Audio recorder while carrying

I'd still like to see a link to this digital recorder. Or at LEAST a product and brand name so I can look it up!

They're called digital voice recorders. Sony, Olympus and Panasonic all make various models. They can be found at any decent electronics store or department store. Check Wal-Mart, Target, Best-Buy, Circuit City, RadioShack or your favorite online retailers.

They are small, have no moving parts, use very little power, and can record, depending on the size of their built-in memory, anywhere from 4 to over 100 hours of audio. Most of the decent ones can be hooked up to a PC using a USB cable to transfer the recordings directly to your hard drive. Some of the cheaper models lack this feature.

Hope that helps.
I'v don this bfor

Bliv it or not, I actually hav don th sam thing xcpt with a standard rcordr with th tiny taps. I was able to rcord a dcnt amount of convrsation with it and at th nd of th day I would switch out th taps or listn to my convrsations. I have rcordd som prtty humorous situations and also trappd my wif admitting that sh chatd (latr usd in court). It sounds crazy but is absolutly tru! Today I do not carry th rcordr but lav it on my drssr in cas I nd it. Occasionally I hav a us for it. I would rcommnd gtting one bcaus you nvr know what you might nd to rcord. I apologiz for th misspllings but my kyboard brok and you can guss what ky is missing :) I will gt it fixd soon.

If only I knew which letter your keyboard is missing, I could read your message easier. Please post a message with that letter typed in it.
:D If you keep the recorder on all day, then you will record everything you don't want everyone else to hear. Remember that commerical (haven't seen it lately) where this businessman is driving in his car listening to kiddiee songs on his CD player "*The bus goes round and round....all though the town.*" and he gets a call saying that he needs an oil change. "how do you know" the guy asks. "your car told us." SCREECH* "what else did it tell you?" ;)
Capt. Charlie

I think that some states have written statutes that are more restrictive about surreptitious recording.
That may very well be. Still, I find it difficult to believe that anyone would fault you for taping a robbery attempt, especially when you're the victim. Remember, we aren't talking about a sneaky taping of an idle conversation here. Here, the BG's defense atty. may squawk about the tape, but the prosecutor would credit you for quick thinking.

The Federal law makes more sense, since if you are talking into a device that sends your voice to someplace out of your sight, you can't really claim to have an "expectation of privacy".
"Expectation of privacy" is a can of worms. There are places where it's obvious that you do or you don't, but there are a ton of cases where that's a gray area. The courts have even ruled both ways on a phone booth. If you leave the door to the booth open, you have no expectation of privacy, but if you close it, you do. If the door isn't functional, you do. It's even been argued that facing the phone booth door, where others can see you talking, reduces your expectation of privacy :rolleyes: .
In Ohio a recorder is a great idea! If you get pulled over by the cops you are required to tell them immediately that you have a CCW even if you are not carrying at the time. Who's to say the cop is not an A_HOLE and says you didn't tell him, It would be nice if you could use a cell and transmit the conversation to a recorder in your home.
We have a great many arrogant cops around here. One who I work with told me that if I was carrying a gun I'd be looking down his!! I asked him how he would be justified in violating the law when I was in compliance, he said, "I am the law in my town!!" The Blatant Arrogance!!
I believe the missing letter is the one between "D" and "F" in the alphabet. Not a great challenge to figure out.
If you're taping you've got to do everything by the book in the event of an altercation. It's not just your evidence it's the other guy's too. Most eye witnesses will back you up and will lean twoard the hero, not the BG.
You guys would just use the tape to record that girl you met that said she'll go out with you one day and then never does and you can take the recording back to her and say, "Remember when...", "Here I have proof"
