At The Range in the Mojave Desert


New member
Gotta start by sayin I had a great day at the Range with Old Dragoon today. Old Dragoon your a hell of a guy, and a mighty fine gunslingin Cowboy too! The 4 3/4"gunsliner Rem "Avengin' Angel". Ids really mine now I just let Old Dragoon keep it for me.HeHe! (he's a damn good gunsmith)That's one fine shootin' and good look Pistola. The othe Angel is sweet also.Well I am convinced that the Ported Kirst in .44 Rem is the way to go. Well the way I'm gonna go anyway. I have a Uberti commin that I swapped my Paterson for, may be a candidated for the Kirst .44 Rem conversion. Or I may just find another Pietta online for cheap and do that one. Ok back to that 4 3/4" Angel. The linked cylinder pin works great...I actually had to sit down wiyh a smoke and look that baby over. Balanced perfectly, I twirl it and it about jumps rioght into my holster. That's when I told Old Dragoon it was mine, actual I knew it was made for me when I popped a small Carnation Creamer bottle with one shot. The bottles today didn't have a chance. The Angel with the ejector is gorgous, Old Dragoon you did a mighty fine job. We lost track of time and had to packit up as we both ran out of Boolits'. LoL! We'll do it again ........
Yeah , well I gotta say. Your guns impressed me too. I like that Armi San Paolo Remmy, light, small gripframe and that trigger pull is something else. I love the Dragoon conversion, A signature series colt.

I was having trouble hitting the bottles until SG showed me that the gun could do it(4 3/4" . then I did hit it. But I gatta tell you. The first dhot out of the new to me '58 with the BP cylinder showed me that this gun shoots! Not only did I hit the bottle when it rolled to a stop I hit it again, and again, and again(I love plastic juice bottles). I was amazed at this new "58. I knew it was point on with the conversion cylinder, but had never fired it with the BP cylinder, In all I think I shot six or eight BP cylinders in two guns, the new one and the 2002 converted one with the ejector(boy is that in the way and a nuisance shooting the BP cylinder) but she hit where I held her too. I left the conversion cylinder in the Gunfighter all day and handed her off to SG on more than one occaision I don't know homuch we shot but i do know I came home with a box and a half of fired empty brass.

I tried SG's (buy way of Oldelm I understand) lube pellets and they work great, I used a lot of RK's Lube and it works great also.

DA**!! I haven't had so much fun since the hogs ate my little sister.

We shor enough did lose track of time, intending to shoot for a couple hours and stopped a bit after Four hours. We also found another Remmy Shooter and have given him direction to this site and a few others. He has a new target Model Pietta '58. He was shooting it today.
OMG! What a HOOT!
SG and I agreed to meet up again soon to go smoke some more powder. Now I gotta load some more cartridges for the CAS shoot next Sunday, I'm prepared to shoot my C & B's and the conversion next week.

Yep, we either hit those bottles or made 'em take cover. Fine, Fne day.

The original load for 45LC was 35 grns and a 250 Grn bullet. I think I'd call R & D and ask about that problem you showed me,
Well I gotta get back to cleaning these guns,
SMOKIN GUN are you really a Mojave desert resident? I envy the open spaces you must enjoy. Back East here we have to travel a long way to get to a range.
We both live in the western edge of the Mojave in Los Angeles County CA. and it is nice to drive over the mountain(or around it in my case) to shoot.
We both live in the western edge of the Mojave in Los Angeles County CA. and it is nice to drive over the mountain(or around it in my case) to shoot.
Good report Old Dragoon excellant day.
Zen I love the Mojave Desierto(Desert) I went back to Upstate NY. for Christmas, jus So. of Montreal, to see all my Brothers and Family from all points of the Globe. Smokin a cigarette at nite and -10 was not enjoyable to my better half...a Native L.a. Califa gal...LoL! Liked the woods and big ass deer growing up. But I'm a Western Cowboy Desert Rat now...came out in 1974.
You either love or hate the Desert...temps Cold in winter 10-20 is very cold. 115 in the summer but the best part is 10- 30% humidity...and 30 is high:)
Hey Smokin & Ole Dragoon..... the fun & excitment you guys had just leaps up from your posts,.....glad to hear you had such a good time,...that excitement is very familiar indeed. Thanks for passin it around!!:)

I haven't had so much fun since the hogs ate my little sister.
.......LOL!!! Great quote!:D

Old Dragoon,....I'm curious about your hinged cylinder pin,...just wondering how it's done & if it's tricky to do. Do you have any closeup pics of the hinged area? The short barreled Remmys are real fun to shoot. I have a 5.5" Uberti '58 Rem.
I got ahold of Bernie at Old West Moulds,.....he's good people, like you said, and ordered some bullets & Lee crimp die from him for later use .
Oldelm I forgot to answer about the linked cylinder pin. Although Old Dragoon can tell ya better, it takes a link w/ two small precision holes, a slotted pin where cut on both sides with adjoining holes to the link and assemble. Old Dragoon did a good job on his. An amazin' gunfighter Rem 4 3/4"... Gotta have one. Oldelm have you got a Uberti Rem? Mine is on it's way from the East Coast did a trade with one of our cronies. Or have you figure that out from the text in there?
Smokin,...thanks for that explainin about the hinged cylinder pin. That helps,but a closeup pic would be the ticket to visually gell the working concept into my thick head.
Yes, my one & only Rem is an Uberti 5.5" and it runs like a charm with its BP cylinder or the R&D in .45LC/Schofield. I got a "Shooters" coming on monday from Dixie,though,.....2nd one(had to send 1st one back because of chamber/bore misalignment). Jami there said he had to look through a bunch to find me one without that problem. I got my fingers crossed that this other one comin has ok chamber/bore alignment,....otherwise will send it back too, and just get a regular Pietta '58 to do the this .44Rem Kirst conversion on.

Yea, I been watchin the wind on yer trade for the '58,....that's cool,'ll have another '58 to play with, and bet when she comes, you'll whisper in her ear 'bout fixin 'er up with some new "chambers" ,...hehe.:D
Hinged Cylinder pin.
I measured back 1 .125 from the pin wings(where pin will stop in the frame) and cut it off. I then made a cut in the end of each piece at the cutoff point. Then I cut a slot in both ends to accept a flat link, I fashioned a flat link and rounded the ends, I rounded the ends of both pieces of the pin and drilled a hole thru each pin end, assembled the pin ends and the link and match drilled the link and pinned it into place on both pin ends. The link is 90 degrees to the wing of the pin so the pin will drop down to remove from the frame.
I'll take a closeup of it and post it tomorrow.
Hinged Cylinder pin.
I measured back 1 .125 from the pin wings(where pin will stop in the frame) and cut it off. I then made a cut in the end of each piece at the cutoff point. Then I cut a slot in both ends to accept a flat link, I fashioned a flat link and rounded the ends, I rounded the ends of both pieces of the pin and drilled a hole thru each pin end, assembled the pin ends and the link and match drilled the link and pinned it into place on both pin ends. The link is 90 degrees to the wing of the pin so the pin will drop down to remove from the frame.
I'll take a closeup of it and post it tomorrow.
Day at the range

Well, I think a friendship has been struck between Old Dragoon and Smokin-Gun. Shoot together, stay together.:D I'll be waitin to hear of Smokin-Gun doing some "Cowboy" shootin with Old Dragoon at those matches. Nice to hear you guys had fun in the low humidity being attcked by the dreaded creamer bottles and coming out unscathed. Were the cartridge loads for 44 Rem and 45 Long Colt blackpowder? Any pointers on keepin the fouling down? Good lube grooves on the 44 Rem heeled bullet and the 45 Colt bullet?
I used Remington Kids, Lube and a few lube pills that Smoking-Gun gave me, I also had lubed the cartridges with...Bore Butter. I had no binding in the shooting I did with either the Conversion or the C & B with the exception of one conv. cylinder. I think Rk has a great lube and the pills that Smoking gun makes are great too. I followed Rk's instructions to smear the pawl with the lube and the pin and the cylinder pin holes in the cylinders. I also changed to Olive Oil to lube my internals. There might have been a slowdown, but if so not enough to know it. I did changwe out cylinders and just wiped the face and pawl before reloading with Smoking Guns bench cylinder loader(Gotta Get me one). As noted above, I did have some cartridges left that I had lubed with Spg and that cylinder slowed down, so I quit that box and will relube them with Rk's lube or Bore Butter. I am a believer, I will not use any petroleum based lubes. Also I have not cut the grooves in my cylinder pins yet, but have chamfered the cylinder pin holes in the cylinders, even the conversion cylinder.

A bee keeper in my church is supposed to bring me some bee hive starter plates today.
Wayne the Dragoon boolits were what I had left of the .45LC 30gr BP 255gr FP's. Which work well, but still mashing the Firing Pins on my R&D. My hammer is as lite as can be so it's not the hammer hittin them. I'm inclined to believe maybe it's when the cart. goes of recoiling the Pin into the hammer. Or the pins were a soft batch. I hace left one chamber unfired and the pin unscathed, will conacted R&D and find out what they can do for me.

I still don't know about shootin CAS. I talked to Old Dragoon about my reasons. But I may go watch him next Sunday an meet some of them CAS Cowboys at the Range.
I had misfire problems with the new pistol on Sat. The caps would not fire the first time but did the next time around.
I just found the problem. The new Cylinder has # 11 nipples on it. the other two have #10'S. No wonder. I was using #10 caps.
Crap now I have to change out the nipples, or carry two cappers and try to remember which cylinder is which. Oh well I need a nipple wrench anyway...LOL
I was lookin at the set that Cabelas has, they offer two one set with wrench this is the set I have in my Target Pietta, and a stainless set. $16.99 ea...;
Revolver Nipple Wrench with 6 Nipples
The Revolver nipple wrench has a flat-head screwdriver on one side for removing the wedge pin screw. Comes with six, 6 x .75mm thread size pistol nipples that will fit the 1858 New Army, 1851, 1860 and 1861 revolvers.
OR ;
Stainless Steel Revolver Nipples
Purchase these corrosion-resistant stainless steel nipples for your spare cylinder or have some spares on hand in case you lose one. Per 6.
Doesn't specify size.
Becides Treso/ampco where do you all order from Dixie doesnt' always send the correct cones or the parts get mixed up somehow. Just askin...

Old Dragoon I used to go to a place in Glendale can't remember the name a small shop on a side street. Or Pony Exress, are they still open, in the Valley near the airport on Roscoe Blvd.? I'll have to check the yellow pages I snag one down there on the sidewalk yesturday..LoL! I'like to get the right cones in person if I could you know?
The Reloading Shop at Nordoff and Woodley closed last spring or a year ago. Guy retired and closed up tight., and the Pony Express sold out in 2001 and closed due to L.A.'s anti Gun laws and regulations. I heard he moved to las Vegas and opened another gun store there. .
Does High Desert Storm sell any Muzzleloading accessories?
No they don't ...not too much at all. I'll try the Gunshop in Lancaster maybe they have some cone set or give um a call see what they got. I'd do it now but I'm on dialup...
I found the Nipple Chart I was lookin for was Thunder Ridge here yago for #10 or #11 caps:

Also if anyone has any ideas on why these pins are mashing feel free to pass the info on to me. I am suspecting they may be too long. I would like to resolve this issue without havin to send my R&D Cylinder back to them for a conclusion. I definately don't want to send my Colt 3rd generation Signature Model Dragoon back to them or anyone. Here's a pic not the greatest but should give you an idea of what I am talkin about. Maybe someone has seen this before. Also pic of hammer cutout for the safety pin on the cylinder. I may have to fill that in and grind it down. The Rems don't have this problem...maybe it's normal on Colts.