Assimilate me, PLEASE!


Staff Alumnus
My coworker managed to get my attention before my morning gallon of coffee this morning.

He grinned and said, "Hey, did you know Jeri Ryan (7 of 9 on ST:Voyager) is a gun freak?"

Well. Time for a bit o' research. I found an interview with Jeri at .

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
"I was an army brat," she says of her gypsy-like formative years. "Dad was in the army for almost 30 years." Which explains where Jeri got her firm handshake, though it's actually not the reason she's (and I'm not kidding here) proficient with firearms.

"That I actually learned from Dark Skies," she explains, referring to the X-Files-esque show she appeared on before Voyager. "I love it, shooting all the guns. I shot M16s, and 45s, and 22s."

She does not, however, have the same enthusiasm for the weapons on Star Trek. "I hate the phasers," she growls. "They're so anticlimactic. It's really depressing. I was so excited last season because I had this episode where they gave me this big phaser rifle and told me to come out of the turbo lift and shoot these guys. So I walk out of the turbo lift and I'm like 'ugh, ugh, ugh' (acts like she's shooting people). But they were like, 'Uh, no, it's a phaser, there's no kickback.' I just went, 'Aw, come on, you can't even pretend there's a little kickback?'" she says, whining. "I was so upset, because I love it, there's just a big adrenaline rush when you shoot these guns. They created a monster on Dark Skies, I was like 'I'm gonna join the NRA! This is great!'" she says, now yelling.

"Sorry, I get a little excited when I talk about firearms."


"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
dz, that brings up a good point. We've got Jeri, Leslie, and Buffy. The antis have Sarah Brady and Rosie O.


"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
One other thought - I believe there are quite a few celebs that are gun nuts or at least not anti. But, they can't say much about it for fear of losing jobs, contracts, etc. Sad, but the true state of affairs in Hollyweird now.

I related on TFL a show I saw of Conan O'Brien several months ago where he went shooting at Ted Nugents ranch. He turned out to be a good shot and said he had a blast. Not one single anti-gun statement.
Leslie Easterbrook, Sgt. Callahan from the "Police Academy" flicks. The blond with the big... guns. :)

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
Just as a side note; The "Borg", as shown by the Star Trek series go around assimilating people and races. It is almost a perfect metephore for the media. People are plugged into their television sets and become part of the "collective" just like the Borg. I've said it before and I'll say it until I'm blue.............the media IS your worst enemy!!!
You guys are pathetic! I can see the drool from here! ;)

Seriously though, that's cool that Jeri's a gun-nut. She's got that "no nonsense" kind of attitude don't she?

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!

OK, you mentioned we've got Jeri, Leslie and Buffy on our side but you've omitted one person: DC.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Well after all, Star Trek does fall into the Science Fiction/ Fantasy genre.

Jeri Ryan + guns = one hell of a fantasy! :D

Oh Man! I just read the rest of the article. She likes to COOK and she's getting a divorce!

The Borg can stop looking, they've found perfection.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited September 29, 1999).]
She is personally impressive...
But Star Trek is wimpy. Hostile planet, so they send an "away team" who goes down, numbering about a squad worth of Pajama Clad sissy-whimps. "WTFO!"
See my Article:

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
you've omitted one person: DC

Mea maxima culpa. For penance, I'll... uh... hmmm... Any suggestions?

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
D.C. is a Lady Moderator here.
George, LOVE the Trooper story !!! :D
How's this for a Rebel Soldiers Cadence ?
"Ah don't know what you've been told but Hoth Planets snow is mighty cold !" ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
Wait, now. Is Jeri the Borg babe? Is that what you're telling me? Lordie, I hope not. I'm not sure I could stand that incredobabe being pro gun. I already get short of breath when she's onscreen. And, dammit, my bride seems to have noticed that.

That's her. As far as the SO's reaction to *your* reaction, well, Jeri seems to have that effect.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO