Austrian Glocks

The markings on the pistol tell you where it was made when it comes to Glock. To my knowledge this isn’t like HK or SIG where they import the pistols as parts and then reassemble them here (unless someone has proof otherwise that’s the impression I will continue to work under).

My point above was that someone looking at a pistol may well not have the SKU associated with that pistol, but generally they have the pistol and the pistol itself is marked. Knowing what SKU comes from where is great if you’re ordering the pistol personally, but if you already have that pistol or are buying it locally you may not be able to use that information. That’s why I responded when you said your comment about which SKUs come from where tells you all you need. As eflyguy points out, you might not even be able to remedy it solely by SKU depending on when the pistol was produced.

I’m also of the opinion that if the barrel, slide, and frame are made in a foreign country then for all practical purposes that pistol was made in that country. What the ATF cares about for legal purposes when it comes to the definition of an imported firearm is frankly their concern and not necessarily my concern as a shooter. We’re talking about mass produced pistols that don’t receive hand fitting. Whether a box of parts is put together here or in Austria is immaterial to me, your opinion may differ. It does also matter to some collectors of certain manufacturers, but I don’t personally consider the majority of Glocks collectible.

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Had my ex check (daughter lives with her) my daughter's G17 - USPSA match pistol but she keeps it on her nightstand loaded with defense ammo - indeed is stamped Austria. So that's the only one of several.

No idea when the guy I bought it from had bought it.
Question was volume. The question was not an individual. Every individual knows that cause the slide says it. AU and PA are glock skus, not serial. Volume is going to be answered via sku per model
Question was volume. The question was not an individual. Every individual knows that cause the slide says it. AU and PA are glock skus, not serial. Volume is going to be answered via sku per model

Actually the question in the OP is whether the Glocks in the US are solely US built or Austrian as well. All we need to do is confirm that one Glock in the US was made in Austria and we really have the answer. We can do that by looking at the markings on individual pistols.

I can see you wanting to extend this further to try to figure out percentages, but then that brings up the question of what we want to know in particular. Are we interested in sales in a given year (if so, which year, this year?) or overall sales from the start of when Glocks have been sold in the US? We can try to use those SKUs for current sales, but if those SKUs were different in the past then we have a problem for historical sales.

You have presented SKUs and alluded to gun deals, but if your goal is to look at volume then you need sales data relative to those SKUs. is great at looking at what is inventory for the dealers that are listed on the site, but it doesn’t tell you sales. If you know where on that website it gives overall sales figures per SKU please let us know.

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I was under the impression from your earlier comments that you were looking at sales data when you said, “It’s a lot both ways.” What were you looking at then?

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sells and sales for sure.

PA 19, 17, 34 and UA 19, 17, 34...they seem equally distributed and ready to buy.

I bet gunwatcher data would support it is more PA Austrian. But ATF would prove it of course.

I think the reality is they are equal (as of 2022). If not exactly equal, that people see something as not an option is just an artifact of where they personally shopped. It is not hard to find UA or PA Glock models on from MANY online stores of any Glock model.
Here's a link to the ATF Factoring Criteria:

Note that certain features add points.
Ever wonder why some Glocks have a grooved trigger face and others don't.....that's a "target trigger". Same with the little thumb dimple at on the grip.

Certain models may be imported with adjustable sights, then when they arrive in Smyrna, GA.....they replace with fixed sights.

The intent of this factoring criteria is rooted in the myth of the Saturday Night Special. In the '60's and '70's this was the boogyman before assault weapons.

Congress thought inexpensive imported handguns were the cause of crime.
Being that many of those cheap German, Spanish and Italian handguns had aluminum or pot metal frames it was an easy way to differentiate "quality".

No one imagined a plastic frame.
In direct response to the OP, that's the only one I have, and I'm not going to post publicly how many others I have that are stamped USA. I have competed with Glock-sponsored shooters and never seen another Glock with Austria on it.
This is one of the oddest threads I've ever read on Glocks.
Literally EVERY GLOCK IN AMERICA has the manufacturers country or the importers name & state stamped on the frame.

If your Glock says "AUSTRIA" and also has Glock Smyrna, GA.......its made in AUSTRIA and imported by Glock in Smyrna, GA.

If it has "USA" its not made in Austria.

If you've never seen a USA made need to visit any gun store in America.
If you've never seen an Austrian made Glock you need to visit any gun store in America.

I'm gobsmacked that some of ya'll "have never seen a Glock made in ____"
Originally Posted by wild cat mccane View Post
Friends. My sku comment above tells you all you need
I've been a gun dealer for fourteen years and have never given two seconds thought to "UA vs PA". Those are Glock part#'s and not a number used by any distributor or retailer. Your head will explode when you find out that there are PG, UX, PF and many more part# prefixes.;)

They certainly aren't in the UPC code for any Glock pistol.
You are a gun seller and you arent aware there are only two numbers on a glock box, one being a ser and the othere the sku? Kinda hard to understand how you ordered...the leading p in our sku is Austria. any leading A or I is usa made.

Op didnt say how do you know your ind glock is what made. They asked how many from. That is sku or atf data only
You are a gun seller and you arent aware there are only two numbers on a glock box, one being a ser and the othere the sku? Kinda hard to understand how you ordered...the leading p in our sku is Austria. any leading A or I is usa made.

.. and as I said several times above, none of the prefixes you mentioned appear on any of the stickers on the Glock boxes I have that have been acquired over a couple of decades. They all have two (stickers), one on each side of the handle, so I'm not sure where you are coming up with that. All but one (my daughter's G17) were purchased new from ADV Outdoors here in Smyrna, as also mentioned above.

There are also many more numbers/bar codes than just the model and serial. I don't know what they all mean but that is why they need two stickers.

Again, I don't give a rats ass where it was manufactured but what you have posted is bunk. Those SKU prefixes don't exist on my collection, every Glock I own has USA stamped on the side except for my daughter's G17. Perhaps they existed in the past but (again) I have models from two decades and none have those prefixes.
wild cat mccane You are a gun seller and you arent aware there are only two numbers on a glock box, one being a ser and the othere the sku?
I have sixty odd Glock boxes thirty feet away...........not a one has "only two numbers" on the label.

Kinda hard to understand how you ordered...the leading p in our sku is Austria. any leading A or I is usa made.
1. Get your FFL.
2. Order by UPC#;)