Australians lose the rest?

You need to remember that Australian shooters were shafted by tough gun laws in 1996 by a liberal (conservative) government the same govt that toughened handgun laws unreasonably- by basically banning smaller handguns-notwithstanding our already tight state laws- the govt that incidentally just lost at the polls.

With the current lame a$$ GOP full of RINO's.......

The party better get back to the basics
Prior to the March 1988 state election in New South Wales, the then Labor
premier Barry Unsworth proposed tough new gun laws,(his predecessor Neville Wran had stated ,he would not be happy until there was not a gun in any NSW household). He was well and truly defeated and the liberal/national coalition came to power.
Apart from the usual rhetoric from anti gun groups there was little alteration to the existing laws, around this time shooters licences were introduced,these were reasonably easy to obtain, and purchasing a rifle or shotgun did not present a problem, handgun ownership had been restricted from the late 1920s.
When the federal lib/nat party were elected in 1996 and John Howard
became Prime Minister the majority of gun owners felt there would be less
problems than there would possibly be with a socialist labor government in
control. The out going labor government had during its time in office ratified
an agreement with UN to disarm the Australian people.
In 1997 when the Port Arthur massacre occurred (an already banned weapon was used) the Howard government acted quickly, (the labor opposition agreed to support them, the media and talk back radio were also well and truly on his side) enacting buy back schemes, and introducing the
laws we have to-day.
Gun control groups, the greens,and others would still like to see more restrictions, I have over the years frequently heard remarks such as
" I wouldn't allow my husband to have a gun in the house", or there should be
no guns in the community, no doubt these type of people will be the first
to hide behind someone with a gun if things go wrong.
It would appear our new PM Kevin Rudd has participated in some gun sports, I doubt if John Howard ever fired a 22.