Attitude about survival, and caring for a dependent child

If she doesn't, I think she's a pitiful parent. Any parent of a helpless child, who does not ensure that he/she can fend off attack for the sake of that child's safety is pitiful, in my book. Should not be in charge of caring for, much less teaching, that child.

For the original poster, I would be curious to know how many children you have and how long you have been married.
Pitiful, misguided, mislead, EVIL, pathetic, negligent, helpless, can't think logically, brainwashed ...

Strong words, people.

Someone pointed out to me awhile back that many people have a wildly inaccurate opinion of the risk presented by simply owning a firearm. That inaccurate opinion causes them to analyze the cost/benefit ratio of gun ownership incorrectly.

What this amounts to is that a lot of moms refuse to own guns, arm themselves, or consider protecting themselves & their children with a firearm. They've made that decision not because they don't want to protect their children, but because they have decided to protect against the risk that seems to them most likely to happen. A home invasion doesn't seem likely to these women, when balanced against the possibility that the children could get into the gun safe and hurt themselves.

And it's not really that unlikely of a decision, really -- especially considering that every single parent on the entire planet has children who have gotten into stuff they shouldn't, and that criminal attacks are after all rather rare.


Mother is far too clever to understand anything she does not like. -- Arnold Bennett

You are trying to make logical sense of something that you have already posited as being illogical.

There are as many realities as there are people. This was explained to me by a girlfriend when I came out of the field from three days of sniper school. People will walk around in condition white, leave the car unlocked, and never study self defense. They don't have to do so. They haven't personally experienced the crushing reality that some where some one exists who will hurt them or steal from them at the first opportunity.

My sister lives a mile away. She has declined firearms or even training. "OH, in an emergency, I will just come to your house" is her expression. And if I am not at home, am incapacitated, well . . . .
The 2 kids then went to each house until they finally found someone home and shot the 2 people living there.

Some people just freeze when they are in danger and do not do anything.

Ok how do we turn this thread back to tactics and training? I say we tacticly present positive use of fire arms - in the case of above, does anybody know of a similar story where the home owner used a firearm to fend off such an attack? We need to support any news resource that willingly prints/broadcasts the use of firearms to defend.

As far as the freeze when in danger - it is taught to most Americans now thanks to our great school system. At most schools starting in kindergarten, if you are atacked you are supposed to tell the teacher. You are taught to not fight back. This gets ingrained, then what happens when bad guy attacks later? That is why we train now, to try and remove the fouled training we got as kids...
bdc= said:
My sister lives a mile away. She has declined firearms or even training. "OH, in an emergency, I will just come to your house" is her expression. And if I am not at home, am incapacitated, well . . . .

bdc, have you asked your sister what she would do then?

Maybe the only way to get her to stand on her own is to TELL HER that you are not her paid professional bodyguard, and that you will REFUSE to shelter her if she comes over for that purpose because you OBJECT to her stubborn and ill-thought refusal to learn to PROTECT HERSELF.

You know... "tough love."

"Is someone who is responsible for a child, but who does not equip herself (himself?) to fend off violent criminal attack, negligent as a caretaker?"

In a word, YES.

It seems to me that being a parent implies being a guardian, as in "parent or guardian", where guardian implies a non-parent acting as a parent. Just how are you supposed to be a guardian if you aren't prepared to respond to a violent attack? Some guardian a pacifist makes, right?

Agreed -- pitiful. No, it is worse that that. Derelict, as in dereliction of parental duty.
blackmind said:
Maybe the only way to get her to stand on her own is to TELL HER that you are not her paid professional bodyguard, and that you will REFUSE to shelter her if she comes over for that purpose because you OBJECT to her stubborn and ill-thought refusal to learn to PROTECT HERSELF.

So you make the statement that a mother who refuses to protect her child with a firearm is pitiful (and I do lean towards agreement with that statement), but then you go and advise someone to refuse to protect their sister?

Are you serious?

to bdc - I think a better approach would just be to continue to hammer her with as much logic as possible. Either she'll get it one day or she won't, but you can't say you didn't try to get her to understand the importance of ensuring one's own survival.