building their own guns. All went well for a very brief period until they started running out of "real" parts and began outsourcing the slides and frames to some outfit in Spain. Things deteriorated rapidly.
ttarp said:
Umm, have you forgotten a certain company from (West) Hartford, Connecticut? Who could make a more "authentic" 1911 than the people who made the originals?
The whole point of the AO is to look like the original. Colt has made a few changes over the years, so if your going for the looks the AO fits the bill better than the Colt.
"Looks like" does not equal "authentic." There are some aspects of the Kahr-A/O 1911s, even aside from the Series 80 firing pin safety, that devotees of the 1911 find to be not "authentic." The profile of the front strap is one.
Hey I'm just saying it looks more like a WWI or WWII 1911 than a Colt 1991 does, I just assumed thats what the other poster meant. I don't know all the differences between the 1911 and 1911A1, but what current production would you consider to be the best imitation?
I handled an AO 1911A1 a couple of weeks ago, very similar to the ones in my arms room in Vietnam except the barrel wasn't pitted. I wouldn't mind having it but have 3 1911 types now and don't have 500+ dollars of discretionary m00lah.
I bought one new off Gunbroker. The thumb safety was never real tight and was really easy to simply wipe off from safe to fire. Traded it off pretty quickly.