ATTN California Shooters: Internet Ammo Sales Ban

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Hi California shooters,

Just received the notice below from Cabela's. I hadn't heard about this before, and thought I'd share. Please do your part and give the Gov. your thoughts at the link below.

To: Cabela's California Customers
From: Cabela's Communications
Subject: California Assembly Bill 962
Date: Sept. 22, 2009

We are writing to inform you of pending legislation that will restrict purchases of handgun ammunition in California and will terminate our ability to service your needs for certain products.

On Friday, Sept. 11, the California Assembly passed Assembly Bill 962, by a 44-31 vote.

Among other regulations, AB 962 would:

• Ban all mail-order and Internet sales of handgun ammunition.
• Prohibit the retail sale, the offer for sale or the display of handgun ammunition in a
manner that allows ammunition to be accessible to a purchaser without assistance of a
vendor or employee.
• Require that the delivery or transfer of ownership of handgun ammunition occur in a
face-to-face transaction, with the deliverer or transferor being provided bona fide
evidence of identity of the purchaser or other transferee.

That evidence of identity, which must be legibly recorded at the time of delivery, includes:

• The right thumbprint of the purchaser or transferee.
• The date of the sale or other transaction.
• The purchaser's or transferee's driver's license or other identification number and the
state in which it was issued.
• The brand, type and amount of ammunition sold or otherwise transferred.
• The purchaser's or transferee's signature.
• The name of the salesperson who processed the sale or other transaction.
• The purchaser's or transferee's full residential address and telephone number.
• The purchaser's or transferee's date of birth.

The bill is on the desk of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, where it awaits his consideration. He will have until Oct. 11 to sign or veto the bill. If he does not veto the bill, it will become law.

If you wish to comment on AB 962, you may contact Gov. Schwarzenegger by phone at (916) 445-2841, or via fax at (916) 558-3160. To e-mail Gov. Schwarzenegger, visit

We encourage all Cabela's customers who participate in the shooting sports to contact Gov. Schwarzenegger to voice their opposition to this initiative, which will limit your opportunities to shop with Cabela's, and will restrict the sale of handgun ammunition everywhere in California.
Holy Smokes.

I have no idea what these people are doing. Just thinking about the state of California grieves my soul.

See, I live in Utah. And for a while there I was a supporter of a giant "Californians Go Home" sign at the border. The more things like this happen I want to put of a sign saying: "Why Are You Still There! Come All Ye Who Are Heavy Laden By Idiots. (just leave your illegals at home.)"
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Looks like Californias rotten economy and anti-gun tendencies have joined hands on this one. They want to control the ammo supply (so very california of them :barf: ) but they also realize that they can tax every ammo sale within their borders.

They wrote this law to force all gun owners to buy from CA stores, and therefore be forced to pay CA sales tax.
Holy C$%@ Lets hope this doesnt get passed.


Didn't you read? Both state houses passed it already by healthy margins, although not by enough to override a veto.

It only awaits Schwarzenegger's signature. It is solely in his hands now. He alone will now decide if it becomes law.

This one is NOT about revenue ... it is purely a control play. They know that any firearm ban would get tossed out when it got to court, but this will make it so painful to sell ammo, that people just won't do it ... also, they probably know that many FFL's NEED ammo sales to stay afloat, and this will get rid of some of those remaining FFLs as well. It's nothing more than a backdoor ban (the author has admitted as much), don't be fooled into thinking it is anything more. I just can't believe that it passed.

Sad ... very sad, indeed.

Nukop23, you are right. The Reno gun shows will make that much more money and the vendors there will be loving life!
Ah, the wonder of liberal democrats.

And oh yeah, don't forget that not all liberals are anti-gun. :rolleyes: Well, except for all of the liberals in Congress. And in the State Legislatures. And the liberals who vote for 'em.
This type of simplistic labeling simply creates more division and is a disservice to both liberals and conservatives. If you don’t know any liberals that own firearms or conservatives that are anti-firearm perhaps you need to get out more. Not everyone follows the party line; thank goodness some folks can still think for themselves.
The legislators are slowly working their way up to a complete ban in the state, inch by inch. If they can't ban guns they'll ban ammo. If they can't ban ammo they'll make it as difficult as possible to purchase and add every imaginable barrier to getting it.

Certainly are creative, those folks running Kalifornia... at least when it comes to guns and shooting....
Holy Moly . . . . Love California weather (lived in southern Cal at one time) . . . . I HATE their liberal views.

I love LOUISIANA more and more, a very PRO-GUN state.
Banning Internet sales is bad enough, but am I reading this right: under the proposed law you need to give your thumb print to buy ammo??
Should this law pass, it would be another incentive for people who can to leave Kalifornia.
Pollster Pat Goodall says 3,000 people leave California every week: mostly because of taxes and fees.
This one is NOT about revenue ... it is purely a control play.

You are 100% correct on that point.

California already has a huge and expensive state Bureau of Firearms that costs the taxpayers a huge amount of money to operate. Can you imagine what additional costs that this huge bureaucracy will incur by now attempting to track all ammunition sales in the state??

There is a reason why the state of California is currently bankrupt, and unable to pay its own bills, and has had to issue IOU's this year.

With record unemployment now rampant in the state, I think that many folks in California are downright disgusted with how their state is being run in general.

It is not just on the issue of gun control where California has gone to the dogs.

I don't live in Kalifornia, I will never live in Kalifornia, I will never visit Kalifornia. For all those who drink OJ, remember, Florida is very pro-gun. Buy Florida citrus and Orange Juice. If you want to vacation, remember, we have sand, Disney, warmer ocean water, and you can bring your guns. :D

Remember, this is the kind of thing that the U.S. congress might try to pass. This is exactly why people have been buying ammo. Get active now, after health care reform, who knows where they might go next.
Doesn't say anything about reloading components or Rifle ammo. I hope this isn't catching and stay in California. Knowing the Governors stand on guns he will sign it:barf:
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