asp baton


New member
I just got my 16 inch Asp lightweight baton.What a great piece of defensive equipment this is ! A great confidence builder..easy to carry,fast to deploy,and in my hands,better than a knife.What say you?
I keep one of the telescoping ASP batons in the door pocket of my car. It is another usefully option when faced with a self defense incident. I don't carry one on my person because I'm already toting a gun, spare magazine and knife. Any more weight and I would have to wear suspenders.
I have been wondering about the legality of pocket carry. I agree that it would be preferable to a knife in many situations, and I can't find anything in the Oklahoma statutes that would seem to prevent it...has anyone run into problems?
Good question. Clubs and bats are no-nos because they're "lethal" weapons, but it seems a stretch to classify a 17 ounce baton as a lethal weapon. More like a rider's crop, I'd think. But I don't KNOW....

As juveniles way back when, we used to carry choker chains for large dogs to be used as stinging deterrents to knife attacks, and I don't recall anybody getting excited about them....
Have a 16" ASP and love it. I decided to go the normal heavier model... prefer the extra momentum, plus botachtactical had it on sale for $29 (still might?).

Great piece of equipment IMO.
I certainly agree that ASP batons are excellent deffensive equipment. I wonder if they are legal in all 50 states. Is there any source giving information on their legal status in individual states?:confused:
in my state (CA), any impact type weapon is illegal to possess, believe it or not. A billy, sap, sandbag/blackjack, nunchaku, metal knuckle, shobi-zue, shuriken, and sword cane are among the prohibited items. A billy includes a baton like the ASP, or even a baseball bat that's been cut down and taped. Unfortunately, this precludes me from walking around with my ASP. Yet another mindless statute here that helps no one.
asp batons

Asps are illegal for civilian carry in CA and NY.Suppliers within those states will only sell to L.E. or people who have baton licenses.No problem buying from out of state sources who issue the caveat that the buyer is responsible for obeying applicable state laws.I bought mine from an out of state supplier.

What a stupidly conceived bull**** law !!
ASP BATONS! are illegal in michigan for civilian carry! and in most other staes they are classed under the bat, blugeon, stick laws! and are very much capabale of killing! they require some training to deploy and collaspe in the proper method! also lots of special strikes to motor nerve points! what is funny is you can get a permit to carry a gun but not a asp! go figure
what is funny is you can get a permit to carry a gun but not a asp! go figure

That's why I really like Florida's CCW license. It is a license to carry a concealed "weapon or firearm."
Asps are great when used effectively, but if not - they can be quite ineffective. Get some of that O, so important, minor training already mentioned.

Blackhawk, could the reason no one made a fuss over the dog chokers be that no one knew you guys had them? Concealed means concealed... :)
I carried the ASP baton for over 2 years when I worked for LAPD and had to use it several times. As was mentioned it is great as far as weight is concerned and ease of presentation, however, even with proper training the ASP simply is not as potent as a PR-24 when comparing impact weapons, although for concealed carry it would be rather difficult to hide a PR-24, even the collapsible.

As far as being able to own an ASP in CA, like so many other things in this state, you can own one, you can have it in your own, but you can not be caught on the street with it.

My .02
Can you carry an ASP in California with license?

I know ASP's are generally illegal for civilian carry in California. Some states require training and a license before you can possess/carry an ASP. Is that the case in California or are you just SOL?
My understanding is that ASP's are for military and police only, I don't think that security companies have been given the option of licensing guards to carry them or not (if anyone out there works security let me know if you have that option or not). But no (and I hate using this word) "civillian" is to possess one while out on the streets.
Blackhawk, could the reason no one made a fuss over the dog chokers be that no one knew you guys had them?
There was nothing at all illegal about them. You could buy them at any place that sold pet supplies. There was no special effort made to conceal them either. In fact there was a deterrent factor when others knew you had one.
CA Penal Code
12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any of the following
is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year
or in the state prison:
(1) Manufactures or causes to be manufactured, imports into the
state, keeps for sale, or offers or exposes for sale, or who gives,
lends, or possesses any cane gun or wallet gun, any undetectable
firearm, any firearm which is not immediately recognizable as a
firearm, any camouflaging firearm container, any ammunition which
contains or consists of any flechette dart, any bullet containing or
carrying an explosive agent, any ballistic knife, any multiburst
trigger activator, any nunchaku, any short-barreled shotgun, any
short-barreled rifle, any metal knuckles, any belt buckle knife, any
leaded cane, any zip gun, any shuriken, any unconventional pistol,
any lipstick case knife, any cane sword, any shobi-zue, any air gauge
knife, any writing pen knife, any metal military practice
handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade, or any instrument or weapon
of the kind commonly known as a blackjack, slungshot, billy,
sandclub, sap, or sandbag.
Geeze, why does anyone live in California?

Sometimes, I wonder that myself. The best answer I can come up with is that I was born and raised here. It has a great coastal feeling and some magnificent scenery. The unfortunate gun control situation and the expanding urban sprawl are some of the few major problems I can think of.

CA Penal Code
12020. (a) Any person in this state who does any of the following
is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year
or in the state prison:

Freaky statement!

"any camouflaging firearm container"

"any unconventional pistol,"

"metal military practice
handgrenade or metal replica handgrenade" (lol)

of the kind commonly known as a... sandbag"

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.