Australian police adopt Gestapo tactics

This crap that is going on in Australia, Britain, Canada IS COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU VERY SOON. Especially if Clinton, Feinstein, Schumer, et al. have their way.

Have you signed someone up for the NRA, JFPO, or GOA lately?

Maybe its time all of us did. Also keep trying to introduce new people to shooting sports.

I have a driend how has always been asking me lately "when can you take me out again and teach me how to exercise my constitutional right". I smile and say whenever you want. He is on his way to purchasing his first rifle very soon. YES! mission accomplished.

If we keep it up, keep hammering our legislature maybe the message will get through. Maybe.
To Futo Inu :
I disagree with the point you are trying to make, as a firearm owner I do not want to play upon anyones FEARS. I do not want to sound like a radical or a wacko....spouting about end of the world , crimanals braking down their doors..militia groups ..runaway goverment...etc.

No I want to simply eliminate their fear and aprehension about firearms, and at the same time show them that I am a responsible person, that took the time to help them.
They....all on their own can deduce what role a firearm may play in their lives...I wish to project nothing onto them.

In the end I beleive this will prove to be much more effective, than playing on anyones fears.
Regarding the pols refusing to read the e-mails. I have one of those "fax-from-your-computer" programs and now routinely fax rather than e-mail my letters. I figure that someone now has to read the damn thing to see if it should be trashed -- so at least ONE person has read it, even if it's only the fax room gofer. I do the same with letters to the editor.
Hot of the presses of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Friday, August 27, 1999

Spotlight on gun use in country areas


Police tracked gun licence renewals in at least 12 regional centres in country
NSW, according to statistics obtained under the NSW Freedom of
Information Act.

NSW Firearms Registry data shows gun licence renewals had been separated
for 12 "specified" postcode areas, centring on Tamworth, Grafton, Goulburn,
Wagga Wagga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Mudgee and Broken Hill, Lismore and

The leader of the National Party, Mr Souris, said any move to track
reapplications for firearm licences in country NSW could only be seen as

He said it was extraordinary to single out rural gun licence reapplications when
city guns owners were more likely to use their weapons for criminal purposes
than rural people who had a genuine need for firearms.

But the Minister for Police, Mr Whelan, said there had been no attempt to
single out any particular group. The data had probably been generated
following a specific request by police.

The firearms registry "as a matter of course does not query or take any action
on the basis of regional areas or postcodes".

"I'm told the document referred to was probably the result of a specific request
and that was most likely from one or more regional commanders wanting to
know the statistics in their area. The registry advises me rural people, or any
group for that matter, are not singled out for particular treatment," he said.

Preliminary figures compiled by the NSW Firearms Registry show as many as
993,000 guns are now registered in NSW after the introduction of strict laws
banning automatic and semi-automatic weapons and establishing a national
register of guns.

The registry sampled 11,912 of 93,481 reapplications made between January
and July last year, before the expiry of the gun buyback offer. A note on the
files indicates data was also compiled for local area commands and regional
police districts within the specified areas.

Following disclosure about the size of the legal gun stockpile, the Premier, Mr
Carr, ruled out any relaxation of the State's gun laws, including a reduction in a
28-day cooling off period for the issuing of second guns and a parliamentary
inquiry into gun laws. The NSW Sporting Shooters Association backed the
National Party's calls for a wider parliamentary inquiry into the operations of
the State's gun laws and a reduction in the cooling off period for second guns,
saying checks on a licence holder should hold for all guns.

"We can understand any government would be hesitant about changing the
legislation and agreement reached between the States but if we can have open
and bipartisan review we would like to think it would come up with proposals
which would not weaken the firearms laws but make them more workable," its
spokesman, Mr Roy Smith, said.



Notice the date? Nothing like reading tomorrows newspaper that day before
Well, Bruce, the attenuated status of our FIRST amendment being what it is, I have no advice for you myself. But I think Patrick Henry had something to say which might be relevant: "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."

On another subject, ever read John Lott's "Unintended Consequences"? Great book. "Henry" (Interesting coincidence, that.) had something similar to say, in regards to when one should resort to violence in self defense... Roughly, he said it was justified at that point where if you didn't resort to it, you lost that option.

Have I weasled around the subject enough?
There can be no world government unless the guns are taken away from the people of the world. The agenda is the same in every country and I am afraid the solution to save what gun rights we have left will be a violent one. I dont care what country we are in. THE politicos will keep ignoring the gun owners and other constitutionalists. It is a shame that gun owners ineach country dont have secret commitees of corespondence like before the American revolution. The groups that we have are heavily inflitrated by the central authorities. I bet those WWII Aussie Vets who stopped the Japanese in New Guinea would like to stop the new imperialists in their own country. A irony is that Japan is a leader in the UN in the anti gun movement. It looks however that many Aussies didnt turn in their guns in some areas. After all these anti gun laws all over the western world, I would hope many of you will come on line to the threat of the NWO against the masses in each country being targeted. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ANTIGUN US POLITICOS AND AUSSIE ANTIGUNNERS. All are marching to the beat of their NWO handlers. One of these big NWO handlers is the big Hungarian plutocrat George Soros who has contributed millions to the UN for anti gun programs. Big ,big money is the battle against gun ownership around the world.Remember,tyrants rule where the people are disarmed and Everyone of our Western Governments except for the Swiss is run by tyrants(US IS NO EXCEPTION) Again, I see no way these elites will listen to our pleadings or beggings. Criminals respect only one thing and it isnt pleadings and begging.Things are building up to the point that a breaking point will be reached. where will the new Lexington and Concord be? I am really upset to hear this crap from Australia . What in the hell did the veterans of WWII fight for? It makes me think it was all a` big scam(WWII), The elites have been planning all this for decades. I better stop. I am p----d!
Only about 1/3 of gun owners were ever licenced anyway. Ofthem they probably got 1/10 of the banned guns back. Australians are just damn lazy, hundreds of thousands never had a gun licence, so why would they be scared about keeping banned guns?
The police has never gone after the unlicenced gun owners before and they wont know - it's all a sham.