Austin gun show prohibiting CHL?

the black panthers were running around the george r brown with aks not too long ago.
wonder why swat wasnt called on them.
In general, I favor carry at the show as not doing admits that gun owners aren't trusted by their own. Interesting logic. I don't want you to carry near me as you are too stupid to not to ND (like this dude) but I'll sell you a gun anyway.

I agree, but then again seeing SOME of the gun owners out there i.e.: inexperienced and immature. I wouldn't want to to be nowhere near some of them on a wide open range and especially in a packed gunshow. Albeit these people make up for a small minority of shooters, they are there none the less and they are not helping the cause.

There is a shooting range south of Des Moines that I have heard numerous horror stories of these wannabe gangbangers and such pulling up, with AK's and guns drawn out the window and just spraying. Along with many other horror stories. It was recently made into a state park so hopefully they will be able to clean it up and keep out the trash. Even going to the range that I normally go to I have been a little nervous sometimes. Too dangerous of a hobby to have Mr. "I'm a major stud cause I can shoot my handgun like a gangbanger" on the line next to you with all his friends.
The 30.06 sign and the changes in the law were deliberately designed to make it a very obvious and very obnoxious sign if correctly posted. That was to discourage such signage. It was well thought out.

It was not to be funny but to enhance carry.

Those who live under California's lack of freedom and high prices can move here and it will all be explained to you.
One of the 10 rules prohibiting CCW in NC is:
Cannot carry to anyplace that charges admission. This means no gun show, no movies, etc.
It was the first gun show in Frisco, north Texas, where I was present for my first gun show ND. By and large, NDs have been taken out of the hands of the paying customers at most Texas gun shows, maybe elsewhere too. Instead, if there is an ND, it is usually by a dealer. At the Frisco show, it was a guy who puts on night sights for Glocks and sells Glock parts. The discharge was straight into the ground.

Funny thing. You know how gun folks claim to be gung ho, know how to react to trouble, have been trained to respond to deadly force and all the other crap we like to post about our abilities? I was on the far side of the show from where the discharge occurred. What happened? First, everyone went silent and stoppped moving. A few of us ducked down, like that was going to help. After a delay of a few seconds, show security came in through several doors and went to the location of the discharge.

I must admit, I was embarrassed by what I saw and how I performed. Somebody fires a gun inside of a gun show and we all pretty much knew it was gunfire. It was just a matter of determining exactly where it occurred. Aside from the head bob ducking, I saw nobody taking flight, going prone, or anything. We were like so many cattle standing around in a slaughterhouse corral. You see, apparently none of us were going to take the threat of live gunfire very seriously until more shots occurred. One shot in a room full of people and guns isn't enough to scare us away. No siree BOB!

Given the stupidity I have seen of gun handling in gun shows, it does not bother me that they don't want you carrying in loaded guns.
there are lots of people that just pick up any gun that they like and start pulling the trigger

Yuppers, seen that myself. Or people "sighting" the firearm.... at the back of someones head :mad: .

Dealers don't say a thing, just looking for a sale.

Moving to Texas from California

When I was in Amarillo 5 weeks ago I was talking to a visitor center lady and she said, we would rather you come as tourist's and not move here. I had to laugh at that big time.

When going to Oregon it is the same, only Oregon is made up of about 50% Californians, who want to pull, 'the dog in the manger trick'. I don't blame them really.
I wish they would quit coming here from all over the USA and the world. But California is running out of natives (born here) and filling it up with wannabes.

I really like the State (Texas) and the cordial welcome by all the residents LOL... Right Johnny...LOL
It has a great History of getting there. Lone Star and all that. Neat.

I have to figure a way to send a picture I have of a rattlesnake that is 9' long and weighs 89 pounds. It was in Arizona and I understand they breed um bigger in Texas. If someone could let me know in a PM I would appreciate it.

FWIW, the numbers in Tejas' "30.06 sign" are pure coincidence. The original (and still current) section of the penal code regarding Criminal Trespass is Section 30.05. Section 30.06 was added in 1997 for more specificity regarding CHL holders ...
Laugh it up about Bama.

But we don't have any CA-type restrictions on what we can buy(other than the standard NFA, and most CLEO's are pretty cool with that). It only took me about 10 minutes to get a CCW. Hunting and fishing is plentiful. Outside the more liberal cities, guns are STILL a way of life around here.

hell in 'bama you can marry a 14 year old (or is it 15?

I don't know about this. I was 27 when I married (wife was 23). We wear shoes and have all our teeth, too.:D

I've traveled all over the US and there are REDNECKS in every state.:eek:
All the gun shows in Houston and Pasadena I've even been to have the same thing, the 30.06 sign. Plus you can't bring in ammunition
I wasn't offended. I've left Bama twice and come back.

I lived in TX (Midland & San Antonio) for about two years in the early 80's.
Indiana is the same way and it should be

95% of the people out there are smart enough to carry a gun loaded but its that 5% that get the rest of us killed.
Just last week I was in a shop when a nit came in and had a GLOCK dangling from his finger from the trigger guard.
WHen the store owner asked him to put it on the case the nit said it was unloaded. In fact there were no rounds in the chamber but the mag was full.
He considered this to be unloaded.
There are several reasions that they require all guns here to be unloaded and they actualy place a tie wrap so that the gun cant be cycled.
It lowers insurance and makes it safe for every one.
All you need to do is think about some of the people you have met over the years, arnt there some you wouldnt want in a gun show with a loaded firearm within 5 feet of.
Its a good idea and we should support it.
One accidental shooting at a gun show will bring 100's people hard against us as anti gun people.
If they are too stupid to safely handle guns at the show, how can we justify selling them guns to take home where they will also handle them stupidly?

Shall we give the SATs or Mensa test as requirement to buy a gun? The show ban demonstrates that we are inherently afraid of the gun buyer.

Then we go out and demand shall issue permits so that this 5% of morons can carry in the mall, church and restaurant?

Do we see the disconnect? Bad actions at the show should be punished but having a ban empowers all bans.
Slightly Off-Topic Story: A friend (who is a cop) and I rotated Saturdays helping our local dealer work in his shop. I was visiting and standing talking with my friend, while the dealer was helping another customer. I had my back to the door, and heard it open. My friend's eyes got very large and he was reaching for his pistol. I rolled to the side and reached for mine, also, just from the look on his face...

Some idiot ---wipe had walked into the store with a Colt(.38 Super I found out later) at waist level and had his finger on the trigger like he was about to hip-shoot something. Owner got so PO'd he threw him out.
Ya some folks...the last ND at the WAC show in WA was some nit who got a round jambed in a I think Glock and could'nt get it out of the chamber so brought it to the show in that condition. Handed it to somebody who pulled the trigger and zip got a piece of a young man nearby. Only slightly TG but it put a damper on the whole show idea and we thought the fair grounds was going to close the show..didn't but it was a near thing from what I heard.
Been attending guns shows in Austin regularly for almost 30 years. The location has changed 3 times over the years. Loaded guns have never been allowed. At the 1st location, which was city owned, ammo was not allowed inside either. After moving to privately owned locations, ammo was allowed & sold, but still no loaded guns. And seeing how some meatheads handle guns at the shows, that's just fine by me.


In Texas, it is now legal to carry in church, if you have a CHL. That part of the law was changed before GWB left office.
