Assault Weapons Ban In Washington State

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(20) "Assault weapon" means:
(a) Any semiautomatic pistol or semiautomatic or pump-action rifle or shotgun that is capable of accepting a detachable magazine, with a capacity to accept more then ten rounds of ammunition and that also possesses any of the following:​
What follows is a list of stuff that doesn't apply to most peoples handguns. Might make you think that your normal capacity 9mm is safe. However, in the following new section is this:

NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows:
(2) No person in this state shall possess or have under his or her control at one time both of the following:
(a) A semiautomatic or pump-action rifle, semiautomatic pistol, or shotgun capable of accepting a detachable magazine; and
(b) Any magazine capable of use with that firearm that contains more than ten rounds of ammunition.​
As it stands, you may possess the "high capacity magazine" but you may not load it with more than 10 rounds.

Expect that to change, once it is pointed out that possession is still lawful.

Then there is the matter of the sheriffs inspections (new section (5)(a)). It doesn't necessarily follow that this will be changed, as it is implied that regulations could be implemented that would require the registration of all "assault weapons," including those Hi-Cap magazines (should that part not be changed).

This is draconian!
A bit of a side note - seems to me that the language evolved such that common usage of assault weapons includes the semi-auto derivatives of military weapons.

Pretty much ends the mantra that this or that isn't an assault weapon. The distinction is gone except among those who beat dead horses.

Also, the antigun forces learned from the Fed. AWB that there were so many equally potent guns as to make that bill useless for their purposes.
I received this answer today:

Dear Don,

Thank you for your email concerning SB 6396, which would prohibit the manufacture, possession, purchase, or sale of certain types of assault weapons.

Since coming to Olympia I have established a consistent record of protecting 2nd amendment rights. In 2005 I was awarded the “Legislator of the Year” award by the Washington Arms Collectors. I do not agree with advocates of this bill when they argue that restricting the ownership of certain types of firearms will lower or deter crime. Instead I think we should address such problems by focusing on efforts to strengthen the criminal justice system and keeping dangerous criminal off the streets.

I will not support SB 6396 or any legislation that places universal restrictions on the sale and use of firearms. Please do not hesitate to contact my office with any future questions or concerns.


Senator Jim Hargrove
I left a message on the automated phone system that the NRA has the number for. I received a call from one of Rep. Warnick's assistants today. She said that she would oppose SB6396 if it came up to vote. :D

Make your voices heard and encourage others to do the same.
Is it bad that if this were to pass, Id consider moving? I honestly wonder if that's bad.

Email Sent...
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I emailed the senator and both reps for my district and received positive responses from all 3. So I am cautiously optimistic that the bill will fail.
Assault weapons bill UPDATE

SB6396 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Judiciary Jan 26th @ 10AM. If anyone has been waiting for the right time to call the committee now is the time. More to come on this drama.

Good Luck & Be Safe

That's good news to read. The news I hear is that Sen. Alan Kline has some juice in the great halls of Olympia, has the support of the governor and funding by Washington Cease-Fire.

In 2005 this same type of bill died in a house committee, hopefully the rural Dems will either abstain or vote Nay on this thing.

Good Luck & Be Safe
One of my friends at work...

Was bringing this bill (he had the info on his cell phone) to the attention of others. He came to me with also, as he knew about my hobby. He is not a "gun guy", but felt this was just wrong, especially the part about the sherrif going into our homes to "inspect".

I saw him, and three others, at his urging call the numbers, and register their opinons, against this bill. With even non shooters upset, and calling/emailing, I feel pretty good this one will die. However, I'm also sure the usual suspects will bring it back next time some criminal (probably on bail or parole:mad:) shoot one of our officers.
I left WA a few years ago, but I'm curious to see how this plays out; as liberal as WA is on most things, voters are typicaly very pro-gun. I remember an anti gun ballot inititive about 10 years ago that was absolutly CRUSHED at the polls- something like 75% or so against the measure. I can't see a yea vote on this being a good career move for most legislators and senators.
I'd wager that this doesn't even make it to a floor vote.
I emailed all 8 and got only this response from Sen. Roach.

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your support of the Second Amendment. I completely agree with you and will strongly oppose SB 6396. In fact, I went shooting with the NRA's Brian Judy and Senator Adam Kline, who is the prime sponsor of this legislation, at the Black Diamond gun club to try and provide him with an education on different types of firearms.

I'm upset that I only recieved one response, but i'm optimistic in that the one response i recieved was positive.

(As a random side note, not to Hijack the thread but i just realized that i've been a TFL member for over a year! AND I joined exactly a year before the guy who posted above me... That's weird. Ha ha ha I feel like i should have some sort of anniversary party... and you're all invited. There will be pie.)
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It appears that as of 2 Feb, this bill has died in committee. They will likely try and bring it back another time, but for now, it is history, and we can close this thread.

Thanks to all who spoke up, to show our elected officials the light.
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