Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008

Personally I believe that that all gun regulations against civilians should also effect police and federal agencies.

The only exclusion would be for our armed forces.

I wonder if that bill would pass if it was a blanket ban including law enforcement????
if they wanted to track 30 million illegals, they would have by now. but they are a voting block that one particular party wants, so removing them from America would hurt them.

On the other hand, Gun owners are evil, bad and pose the ultimate threat.
No activity on this one in over two months. I predict it will die in Comittee like McCarthy's did. You've got a few radicals out there that are always screaming, but it seems to me like gun control is an issue that most politicians would rather leave alone for the time being. I don't think the Dems have forgotten about losing Congress in '94 due in no small part to their first crack at this.
you got a good point...94 destroyed them, but look who they have running for president. 2 huge gun grabbers. they make clinton look like a lightweight.

if there is a pile of ----, the democrats will step in it.
The more stupid the offering the better.

If it is easily laughed at by some as being ridiculous, others that WOULD like to see it happen are too afraid of what the majority will think. They will just say that it needs work or the time isn't right to push it.

I think that right now they wouldn't push it anyway. They may not like guns but they may see the times coming when they will need all the "crazies" to protect them if the terrorists that keep coming to visit try to move in for good.

As for the few that write such things, and support such things...
Well, we all know that they are just idiots in a small boxed in world of denial and stupidity.

I personally don't ever want to have to look over a gun at a person for any reason in my own home. In the instance that may ever happen I am damn sure not gonna be the one looking at the business end!
What do you think the media would be buzzing about if our "meth heads" in Colorado, who made some racist and bigoted remarks about Obama, were found to have had "deadly assault weapons" instead of just "hunting rifles"? One little incident like that can blow start the liberals who hate guns. They will run out to start yelling and screaming about how dangerous it is to let common citizens run around with "deadly assault weapons". Never mind the fact that common "hunting" rifles are just as deadly, if not more so. That's assuming we're talking about big game hunting rifles and not 22LR squirrel guns.

But none of the technical issues really matter to the libs. They find a buzz word that they think will resonate and they run with it, most times with their hands waving above their heads in "crazy" fashion. Here are some of their more common buzz words:;

1. Deadly assault weapons
2. Military killing machines
3. Designed to "spray" bullets
4. Deadly firepower
5. machine guns
6. rapid fire
7. Cop killers
8. Most common gun used by criminals
9. Terrorist preferred weapons
10. Hi powered, rapid fire, killing machines. :eek:
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But none of the technical issues really matter to the libs.

That's because they don't know anything about them. I've got five words for you: "shoulder thing that goes up."

Oddly, I've had some pretty decent luck (at least seemingly) with some liberal fence-sitters who were leaning anti-gun simply through education. Society has changed, and the average citizen doesn't seem to really know anything about guns anymore. I've run into more than a couple people who supported an "assault weapon ban" (and thus would be more likely to support a politician who voted for one) because they thought it was banning fully automatic (or burst) rifles. They see a picture of an AR-15 and don't realize that the model commonly sold to civilians is only semi-auto.

Then some will suggest that semi-automatic fire isn't needed, and you can talk about the many purposes of semi-automatic fire aside from military or criminal use. Same for magazine capacity (though this is arguably the hardest sell).

The key is being able to do so without coming across as a gigantic...well, word I can't say here (rhymes loosely with vassal), or a raving loon. But it can be done. At least some of the time.

May not keep them from voting for anti-gun politicians, mind you. For somebody who doesn't even know what an AWB is all about it's not likely to be a make-or-break issue for them...other things will come first. But hey, at least they won't blindly buy the anti-gun propaganda, and if someday they have the option to vote for a pro-gun Democrat or a generally liberal Republican, the Brady Campaign might be less likely to scare them off.

10. Hi powered, rapid fire, killing machines.

I think I've found a name for my band.

(I don't actually have a band.)

(Still, it would be awesome.)
That's because they don't know anything about them. I've got five words for you: "shoulder thing that goes up."

Oddly, I've had some pretty decent luck (at least seemingly) with some liberal fence-sitters who were leaning anti-gun simply through education. Society has changed, and the average citizen doesn't seem to really know anything about guns anymore. I've run into more than a couple people who supported an "assault weapon ban" (and thus would be more likely to support a politician who voted for one) because they thought it was banning fully automatic (or burst) rifles. They see a picture of an AR-15 and don't realize that the model commonly sold to civilians is only semi-auto.

Then some will suggest that semi-automatic fire isn't needed, and you can talk about the many purposes of semi-automatic fire aside from military or criminal use. Same for magazine capacity (though this is arguably the hardest sell).

The key is being able to do so without coming across as a gigantic...well, word I can't say here (rhymes loosely with vassal), or a raving loon. But it can be done. At least some of the time.

May not keep them from voting for anti-gun politicians, mind you. For somebody who doesn't even know what an AWB is all about it's not likely to be a make-or-break issue for them...other things will come first. But hey, at least they won't blindly buy the anti-gun propaganda, and if someday they have the option to vote for a pro-gun Democrat or a generally liberal Republican, the Brady Campaign might be less likely to scare them off.

Carolyn McCarthy, Liberal gun grabber from New York, was pushing for a new assault weapons ban. Tucker Carlson started asking her some questions about what her ban was all about. One of the things she wanted included in the ban was "barrel shrouds". Tucker Carlson pressed her to explain to him what a barrel shroud was. The ding-a-ling couldn't do it. Yet she's authoring bills that would ban such things in the assault weapons ban. Can we all say "pathetic"?

I've also attempted to educate some acquaintences on the difference between full auto M-16's and semi auto AR-15's and the clones. I've had mixed results.

When the AWB was being debated, the anti gun media at NBC ran a news special where they showed cops firing full auto weapons. Was that on purpose? I'm suspecting it was. It caught my father in law in the trap. He's a retired police officer in a rural town of about 20K people. He is not an expert on firearms by any stretch of the imagination. Him and I were talking about the proposed AWB and he says to me, "I don't have a problem with hunting rifles and handguns, but no one needs a machine gun!". I was taken aback for an instant. I explained to him that the ban did not cover machine guns but only semiautomatic rifles and handguns. He looked rather surprised and said, "Well, I don't have a problem with those guns". So I asked him why he thought this was about machine guns. He said he saw a news report where they were discussing the AWB and he said there were police officers firing full auto machine guns. By the way, he is a died in the wool democrat, so he'd be likely to vote for the democrat who would tell him that they were trying to pass a bill to get "deadly assault weapons" off of the streets. He'd have fell face first into that pile of crap, thinking he was voting in support of banning machine guns.

This is the game the anti gun folks play. They can't sell their snake oil by being up front as to what it really is. They have to use ruses and slight of hand to fool people. They have even publicly stated so. I believe it was Josh Sugarman who said something to the effect that the public's confusion over fullauto vs semi auto was something that could be exploited to ban a whole new class of firearms. What a nice guy. But that is the face of our enemies. They're sneaky little critters. Sort of like Gollum.
Juan Carlos posted:

10. Hi powered, rapid fire, killing machines.

I think I've found a name for my band.

(I don't actually have a band.)

(Still, it would be awesome.)

If you did have a band, and you chose that name, you would never get a gig at a high school or college venue. You can't even point your finger, with your thumb at a 90 degree angle, at anyone, even in jest. You can be suspended. Imagine what they'd say if you asked to let your band, Hi Powered, Rapid Fire, Killing Machines, play at the homecoming dance. :D