Assimilate me, PLEASE!

First Sara Michelle Gellar and now Jeri Ryan? Now my desires are divided :(

This is great though, if I see these women in pics or tv I know they think straight and don't just follow the herd.

They're real easy on the eyes too. Now instead of being torn at desiring Rosie O' and Opera but knowing they are antis, I can watch Buffy and Star trek with a clear concience HA HA HA HA made you guys wince in pain with that rosie n opera comment didn't I :)

Ross T.
my fingers are even hurting b/c of typing that insane rosie-opera thingy.
medic, medic, medic!!

Your fingers are hurting? What about what you have done to our eyes?!! :)

But I don't understand what you have against opera. Some of the best music around was written by Verdi, Mozart, etc. ;)
Wow...She can fondle my vegetables anytime! ;)

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Gag gag retch spew (sound of toilet flushing)

Y'all boys got too much time on yer hands... ;)

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
Jeri Ryan- Gorgeous...loves guns.....cooks...
If I find out she loves to toss a few brewskies back....well...who would want to resist. Hell, if I were rich I'd leave home and propose!
Being a hardcore SF fan Star Trek Voyager is incredibly poor. I watch it just to get some laughs at its idiocy. Jeri's 7o9 is certainly one of STV's very few saving graces but I find her presence on the screen extremely distracting. My line of sight seems to always fall towards the lower half of the TV screen and I find myself missing key dialogue whenever the camera is on her. My thoughts seem to be diverted to developing one liners with the terms 'assimilation', 'borg spheres', being in 7o9's borg group and be designated one number less, etc. A positive distraction but a distraction none the less. I wish they would just spin off a series with just her stationed on one of those vacation planets with a beach and be done with it. Separate the good from the bad and let me continue criticizing the bad. The I can concentrate on the good in one continuous, glorious hour.

Star Trek : Borg Watch

7o9 in charge of a Ferengi recreation planet. Hmmm.

- Ron V.
